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A Greek-English Lexicon COMPILED BY HENRY GEORGE LIDDELL AND ROBERT SCOTT REVISED AND AUGMENTED THROUGHOUT BY SIR HENRY STUART JONES WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF RODERICK McKENZIE AND WITH THE COOPERATION OF MANY SCHOLARS With a revised supplement 1996 CLARENDON PRESS - OXFORD Osfant University Pres, Walon Street, Osfrd oe Gow Oxford New Tonk Athens Auckland Bangkok Bombay Calewta: Cape Toon Dares Salaam Delt Hlorewe Hong Kong Istanbul Karachi ‘iuala tampur Madras Madiid Metbaume Mexico City Natobi Paris Singapore Taipei Tokyo Toronto ‘and associated companies in Berlin Toadans Oxford is a trade mark of Oxford University Press Pablished in the United States by Osford University Press Inc., New York Supplement © Orford University Press 1946 First edition published 1843 Sceond edition 1845 Third edition 1849 Fourth edition 1855 Fifth edition 1861 Sith eon 186 Seventh edition 1882 ighth edition 1897 Newe ninth edition completed 1940 New Supplement added 1996 Ald rights everoed. 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IL Joes, Hemy Stuart, 1867 1939. UM. Mekinzie Roderick, 1987-1937. IV. Tite PALISESLG 1996 489'21—de20 95 12369 CIP ISHN 0 19-864226-1 (he: alk, paper) 13579108642 Printed in Great Britain on wid-fee paper by ‘The Bath Press, Avon PREFACE 1925 Mo than eighty years have passed since the first edition of the famous Lexicon upon which the present work is based was published by the Clarendon Press. Henry George Liddell and Robert Scott—the latter a Craven and Ireland Scholar—were both placed in the First Class in the Oxford list of 1833, both having been born in 1811. In 1835 Scott became a Fellow of Balliol and in the following year Liddell was elected to a Studentship of Christ Church. It appears that Mr. Talboys, an Oxford bookseller and publisher, first approached Scott with a proposal that a Greek-English Lexicon, based on that of Franz Passow, should be compiled, and that Scott made his acceptance con- ditional on the consent of Liddell to join in the work; at any rate, it was Talboys who first undertook the publication, which was taken over after his retirement by the Clarendon Press, There is, however, some ground for thinking that William Sewell, who had been an examiner in the Schools of 1833, suggested the idea to Liddell and Scott; and Liddell mentions in his correspondence the encouragement which the project received from Dean Gaisford. The Lexicon of Passow, which the Oxford scholars took as the basis of their work, was itself founded upon that of Johann Gottlob Schneider, the editor of Theophrastus, the first edition of which had appeared in 1797-8. Passow had laid down, in his Essay on Zwech, Anlage, und Ergansung griechischer Worterbiicher, published in 1812, the canons by which the lexicographer should be guided, amongst which the most important was the requirement that citations should be chronologically arranged in order to exhibit the history of each word and its uses. In obedience to this principle, Passow based his work on a special study of the Early Epic vocabulary, and the relatively full treatment of Homeric usage is a legacy bequeathed by him to Liddell and Scott which has persisted throughout the successive editions of their work. ‘The first edition of his Lexicon appeared in 1819, and his expressed intention was to expand the work gradually by incorporating successively the results of special studies of Early Lyric Poetry, the Ionic Prose of Herodotus and Hippocrates, the Attic dramatists, and the Attic Prose writers: but little change was made in his second and third editions (1825 and 1827), and the fourth (1831), in which the Early Lyric poets and Herodotus received fuller recognition, was the first in which he felt himself at liberty to omit the name of Schneider from his title-page and also the last to appear in his lifetime. He died in 1833 in his forty-seventh year. In the meantime two attempts had been made to adapt the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae of Henri Estienne to modern uses. The first of these was the result of the activities of ‘Abraham Valpy, and was largely the work of E. H. Barker of Trinity College, Cambridge. Tt was completed in nine folio volumes, published in 1819-28, and reproduced the text of Stephanus’ Thesaurus, interlarded with a mass of copious but ill-digested information, ‘The first volume met with vigorous and not undeserved criticism on the part of Bishop Blomfield in an article in the Quarterly Review (vol. xxii, pp. 302 f) which is marred by a lavish display of oditum philologicum. The editors, however, profited by the Bishop's strictures, and his prophecy that a work in which 139 columns were devoted to the word iv PREFACE 4yadya would run to fifty volumes and attain to completion in 1889 was signally falsified, The work labours under the serious disadvantage of retaining the etymological arrange. ment of Stephanus, which forces the reader to make a laborious search for any compound or derived word. This mistake was avoided by the compilers of the Paris Thesaurus, the publication of which was begun in 1831 by Firmin-Didot, and was placed under the general editorship of Karl Benedict Hase. “This enterprise was also subjected to criticism in the Quarterly Review (vol. li, pp. 144 ff) by J. R. Fishlake (the translator of Buttmann’s Lextlogus) on the ground of its unwieldy bulk; but the association of the brothers Wilhelm and Ludwig Dindorf at an early stage of the work enabled it to be carried through in thirty-four years, and its vast collections of material, though often illarranged and unevenly treated, were largely drawn upon by Liddell and Scott in their successive editions, The first of these appeared in 1843; it was a quarto volume of 1,583 pages, priced at 428, and 6,000 copies were printed, A second, revised and enlarged, was called for in 1845, and the editors acknowledged their indebtedness to the German lexicon of Wilhelm Pape, which had appeared almost simultaneously with their own, In 1849 a third edition, corrected, but not substantially enlarged, was published, and six years later came the fourth, revised throughout, This marks a considerable advance on its predecessors, and much additional material was inserted; but the writers specially recognized were still chiefly those of the early classical period, including the Lyric poets, the authors of the Hippocratean writings, and the Attic orators. ‘The editors now felt justified in omitting the name of Passow from their title-page. Eight thousand copies of this edition were printed, and the price was reduced to gos. After another interval of six years the fifth edition, ‘revised and augmented’, appeared in 1861, and use was made of the greatly enlarged fifth edition of Passow, published by Valentin Rost and Friedrich Palm and completed in 1857, while the philological information was recast in the light of G. Curtius’ Griechische Etymologie (1858). There were 10,000 copies of this edition, priced at 31s. 6d. The sixth is dated in 1869; it was again considerably augmented, the number of pages being increased from 1,644 to 1,865, and the verbal forms were more fully given with the aid of Veitch’s Greek Verbs, irregular and defective (2nd ed., 1866). Of this edition 15,000 copies were printed, and the Price was raised to 36s. Fourteen years later appeared a seventh edition, revised by Liddell, whose Preface is dated October 1882; the page was enlarged, and this made a reduction in the number to 1,776 possible. Bonite’s Index to Aristotle (1870) and Roehl’s Index to C/G (1877) were largely drawn upon, and help was received from American scholars—Professors Drisler, Goodwin, and Gildersleeve—especially in regard to the articles and the technical terms of Attic law. This edition was stereotyped, and from time to time reprinted, Finally, in 1897, there was published an eighth edition, in which such corrections were made as could be inserted without altering the pagination. This made it impossible to take full account of such new sources as the 4dnraiey TTodsrela, but there was a short list of Addenda, containing references to this work and to inscriptions Published in the Journal of Hellenic Studies. Liddell appears to have been engaged for some years after the publication of the seventh edition on a lexicographical study of inscrip- tions; Sir William Thiselton-Dyer has kindly placed at my disposal two volumes of an interleaved edition of the abridged Lexicon in which his collections of material, largely drawn from the Corpus Inscriptionum Atticarum and Roehi's Inscriptiones Graccae Anti- @ussimae, are contained; but he seems to have laid the work aside in his later years, and he died in 1898, at the age of 87, a few months after the appearance of the eighth edition. # In 1812 Passow himself had advocated the retention of Stephanus’ arrangement; but he fortunately abandoned it in favour of the alphabetical principle. 1 Their names appeared on the titlepage of Part IV (containing @), which appeared concurrently with the second half of a. PREFACE v Some five years later the Delegates of the Clarendon Press were invited to consider the revision of the Lexicon with a view to the incorporation of the rapidly growing material supplied by newly discovered texts on stone and papyrus, for which room might be found by the adoption of more compendious methods of reference; and a conference took place in March 1903, for which Ingram Bywater prepared a memorandum on the projected revision, advice being sought from Henry Jackson, Sir Richard Jebb, J. E. B. Mayor, and ‘Arthur Sidgwick. ‘The Delegates received the project favourably and it was hoped that Mr. Sidgwick might be able to act as editor. Contributions were invited in his name and a fair amount of material was collected, including a large number of notes and suggestions by Professor Leeper of Melbourne. Amongst other English and American scholars whose contributions were of considerable extent may be named the Rev. M. A. Bayfield and Prof. C. J. Goodwin, and particularly Mr, Herbert W. Greene, of whose services to the Lexicon more will be said presently. Mr. Sidgwick was, however, prevented by his duties as a teacher and afterwards by the failure of his health from commencing the work of revision, Tn the meantime two more ambitious schemes had been initiated. At the second general assembly of the International Association of Academies, held in London in May Too4, Sit Richard Jebb submitted on behalf of the British Academy a scheme for the compilation of a new Thesaurus of Ancient Greek up to the early part of the seventh century 4.0.; and after a discussion in which the difficulty and magnitude of the enterprise were emphasized? a Committee of Inquiry, consisting of Sir R, C. Jebb, Pro- fessors Diels, Gomperz, Heiberg, Krumbacher, Leo, and M. Perrot, with power to co-opt, ‘was appointed to consider method, means, and preliminary questions in connexion with the proposal. In 1905 Prof. P. Kretschmer was added to the Committee, which drafted ‘a memorandum on the question of establishing a periodical ‘Archiv’ and an office for the collection of slips. At the close of the year Jebb, who had acted as Chairman, died, fand was replaced in 1906 by Gomperz, while Bywater was added to the Committee, ‘which, at a meeting held at Vienna in May, decided to constitute itself a permanent and independent body. ‘The difficulties of the project had been incisively stated by Diels in an article published in the Neue Jalirbicher for 19054 in the course of which he wrote as follows: ‘Any one who bears in mind the bulk of Greek literature, which is at least 1o times as great [as that of Latin], its dialectical variations, its incredible wealth of forms, the obstinate persistence of the classical speech for thousands of years down to the fall of Constantinople, or, if you will, unsil the present day: who knows, moreover, that the editions of almost all the Greck classics are entirely ‘unsuited for the parposes of slipping, that for many important writers no critical editions whatever exist ind who considers the state of our collections of fragments and special Lexica, will see that at the present time all the bases upon which a Greek Thesaurus could be erected ae lacking, ‘But even if we were to assume that we possessed such editions and collections from Homer down to Nonnus, or (as Krumbacher proposed in London) down to Apostolius, and further that they had all been worked over, slipped, or excerpted by a gigantic staff of scholars, and that a great house had preserved and stored the thousands of boxes, whence would come the time, money, and power to sift These millions of slips and to bring Note into this Chaos? Since the proportion of Tatin to Greek Literature is about 1 £0, the office work of the Greck Thesaurus would occupy at least 100 scholars, ‘At their head there would have to be a general editor, who, however, would be more of a general than an editor, And if this editorial cohort were realy to perform its task punetually, and if the Association of ‘Keademies, which, as is well known, has not a penny of its own, were to raise the ten million marks hecessary for the completion of (say) 120 volumes; and if scholars were to become so opulent that they could afford to purchase the Thesaurus Graccus for (say) 6,000 marks—how could one read and use such a monstrosity ? } Krumbacher was anxious to include Byzantine Greek in the ambit of the new Thesaurus, + p. 692; Diels had already expressed his views in his Eleanentumt (1899), P- ix 844° wi PREFACE Diels's own solution was the compilation, not of one, but of ten Thesauri, representing the main branches of Greek Literature, Epic, Lyric, Tragic, Comic, Philosophical, Historical, Mathematical and Technical, Medical, Grammatical, and Jewish-Christian, each of which, he thought, would equal the Latin Thesaurus in bulk! The majority of the members of the Committee, however, were still of the opinion that a foundation should be laid for the Thesaurus by the preparation of full slips for the whole of Greek literature on the method which had been adopted for the Latin Thesaurus, and made a recommendation in this sense to the third assembly of the International Association of Academies, held at Vienna in May 1907. The Association invited the British Academy (represented at Vienna by Bywater) to prepare a specimen for submission to the meeting which was to be held in 1910; but a Committee appointed by the Academy to consider this proposal, consisting of Bywater, H. Jackson, S. H. Butcher, and Sir F. Kenyon, reported in the following sense: ‘They (the Committee) are not convinced that the modus operandi suggested for the projected Greek Thesaurus is the best possible. ‘They think (a) that the Latin Thesaurus would not provide a proper scale and model ; (4) that the mechanical slipping of Greek texts, besides being as is confessed a huge undertaking, would not serve as a satisfactory basis, inasmuch as it would give results dificult to manipulate and of questionable value. Rather, as recommended by M. Paul Meyer at the discussion in May 1904, they would suggest as a more promising plan that of the New Lngiish Dictionary. In the face of this report, the British Academy felt that it was useless to proceed with the scheme, and it was tacitly dropped. At about the date when the project of a Thesaurus Graecus was finally abandoned, a proposal was made by a group of Greek scholars for the preparation of a Lexicon of the Greek language—Ancient, Medieval, and Modern—the publication of which should commence in rg2r as a memorial of the Centenary of Greek independence. The Greek Government took the scheme under its patronage, and in November 1908 a Commission was appointed by royal decree, at the head of which was the veteran scholar Kontos, who was succeeded on his death by Hatzidakis. Krumbacher, in one of his latest articles in the Bysantintsche Zeitschrift criticized the project, and advised the Greek scholars to confine themselves in the first instance to the Modern tongue; and though this recom- mendation was not, as it seems, formally adopted, the preliminary publications of the Commission consist mainly in a series of studies of the modern dialects, which appear as supplements to 48qv@, and it would appear that a Lexicon of Medieval and Modern Greck is contemplated in the first instance. When it became clear that Mr. Sidgwick would be unable to carry out the revision of the Lexicon, the Delegates of the Clarendon Press invited me to undertake the work, which I did in the autumn of rgrt, having been elected by Trinity College to a Research Fellowship which I continued to hold (except for a short period during the war) until my election tothe Camden Professorship of Ancient History at the close of 1919. It was hoped at first that the preparation of a revised text might be completed in five years ; but before the work had progressed very far it became clear that a more drastic revision than was suggested by a cursory examination would be necessary. Moreover, such large gaps. (especially in technical subjects) remained to be filled if the new edition was to be adequate to the needs of modern scholarship—to say nothing of the large mass of new material await- ing incorporation—that the time allotted was evidently insufficient for more than a preliminary revision of Liddell and Scott’s text, which would afterwards have to be worked up into a largely re-written Lexicon with the contributions of specialists and others whose help might be enlisted, 1 A similar suggestion had been made more than half a century earlier by F, A, Wolf in his Vorlesungen aber die Altertumswissenschaft i p. 187. * xvili (1909), 708 PREFACE vii Such assistance has been placed at my disposal with a generosity for which I cannot find words adequate to express my gratitude; nor would it be possible within the Limits of this preface to enumerate all those who have supplied corrections of, oF suggested jimprovernents in, the text of the eighth edition. Mention, however, must be made of those who undertook special researches in aid of the revision. Taking the more technical subjects first, the most laborious task was that of revising and amplifying the vocabulary of Medicine, It is interesting to recall the fact that many years ago the late Dr. Greenhill, of Trinity College, projected a Lexicon of Greek Medicine, seesvhich he collected a certain amount of material in the shape of references arranged om slips and worked up a small portion of it in a series of articles in the Medico-Chirurgical Tournal. He proposed to the Delegates that he should collaborate with M. Daremberg. jn. preparing his Lexicon, but the suggestion did not meet with their approval, and Dr. Greenhill proceeded no further; his collection of slips passed after his death into the possession of the Royal College of Surgeons. It was clearly necessary that the field rpsuld be resurveyed, and I was fortunate enough to secure the services of Dr. E. T. Withington, who took up residence in Oxford and has worked untiringly on this difficult subject. He has read for lexicographieal purposes the whole of the extant remains of Greek medical literature, and there is searcely a page in the Lexicon which does not bear traces of his handiwork. For the subject of Botany, again, expert assistance was indispensable. Sir William ‘Thisehon-Dyer, FIRS, has for a long while been collecting material for a Glossary of Greek plants, and the publication of Max Wellmann's edition of Dioscorides, completed in 1914, has furnished a reliable critical text of the most important author in this. branch of literature, Sir William Dyer has been most generous in placing the results of his study of Greek plant-names at my disposal, and his identifications are not likely to be disputed. ‘A namber of them had already been communicated to Sic Arthur Hort for use in his edition of Theophrastus’ Historia Plantarum> “The province of Greek Mathematics belongs in a special sense to Sir Thomas Heath, ERS, whose History of Greek Mathematics and editions of Euclid, Apollonius of Perga, Aristarchus of Samos, and Diophantus mark him out as the first authority in this subject. He has found leisure to contribute a large number of notes of the greatest value on Greek mathematical terms, To take an obvious instance, it will be seen that the eighth edition of Liddell and Scott recognizes the word devynraror only in a Medical sense illustrated by a quotation (not quite accurately translated) from Hippocrates; Sir Thomas Heath has supplied the materials for a history of the use from which the modem asymipfofe is derived. Tn the domain of Natural History Professor D'Arcy Thompson's help has enabled me to correct a number of mistakes made by previous lexicographers. His Glossary of Gree’ ‘Binds has been in constant use, and his version of the Hisforia Animalium in the Oxford translations of Aristotle to a large extent supplies the want of a glossary of the Animal Kingdom. in the field of Astronomy and Astrology I have to thank Mr. Edmund J. Webb for reading the Almagest of Ptolemy and other astronomical writings, and thereby greatly increasing the accuracy of the Lexicon in these matters. For the Astrological vocabulary a glossary was drafted by the Rev. C. T. Harley Walker, and the ground has also fas above mentioned) been worked over by Dr. Withington; but in this thorny subject difficulties frequently arise, for which Professor A. E. Housman, when appealed to, never fails to provide a solution. Withington has also found time to deal with the Alchemists and Astrologers, including the extensive collections of the Catalogus Codicum Astrologorum. T Sie Avthar Hort has himself rendered aid in the difficult task of interpreting the Greek of Theophrastus as viii PREFACE Amongst technical writings must be classed those of the tacticians and military engineers, The first were studied for my purposes by the late Mr. C, D. Chambers; the latter group, whose works are often very difficult of interpretation, have been read (together with other authors) by Mr. F. W. Hall. Besides these highly specialized branches of study, there were large tracts of literature which it was needful to explore, but which a single editor could not hope to cover unaided, In the matter of papyri, for example, he might be able to deal with the newly recovered literary texts such as the A@qvalav Todtreéa, Bacchylides, Herodas, Cercidas, and the recently found fragments of the Early Lyric poets and Callimachus, but the great mass of nonliterary papyri, especially those concerned with the technique of law and administration in Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt, required to be dealt with by those specially versed in the new science of papyrology. The Ptolemaic papyri were therefore read, partly by Mr. Edgar Lobel (who dealt with the Petrie collection) and partly by Professor Jouguet of Lille, those of the Roman period by Professor Martin of Geneva. Mr, H. Idris Bell of the British Museum has supplied valuable notes on recent papyrological publications and fon unedited documents in the British Museum Collection. For the vocabulary of the Inscriptions little could be done by the editor except to revise the existing references to Boeckh’s Corpus Juscriptionum Graecarum—no light task, seeing that so many of the stones have been re-examined and may be studied in improved texts—and to supplement these corrected citations by illustrations from collections such as those of Dittenberger® or Michel or the Griechische Dialektinschrifien, with the aid of Herwerden’s Lexicon Suppletorium, 2 work unfortunately marred by constant inaccuracy of reference, which it is charitable to ascribe to lack of the minute care required in lexieographical proof- reading. I was therefore compelled to invoke the aid of Mr. M. N. Tod, to whom I owe an incalculable debt for his services in this field. Mr. Tod has for several years read with an eye to the improvement of the Lexicon every epigraphical publication which has appeared, such for example as the later volumes of the Juscripliones Graecae, Cagnats Inscriptiones Graccae ad res Romanas pertinentes, the Tituli Asiae Minoris, and the special Publications of the inscriptions of Delphi, Ephesus, Magnesia, Miletus, and Priene, and has excerpted the whole of the periodical literature in which inscriptions are to be found, so that it is hard to believe that any new material of real importance which has accrued since rort can have escaped his methodical scrutiny. I have also received help in epigraphical matters from Professor M. Cary and Miss C. A. Hutton, Turning to Literature proper, it soon became clear that while the references to Plato and Aristotle needed careful revision and some amplification,* the ter: ology of the later schools of Philosophy had never been adequately treated by lexicographers. Neither Usener’s Epicurea nor von Arnim's Stoicorum Velerum Fragmenta possesses an index ; and Mr. (now Professor) J. L. Stocks generously undertook to remedy this defect, and to supply me with a vocabulary of the important technical terms of the Stoic and Epicurean schools Gncluding in his survey of the latter such later works as the tracts or other remains of Philodemus, Polystratus, Demetrius Lacon, Diogenianus, and Diogenes of Oenoanda). Unfortunately his work was interrupted by the Great War, and on his return from service Mr. Stocks found himself unable to work up the material which he had collected within the * The first part of Preisigke's Worterbuch dr griechischen Papyrusurkunden appeared after the sheets of Part I had been printed off, but has been used for Addenda. 2 The appearance of a third edition of the Svllage Inscriptionum Graecarum, completed in 1924, has ‘necessitated the alteration of a large number of references. The pitfalls which beset the path of the lexico- grapher may be exemplified by the fact that on the first revision the word dréwheos was illustrated by 5!G%929.127, and this was altered by the concordance-table to SIG*635,127: fortunately it was discovered {in time that the word had disappeared in the later text! * Bonite's Index o Aristotle and Ast’s Lexicon Platonicum are no longer all-sufficing guides. Such words 8 popuxéreper (which should be read in Arist, Melaph. o87%10) and repiuu (which there is reason to think ‘once stood in the text of Pl. Sph. 22ta, though itis not mentioned by Burnet) are addenda, PREFACE ix necessary limits of time, His notes on Stoic terminology were therefore transferred to Mr. A. C. Pearson, who carried the work a stage further, but found, after his appointment to the Regius Professorship of Greek at Cambridge, that he would not have time to complete it. Professor E. V. Arnold of Bangor, who is retiring from his post, hopes to find the leisure necessary for this much-needed work. In dealing with the vocabulary of Epicurus and his school Mr. Stocks found that for fan adequate treatment it would be necessary to obtain access to the transcripts of the fragments of the wep! #éreas and other writings made by Wilhelm Cronert and used by him in his revision of Passow’s Lexicon, of which more will be said presently. Cronert (oho had spent some time in England as a prisoner of war in 1917-19) very kindly acceded to a request which I made to him at the suggestion of von Wilamowitz- Moellendorff and generously placed his transcripts at the disposal of Mr. Stocks, who visited him in Germany and made full use of this valuable material. The peculiar vocabulary of the later Platonists has not hitherto received the attention which it deserves in Lexica; it is worthy of note that even in the seventh edition (1883) Liddell and Scott stated that the word pereyOxeos (which is absent from the Paris ‘Thesaurus and appears in Rost and Palm with the note ‘Clem.Al, (?)') ‘seems to be of no authority’, though in the eighth edition an example of its use is cited from Proclus’ Commentary on the Republic of Plato. As a matter of fact, this word can be quoted from ten authors besides Proclus? Professor Burnet, who in his edition of the Phaedo drew attention to some of these passages, added: ‘Hippolytus, Clement and other Christian writers say pereroagdraats (“reincarnation”) which is accurate but cumbrous’; but the implication that this word belongs to Patristic Greek is misleading. It is found in Plotinus and in later Platonists such as Hierocles and Proclus. Again, such a characteristic use as that of drowos in the philosophical sense of ‘non-spatial’ has escaped lexicographers. In dealing with this branch of literature I have received help from various scholars, notably Professor A. E. Taylor; and the late Mr. M. G. Davidson read the Enneads of Plotinus, the abstruse work of Damascius epi dpxdv, and other treatises. ‘The extant commentaries on the works of Aristotle of course belong to this school of thought, and Mr. W. D. Ross kindly undertook to supply notes on their vocabulary with the aid of the excellent indices of the Berlin edition and with the collaboration of certain of the Oxford translators ;* the bulk of this work, however, fell upon his own shoulders. "Another branch of literature demanding special study was that of the magical and mystical writings—the Corpus Hermeticum, the magical papyti, the Tabellae Defixionum, and such like. This field was carefully worked over by Mr. Walter Scott, whose notes dealt very fully with the difficult words often found in these sources. For the New Testament the intensive study of theologians has done great things in recent times, and the results of their labours are readily accessible; for the ordinary purposes of revision such Lexica as those of Ebeling and Zorell are generally sufficient ; While for the illustration of Biblical usage from Hellenistic and later Greek we have ‘a most valuable aid in Moulton and Milligan’s Vocabulary of the Greek Testament, which (within its natural limits) may almost be regarded as a Lexicon of the xouw# as a whole. Lowe a deep debt of gratitude to Professor Milligan for supplying advance proofs of the Vocabulary, the fifth part of which has just been published. Prof. A. H. M*Neile and the Rev. A. Llewellyn Davies have advised me in matters relating to the LXX, Hexapla, ete. “Turning to post-classieal Greek literature in general, help was received from various scholars (amongst whom may be named Mr. Ronald Burn and Mr. C. E. Freeman, who excerpted several of the less familiar writers), but such merits as the new edition may 1 D.S, 10.6, Gal, 4. 763, Alex. Aphr. de An, 27. 18, Porph. Abst, 4. 16, Herm. ap. Stob. 1. 49. 69 (tt), Sallust. 20, Hicronym. Ep. 124, 4. Theol. Ar. 4o, Serv. ad Verg. den. 3. 68, Sch. lamb. Protr. 14. Two of these, Mr. Erwin Webster and Mr. Gibson, lost their lives in the Great War, x PREFACE Possess in virtue of largely increased illustration and more accurate interpretation of the ancient texts will in the main be due to the self-effacing and monumental labours of Mr. Herbert W. Greene, sometime Fellow of Magdalen. Amongst the materials placed at my disposal when I began my editorial work in 1911 were twenty-four volumes of notes compiled by Mr. Greene as contributions to the Lexicography of authors mainly (though not by any means entirely) of post-Alexandrian date, including Lucian, the Anthology, all the later Epic poets, the Scripiores Evotici, Aclian, Philostratus, and others. From that time onwards Mr. Greene has not ceased to read and excerpt the remains of later Greek literature, including the works of practically every non-technical writer of importance from Polybius to Procopius. The twenty-four volumes have grown to nearly eighty, and many of the notes which they contain are elaborate dissertations constituting an important contribution to Classical Scholarship. Valuable aid has also been received from Professor W. A. Goligher, who read the minor Greek historians, Mr. J. M. Edmonds, who supplied avocabulary of the Greek Lyric poets, Mr. J. H. A. Hart, who is compiling an index verborum to Philo, Professor A. W. Mair and Mr. M. T. Smiley, whose notes on Callimachus have been of great use, and other scholars, such as Professors J. A. Platt, A. Souter, R. L. Dun- babin, and W. L. Lorimer, Mr. T. W. Allen, Mr. A. H. Smith, Mr. G. Middleton, and the late Mr. G. E. Underhill, to all of whom special thanks are due, The advice of Mr. Edgar Lobel has been constantly sought and frecly given, especially in regard to the remains of Early Lyric poetry and the ancient lexicographers. The procedure of revision was briefly as follows. At the outset the Clarendon Press supplied a paste-up of the eighth edition in columns, and the first step was to note in the margin the essential alterations of the text and the most important additions. After this had been done, a second paste-up in columns was made, and the marginalia of the first were fused with newly accumulated material and recast in a form suitable for publication ; but it was found that the copy thus produced would present great difficulties to the printer, and that a clean copy based on the use of short sections of Liddell and Scot's text treated as a proof was required. When I became Camden Professor at the beginning of 1920 it became necessary to provide me with assistance in my editorial work, and Mr. R. MeKenzie of Trinity College (now Fereday Fellow of St. John’s College) was appointed Assistant- Editor by the Delegates of the Press. Apart from his arduous labour in putting my drafts into final shape and in arranging and working in a large mass of accumulated material, Mr. McKenzie has been able to render inestimable service to the Lexicon on the philo- logical side. After careful consideration it was decided that etymological information should be reduced toa minimum, A glance at Boisacq’s Dictionnaire etymologique de fa langue grecque will show that the speculations of etymologists are rarely free from conjecture; and the progress of comparative philology since the days of G. Curtius (whose Griechische Elymologie was the main source drawn upon by Liddell and Scott) has brought about the clearance of much rubbish but little solid construction. Some assured results, however, have been attained, and the etymologies presented in the text have in almost every case been approved by Mr. MeKenzie, ‘The space required for the incorporation of new material without an excessive increase in the bull of the Lexicon has been saved partly by abbreviations and compendious methods of printing, partly by certain limitations of scope. Liddell and Scott, though they originally intended their work to be a Lexicon of Classical Greek,’ admitted a number of words from Ecclesiastical and Byzantine writers, for many of which no reference was given except the symbols ‘Eccl.’ and ‘Byz,’ After due consideration it has been decided to exchide both Patristic and Byzantine literature from the purview of the present edition. It would * This appears from letters written in 877 by Dean Liddell to Mr. Falconer Madan (who kindly placed them at my disposal) with reference to J. E, B. Mayor's well-known articles on Greek Lexicography in the Journal of Philology. PREFACE xi have manifestly been impossible to include more than a small and haphazard selection of words and quotations from these literatures, which would therefore have had to be treated quite differently from the remains of Classical Greek, where Gt may be hoped) sufficient flustration has been given of the vocabulary and usage of all writers of importance, acct panied by precise and easily verifiable references. ‘There is, moreover, in preparation earexicon of Patristic Greek (including Christian poetry and inscriptions) under the editorship of Dr, Darwell Stone, which will, it is hoped, be printed when the publication of the present Sork is concluded For the Byzantine vocabulary we shall have to wait for the Modern Greek Lexicon to which allusion has already been made, but it will hardly be denied that some time-limit was called for, and this has been fixed roughly at a. 600 in order to include the historians and poets of the reign of Justinian, though such writers as the scholiasts, marians, and others who preserve the fragmentary remains of ancient scholarship must naturally be taken into account in their own province. ‘The present volume will not challenge comparison in scale with the revision of Passow's Worterbuch der griechischen Sprache by Wilhelm Crénert, of which three parts, extending as far as dvd, appeared in 1912-24. ‘This monument of Herculean toil will, if gad when it is completed (a consummation for which all lovers of learning will devoutly pray), bulk about three times as large as Liddell and Scott; in fact, this estimate may be vneeded if Cronert is able to carry out the plan foreshadowed in the preface to his second part, where he looks forward to the gradual expansion of his work as it proceeds (after the pa or of Passow) by means of a fuller treatment of post-Classieal Greek. Cronerts saat has been criticized by Kretschmer# who regards it a5 too ambitious in scope and Dnlikely to be completed within a reasonable period of time, and would prefer a Lexicon iva somewhat smaller scale as a preliminary to the Thesaurus Linguae Graseae which rust remain for a long while to come a pious aspiration. Tt may be hoped that the present wrork will do something to supply this need, and that it may be found to possess some Compensating advantages denied to the larger Lexicon of Cronert, such as the provision cpovact references for every word cited from an author and fuller and more representative quotations from the later literature, e.g. from such authors as Plotinus? My best thanks are due to those scholars who are generously devoting their time to the reailing of the proofsheets and the verification of references, especially to the authors originally read by them for the purposes of the Lexicon, Some of these have already been named, such as Sir W. Thiselton-Dyer, Professors D'Arcy Thompson, A. F Taylor, (A c, Pearson, and J. L. Stocks, Mr. Herbert Greene, Mr. Tod, Dr. Withington, Mr. Ross, et Mr FW. Hail, Lieut-Col. Farquharson’s scrutiny of the quotations from Plato and ‘Aristotle is producing important results; and Messrs. C. and G. M, Cookson, Mr. W. W. How, and the Rev, W. Evans are doing valuable work in maintaining the standard of accuracy. The Editor's task is naturally heavy, especially in view of the fact that the progress of scholarship tends to make the text originally drafted for the Press out of date pr te bring fresh material to light. Such publications as Ulrich Wileken's Urkeunden der + Christian authors are of course Frequently cited as the source of classical quotations, and such treatises sasthose of Porphyry and Julian Against the Christians are recoustructed from Patristic writings 2 In Glotia vi pp. a00 ft coe ae isch of the art. dupiBur in Cronert-Passow with that of the present work wit illustrate the diterones af method. Cronert, on the other hand, gives the Texicographical tradition of IS Snir frammarians very fully, For this it would not have been possible to find ream; Ter, indeed, has it yet sa horeughly siked and ertially edited. The deaths of Wentzel, Leopold Cohn, and Egenolff, and the migration of Bethe and Reitzenstein to more succulent pastures, have brought the te BA enter prises of the firm of Teubner—the Corpus Grammaticorum Grascorums and that of the ancient Lexica—to Gpremature end De Stefani’s edition of the Etymologicium Gudianumt is, however, court of appearing, aera osod that Drachman is editing the remains ofthe Glossary of Cyril" (see Pauly-Wissowsy Realencycopadie xii 175) xii PREFACE Prolemaerect furnish more accurate readings of Papyti and necessitate changes or deletions and I must place on record my gratitude to Professor Wilcken for kindly undertaking to verify and correct references to documents in the yet unpublished portions of his work, as also to Mr. J. U. Powell for permitting me to use and refer to the proofs of his Collectanea Alexandrina, shorily about to appear. Professor J. Bidez and Mr A. D. Knee Kindly sent me advanced proofs of the editions of the Epistles of Julian and of Heredas ia which they have collaborated, The care and accuracy shown by the Press readers have been altogether exceptional. I has, I hope, been made abundantly clear that the new edition of Liddell and Scot's Lexicon is in reality the work of many hands, and represents a great sacrifice of leisure and an earnest devotion to Greek learning on the part of the present generation of scholars, and that not in this country alone. I would fain hope that in the world of science at Teast (which has, or should have, no fromtiers) it may further in some small degree the restoration of the comity of nations, H. Sruarr Jonrs, Penge TaMple, drerariese was cited by me from PPar. 4o, but the reference was deleted from the Proof when it was found that in UPZ 12 Wilcken read denAéras brs for tonnordoceneet cae chould cause litle inconvenience to the user of the Lexicon, as Part I of UPZ contains concordancetables for the whole work. POSTSCRIPT 1940 HE Delegates of the Oxford University Press, in issuing the tenth and last part of the revised edition of Liddell and Scott's Greek Lexicon, wish to express their deep gratitude to all who have assisted in carrying this undertaking to conclusion. They greatly regret that neither the Editor Sir Henry Stuart Jones, who died on 29 June 1939, Bremthe Assistant Editor Mr. Roderick McKenzie, who died on 24 June 1937, survived to see the work completed. McKenzie saw the main body of the work to its end, and himself ar te the long article on ds; Sir Henry was at work on the Addenda and Corrigenda up to within a fortnight of his death and had almost put them into shape. The work done by these two men could not be overrated. Sir Henry was the ideal Editor; his wide range of knowledge and his exact scholarship, his persistent devotion to his task even in periods or health, his tactfal assiduity in consulting experts and his skill in co-ordinating theit results, gave the work at once its consistency and its elasticity. McKenzie, to whom fell the arrangement, in their ultimate form, of most of the articles, provided a fine complements his great knowledge of comparative philology, his laborious accuracy, and his tireless patience, gave his contribution inestimable value, Tn the Preface published in 1925 Stuart Jones sketched the history of the work up to the publication of dwoBatve, and recorded the signal services given by many scholars to the pork in its formative stages, To that nothing need now be added. But Jones went on to Thank the scholars who were ‘generously devoting their time to the reading of proof-sheets and the verification of references’, It is important that the nature of this work should be anGjerstood. The procedure adopted, when work was resumed after the Four Years’ Wer, was this: McKenzie wrote out Jones's corrections on a ‘pasteup’ of the previous edition. This was the ‘copy’; and fresh material was to some extent incorporated in it from time to time, But as succeeding sections of the alphabet were revised and set upin type, prools were sent to the volunteer helpers, whose labours, in the event, went far beyond mere Weifeation? in their hands and the editors’ the work was very largely recast, The method has obvious advantages, and the peculiar excellences of the revised lexicon owe much to its adoption. But inevitably it prolonged the process of gestation. The period of publica- tion, 1925-40, was actually longer than the period of copy-writing, ror1"24, even although the earlier period was interrupted by the war, and in the later period there were two editors instead of one. ‘Of those who were named in the original Preface as having embarked on the labour of proofreading, some are dead: notably Sir William T. Thiselton-Dyer, A. C. Pearson, and Herbert Greene.t Others have lived to see the work to its end. These, and not these alone, have more than doubled the debt of gratitude which, fifteen years ago, Jones could not ‘find words adequate to express’. Unhappily neither editor lived to prepare a final list of acknowledgements. McKenzie died suddenly in 1937. Jones, though he lived to see the end in sight, left no material for the brief ‘epilogue’ which it had been agreed he should furnish, It would be impossible now to produce a complete or balanced account of the labours of the proofreade's and veers without undertaking inquiries which the circumstances of the time make difficult. The list which follows does not attempt discrimination. Special mention must, however, be made of the prolonged and arduous labours of Mr. M. N, Tod of Oriel College on the inscriptions; of Lt-Col. A. S. L. Farquharson of University College on Plato and “Aristotle; 1 Greene's notebooks (see the 1925 Preface, p. x) are in the Bodleian. xv POSTSCRIPT of Dr. E. T. Withington of Balliol College on the medical writers ; of Sir D’Arcy Thompson of St. Andrews on natural history; and of the late Sir Thomas Heath on mathematics and astrology. The proofs were read also, in whole or in part, by the following: Mr. P. V, M. Benecke of Magdalen College; Mr. F. H. Colson of St, John’s College, Cambridge ; Mr. Christopher Cookson of Magdalen College; Prof. E. S. Forster of Sheffield University ; Mr. E. T. D. Jenkins of University College, Aberystwyth; Mr. Edgar Lobel of the Queen’s College Mr. W. L. Lorimer of St. Andrews; Prof. J. F. Mountford of Liverpool Universi Mr. Maurice Platnauer of Brasenose College; Sir David Ross, Provost of Oriel College; Prof. A. E. Taylor of Edinburgh ; and by the late F, W. Hall, A. E. Housman, A.C. Pearson, J.A. Smith, and J. L, Stocks. As press reader from the beginning of the work Mr. T. Bruce has made a special contribution to its accuracy. The Addenda and Corrigenda issued with the several parts have been greatly enlarged, and are now consolidated in a single list. Of these, the proofs were read by Dr. H. Idris Bell of the British Museum, Prof. G. R. Driver of Magdalen College, and Prof. Paul Maas of Konigsberg, as well as by some of those who have been named above. The Addenda owe much to the reviews and private communications of Dr. Ernest Harrison of Trinity College, Cambridge ; of Prof. Maas; of Prof. R. Peiffer of Munich fit is noted with pleasure that both Prof, Maas and Prof. Pfeiffer are now resident in Oxford); of Prof. K, Latte of Hamburg ; of Prof. W. Schmid of Tubingen; of Herr Pfarrer P. Kate of Coblenz, and of many other scholars. Both in the Addenda and in the main work the principle of anonymity has been applied to Original contributions that appear first in the Lexicon, and it was the intention of the Editors that those who made them should be free at any later time to claim their own discoveries. Miss Margaret Alford, who bears an honoured name, helped Sir Henry Stuart Jones in the compilation of the Addenda, and since his death, with the collaboration of Professor Maas in the final stages, has performed the laborious duty of preparing the Addenda for Part 10 and of correcting proofs of the whole. It is impossible now, as it was impossible i 1925, to name all who have contributed to the improvement of the great lexicon. The sacrifice of leisure, and the devotion to Greek learning; of which Jones then wrote, have been nobly sustained by a generation of scholars, and the monument of unselfish industry is at last complete, CrarENpon Press, Oxrorp. Sune, 1949. NOTE 1968 THE Addenda et Corrigenda printed in this revised edition of Liddell and Scott when it was first issued complete in 1940 have now been withdrawn. They are replaced by the Supplement, the history and scope of which are explained in the Preface to it. The lists ‘I. Authors and Works (Additional) and 'V. General List of Abbreviations (Addenda et Corrigenda)’ have also been withdrawn from the preliminary pages of the main Lexicon, as their function is now performed by the lists prefaced to the Supplement. AIDS TO THE READER A. LISTS OF ABBREVIATIONS, ETC. ‘Tur lists which follow are designed to make it easy for the reader to trace the quotations given in the Lexicon, ‘The general list of abbreviations (V) gives references, where needed, to one or other of the lists (I-IV) in which the expansion wil be found ; but the abbreviated names of authors have not been inserted in List V unless their alphabetical position in List I is diferent from that of the fall name (¢.g. A.= Aeschylus). List V also contains the expansion of all abbreviations used without explanation in List I. ‘The names of authors are in general printed in roman type, the tiles of their works (given in alphabetical order under the author's name) in italics, hich are also used for the titles of collections and periodical publications. The list of authors (1) is not intended to furnish a bibliography of Greek Literature, but to indicate the editions which have been followed in respect of the form of reference, i-e. pagination, numeration of books, chapters, sections, lines, fragments, &c.; where the form adopted in the Lexicon differs from that of the edition cited (c.g svhere the pagination of an earlier editor is used, but may be found in the margin of a later edition) the fact is stated. Tt will be understood that the reading adopted in the edition cited is not necessarily given (or referred to) in the Lexicon, For the convenience of readers a few editions of the fragments of individual authors have been named in the Tist, even when the semains of the author have been cited from the sources of the quotations. Where no abbreviation follows the author's name the full name is used in the Lexicon, and where no date is given it is to be understood that evidence to determine it is lacking. No attempt has in general been made to indicate which of the works attributed to an author are to be regarded as spurious, In the description of the editions used ‘OCT? is added to show that the work is one of the Oxford Classical “Texts (Seriptorum Classicorum Bibliotheca Oxoniensi) ; similarly ‘T. indicates the smaller Teubner Series (Bibliotheca Scriptorum Graecoram et Romanorune Teubneriana), *D. the Didot editions, and ‘ Loeb’ the Loeb Classical Library. B. METHODS OF REFERENCE Where the works of on author have been divided into recognized chapters and sections these are usually given, and the orators are (when possible) cited by speech and section ; but references by page are given in accordance ‘with custom to Aristotle (Bekker), the commentators on Aristotle (Berlin edition), Plato (Stephanus), Philo (Mangey), Plutarch’s Morala (Wyttenbach), Galen (Ktthn, except for certain recently edited treatises), Athenaeus (Casaubon), Julian (Spanhelm), and Themistias (Hardouin). Page-teferences to other authors are in general introduced by *p.” nd followed by the inital of the editor's name ; if not, the facts are stated in List I. ‘The symbol ‘ 2’ (= Fragment) is generally used where the remains of an author consist partly of complete works and partly of quotations ; a simple number denotes a fragment drawn from one of the collections indicated in List 1, Where supplementary or recent but uncompleted collections are quoted, the initial of the editor (e.g. ‘D.’ for Demiafenuk, J. for Jacoby) is added to the number of the fragment. ‘The annotations of ancient commentators are cited either by reference to the passage discussed or as substantive works: thus ‘Ulp. ad D_ followed by reference to speech and section, but ‘Did. # D? cited by column and line of papyrus vl I. AUTHORS Abydenuie Historias (Abyd] fav sd, C, Milter, FHG iv p. 376- tus Epigrammaticus [Acerat.] ¥. Anthologia Gracca, Acesander “Histericus [Acesand] hor it me. Ea, C Miller, FAG ip. 285, Achasis Tragleas [Actas] vac. Ed, A. Nauek, 7GF'p. 746 Achilles Tatitis Astronomis [Ach.Tat.} Han. @ Introduction A ratio, ed. B. Maas, Coinmentarionum in Ava ‘um reliquine, Berlin 1898, p. 25. [Inir-arat | Achilles Tatins Seriptor Eroticus’ (Ach.Tat}” iv a.v. (2) Ed, R. Hercher, Zrows | po a7 Acusilaus Historious (Acus] vac Ed, F. Jacoby, RGrH tp. 47: Adacus Epigrammaticus v. Anthologia Gracea. Adamantias Physiognomonicus [Adam.) ivan. Ed. R. Forster, Seriptores Physiognomonics, Lelpsig (T.) tg t ‘Aetinace [Act] Ed, R. Hercher, Leipaig (T.) 1854-87, Ep. Epistlae (od. R: Hercher, Epstolegraph p17) fm Fragment NAW DeRatere nimatinm (excerpt in Ac By Et) Tach = Tacticg (cA i Roehly Wr Rateny, richie crater, Veipig ag) ActisgDiongsisn Crammatcut [AeLDion} us Dionyales Grammatcns [Act Dion. Ao EdE, Schwabe suit Donat of Passa Atictanon Pint mints Llp 890. Acmilianus Epigrammaticus [Aemil Tae, v. Anthologia Grarca, Asneas Gazacus Rhetor {Aen.Caz.] inp. hi ‘Epular ed. Ry Hercher, EpiioiagrAhl, p94. Theophratas cd. JF. Batetaates Pare see [ibd Aenean Tacticus "iAeutact} Ea Sohne, Lelpeig (P) porte Phitosophcs "[Acsar) ‘Apa Stobacun, Asschines Orstor (Aeschin.} 4, FL Blass Lelpaly (2) 1506. ip = Bottles Acschides Socraticus Phitesophua EG, H. Divas, Bertin tot Aeschrlo. Lyrcvs Ear berg, PEG Hp. 216, Acsenyioe Tragic TAS Ea, A, Sdgwiee, Oxtord (OCT). Scholls, ed: W. Dindortn ecttone Aeschsi, Oxford 185 [Aesehin Seer.) Schott’ fa Acichyi Pesta ede O. Datnhandy Leip’ (T,) Aa ecmevinon GC Big. Pragminta Elpiaee, ed. 7. Berg PLG itp. 140 Fi -Fratmonty od, Ae Baochy TGF p33. new fammenta BERS fe i S58, Mean Jal of pricy 235.1 Be Pema Pte rp Supplies Te ste mre The Acschiytus AloxandclatsTeagieus EQ A Raich, TOF p tog Assopzs Fabularam Srpibe Aesop] [AeschAlex] ime. BANC. Halm, Leipaig (F) 18 Pro = Pryde ‘Lon Leutich & F. G, Sehneide- ‘vlay Pavoroisgrapht ip 338 Aetotles Historians 2 vac) Ed. Co wtuller, FAG ie p. 28, Aétos’ Metts ase} van, Esitio Aidina, Venice 1534 (Lib, Iv) ; Lib, vit rooted J, Hieschbvergs Leipzig’ 1899 Lib. ix, ed. 8. Zervos, *Asqd Fn Bae aos i at G Daremberg & CE Roel, Reafus, Pasis 1875) p. 85; Lib. xi ed. G, A. Rostomicis, Paris AND WORKS 18025 Lib, nif (parts) xv, ed. S. Zervon, “Atw2 xvii (1906) P.241,xxi (190g p. 31 Lib. avi ed, S. Zervos, Leiprig too aa ee eae, apiece eh neat] Hu. C Muller, Golf tp. agailisen Bagman, 04 us Geopraphus [Agathe ELC aller, COW kp gk en as Hisioriens ot Epigrammaticus [Agath. Eu. LDindorf, HGM i peagse end ¥ Aniholopia Gran duinus “Afecicas [Agothin) ‘aatid Orban. \gatho Tracicus Fa, A. Navek, TGF p. 263. Agathocles Iistoricus. {Agathoct} 8. C. Maller, FHG iv p. 288 Agis_Epigrammsticus . Anthelogia Crave, Agiaian Fiegaces Ed. U. Cats Bassemaker, Postar Bucolis ot Didaci, (D.) 180, Atpines Philosophus [Alb] iia, ‘ads a Hota 6 & Hamann, Pat wh vo zig (T-) 1892, p, 47. [Untri] Atcacts Comins "(Ale can) w/w a. Eu. T. Kock, CAF p. 7463 suppl. J, Demiaszuk, Supp Com, Pez AloaeuS Lyricus [Ale Ed T. Bergh, PLG i Maller, FAG it p. 190, ‘ost Posidoni ian vane, tae. 297, Panis ivi me, P1475 supple E. Diehl, supp. Lyrd ro (ae bus Mememiva Epigrammatieas (Ale Mees] i/i ne wantin ‘atsa] fas. Aleidamas "Rhetor Ed F. Blass, dtipho, Leiptig (T.) 1893, p. 183. Ol. ="Oeocels Siph = weal expuera Alcinous Phitocophus [Atein.] . Antroductio in Plaionem, ed. C. F. Hermann, Plato, Leipzig (T:) 3802, vol vi, pe 1g3. [Int Alciphro “Epistotographus” [Aleiphr.] Wan, Ed. M. A. Schepers, Leipzig (T.) 1995. (Cited ace to numera: {lon of earlier edd) Alemacon Philosophies vane Ed. H. Diels, Porsobr i p, 13te Aleman’ Lyrices "(al via Ed. T Bergh, PLG fil p. 14. Alexander Comicus [Alexand.Com.] Ed, T. Kock, CAP itp. 472, Alexander Actolus Elegiaccs [Alex.Act.] Ed, J. U. Powell, Coll les, . tate Alexander Aphrodisiensis Philosophus [Alex Apht.] it a.o. de An mde Anima Wer, ed, L. Beans (Supplementiins Aristo: ielcam ik pars 1), Berlin 1887, Fiat = de Fato, ed. Bruns (Supplementim Aristotelicum ik pars fi), Berlin 1842. Feb wde febriims, ed, J. L, Wdeler, Physicd et Medich Grae ‘Minvores, Berlin iBgi,1'p, 8 in APriwin Aristtdis’ Analyticoram Priomem Worm I come muentariunn, ed. M. Wallies (Comm. in Arist. Grasca ii pars Oy Becha 1835, is Maton linia, ot in Metaph. =in Avisote’s Metaphseica commentoria, ed. M. Hayduck (Comm. in dist, Grareat, Berlia 189. fin Bete. , Breslau 1891. Lith wenteddaues ts Zaxsptan, eds Re Forster, op. ci Noten Otherorations cited ram periodicals, Hermes Pile S808) Ren PEA 7p), Be 8:5 ais (1894), of rom Reiske's Lantus, ol in pp. 512, 738 i BaiSaa’ ¢Cheysipp. Sti Pi Fvon Arnim, SV ane it pp. 1294. ceyapras Byentsia Coals’ Senor (eer ya ‘Apid Aineracum, Cicero, BL Tallis Orstor et Philosophus [Cie] feud» Aoademien, 4, ©. Plasbergy Lelpzig CE) 1922, Gite Epsule ad Atticamy od Le C, Purser, Oxford (OCT). Gracm Bratan, ed. A. & Wilkins, Oxord (OCT). ed. R. Forster, Ind. aBi-a08 me. AND WORKS xxi Fara Epistdas ad Familiares, ed, L, C. Purser, Oxford (Oct). Finwnde Finibus, od. T. Schiche, Leipzig (T-) 1915, ND ade Natura Deoruon, 3. 0. Plasberg, Leipzig (T.) 1917. Of =e Offcls, of, C, Atzert, Leipzig (T.) 1923. ‘Oral, = Orator, td. A.8, Wilkins, Oxtord (OCT), GEL Eptindad od Quantune Pratem, eds LG Tips Tapen, 8, We Friedrich, eipaig (7) 15: TT pica, ed, W. Friedrich, Leiptig (T.) 180% Fc Pesntanan Disputatones, 8. M. Pobtens, Leipzig (T) agi8. Cillactor, v. Cellcter Claudianus Epigrammatices [Claudian.] . nthelopa Grae, Claudius Tofaus Historicus | [Claud.tol.] Bd. C. Mller, FHG iv p. 363. Cleaenctus Tragicus [Cieaenet.) Ed. A Neyok, TCP p:8o7 ‘Stoicus [Cleanth.Stoi:} von Arsim, SUFI p. 203- Poetical fragments, ed. J. U. Powell, Coll. Ales. p. 227+ Clearchus. Comicus. [Clearch.Com.] Ed. T. Kock, CAF it p, 408. Clearctius Historicus (Clesrch.) Ed, C. Miller, FAG il p. 402 Burser, Oxford Wear 330-253 m6. ive wf Clemens Alexaadrinus ‘Theciogus [ClemAl] f/m Ed, 0. Sudblin, Leipzig 1905-9. Paed. = Pacdagogus Protr.= Protrpticus ‘Strom,= Stromates Cleobulina Lyrics vine. Ea. T. Bergit, PLG itp. 62. Cleobuins’Lyricus” (Cheesy ving Ea, T. Berg, P2G ii p. 301. Cleomedes Axrosomus” [Cleom.] an Ea H, Ziegler, Leipzig (T.) 18 Cleon Siculs Lyricus [Cleon Sic.) ExT. Berg, PLG it p. 363 Cleonides Musics [Cieonid.) fia. ‘Harm. Introductio Harmonica, ed, C. Yan, Music! Seriptores Greed, Leipaig (T.), 189%, pr 1793, ed. He Benge, Emclais Opera villy Leipzig (T.) 1916, p. 196. ‘Cleopatra Apud Galen: Cieostratus Poets Philosophus [Cleostrat] ® Ed. H. Diels, PPF p. 19, Clidemus (vel CHtodema) Historicus (Clidem. vel Citedem.] cls iS ea CAGES Eg fc SEES Cong fe sie Coie SS casita Sateen Cla w/t wae a0 1893. (Smt) Clitomaches Piilosophus [Cltom.] fine, ‘Apu Stobacu. Cittopho Historicus Bar Ce Muller, FAG W p. 367. Clytas Hisworios Weft me. IC, Miler, FRG ip, 333. Codex Justiniaaus "(Cod Just} ivan ‘Ea. Fy Kriger, Corpus Jura Cri, Belin 1915. Cedex ‘Theodosia (Cod The) van. EET Mommeen aP, Me Meyer, eta 1895; of. PK eriin 1923. Cototes Piesophor (Colot) Wwf ne, “in Flatonis Euthydemum, 1h Platonis Lysin, ed. W. Groner, "Katotes und Menedemos, Lesprig, 1900. [0 Exthd., in Ly. cop ea ena meme Tide Comica Adespota. [Com Adésp.) Cr 89 eR Piste it a) nent Sn fo Sr Gear Msn Re Sat ccaheitincetboe'ot CE cary om cues ns en Ed. T. Berg, LG iii p. $433 suppl. 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Marine AUTHORS AND WORKS DMereir = Dialogs Merericit Diort.~ Dialogs Mortucrum DemsEne = Demosthents Encomium Demin. = Demonace Dipam Dip Doma de Domo Bectr = Berra Ep Suis Epis Saturmatis bin Booch Fag. = Fugit Gali Gane Finke ~Fhatgon Harm = Havmonides Bere =Herutes Herm = Hermotinns Herod.= Hertel Has Hewat Lipp tipi Fer one = Gnomon hitria conseritnda it dear Tesromenippas Son onagones Its Igeta Teonh = Jupp Confatarus Ties Fippler Towcords ud Vie chon Vocal Lapsnpro Capon inter Salucandim 128. “Tesiphanee Lact me Puce ‘Biacr = Macotit ‘Mere Cond. de Merede Conducta ‘use Be Mustae Encomtam Neon Navignon Nees Necjomantia No. =Noo gene Migrinus O5p.— One Par cde Parasite Petre = ance Encma ‘Pog de Mort Forge Phal 1a'= Phatantns ; Phopsin = Phsopain” (Pe-Lve Piitope'= Phitopoewdes Pe = Pastor Prdmopro fmagindus Probe tonds” pro Merde Conduti Prom:= Promethens Prom En Prometheus es oobig Premot = Peeudlogsta Rh Pre Rhctovwn praceplor Saor nde Sais Sait =e Satatone Sat =Satwrnati Soph = otha Son Senta ‘Someicm Somnuo sive Vita Loin} Symp. = Symposion Seb. Ting = Tragodepode Tynn Tyranniade Vit 2m Verae Historia, Vit Aut, = Vitara hc dan fees Temata | ‘a rom ‘Tragicus ae "Eater Scheer eum ashdlal, Resin 1881-r908 Fr= Fraemonts Tropica, e@'A. Wack, TOPs Bry. Lycoparapides rte (ycophont timed) ‘Ear. Bergh, PLO itp 635. Lycurgus Onion (hycire| wae. "Ea F Blass, Leipaig (I) 1899. Fragments, td. H Seuppe, Orth. dt fp. as8, Lycus Misc ERE Miles 216 ip, 70 dus, Joannéa Laurentics Ge Hadetronbus jopuls Reman Josie Bag.) , de Mensibus, ed. R. Winsch, Leipzig (T.) 1898. [Mens. de Ostentis, ed. C. Wachsnwth, Leipzig (T.) 1897. (Ost. Lynceus’ Comices (Lyne) IT Kock, CAP p74 Geiera fragmenta apod Athehacum, Lyrica Adespota | Lyr.Adesp.) "BAT, Bergh, PLO in p. 689. Wf storieus {Ly ed. Re Wak 1. AUTHORS Lyrica Alexandrina, Lyle Ades i Arpactng heer, eran Ado) Lyslas’ Orstor hye) vane. ‘Ed. C. Hude, Oxford (OCT). Fie ede er setney Leip, 1.) 290% (Fe]i ed TE Site one deh 83 yalbgshiaes’ Mitocus Cesmmacta en cy, PATE a Lyslosacnne lstoreus tess] toring PEPE Een FC wae sips Comiews [Lanne vee Rk Cari. yom Lysis Philos Se anes ane pychapora et Pythagorearom Epistle. Macarius. Peroemiographes [ecard wan, Ed EL. von Leniseh & Fe ‘Schneidewin, Paroemiograpiit Macedontis Epigrammaticus [Aaced.] jan) *antaia Gren Micédoniut Lyrcwe (Maced) can ed 3.0. Bowell Cot Ale p98, Pee) Macchoaias Thessslontoensis Epirammaisse|sinced) v4.0, ecnthlagie vet Macho Gonievs ah oct, C4P i p 224 xen genta apd Atignaeum, agcrotius ‘Gramnatis (Sfoc| Bec eBeapie Grammalen eh ees Surin, os © carat ae Epigraminticas | [ae v, Authologia Graeca, v 4 v/v ap. HH, Keil, Gramm, Lat v Leipsig (T.) 189 aD) Comicse Magn.) vac. PT, Rede CAP I pets suppl J. Demiatcouk, Supp. Com. Dek Tl Eplgrammaticus wand Ne dnthologe Grae tratoncus, (Magnus Tist] wa. BL, Dindort, FGM tp. 365+ Mallets Epleus (Mati) Ed. J. U. Powell, Coll. Ales p. Malev Hisoreus (aia, EA, Le Dino, OME. 383. Mamerces Eleglacns (Mamerc] En Dergly PEG itp. 335. Manetho Astro'oges (Man) fea. ATE decent with Doratheus and Anubion), Leipnig CF) "88. Manetind Historieus (Man. Hist] Ed C. Maller, FHG itp. £11 8 (= F61x(4)-1299)- ia. Maniissa Proverbiorum »(Mantiss. Prov ] Ba, EL. von Leutsch & F, G. Schneidewin, Paroamingraphi Tip 748. Marcelthts Biographus [farce Tne els H.C start Geel OCH. [Pit Fw] nus Medicus (Mareen) ae.) aeeede' Pudsbus, ed Hi, Senne, Festi) mer 49. Ver Wine deticher Phiiogen vind Schubmoner, Basel 1907 Marcus Sideton Poste Meier Mare Sid) Tn. AeA Schneier, Commentations Pllogne ques O, Rebbe tM cpruianiar dapat Lepeig 188 je 815. 3 ivan.) jones. (ante Thucydidem), Marcines” Geocapion Parca) iran, Ed, C, Maller, GGM i p. 515 [Perifl.) Os Tee endo Bion, fC, ler, 574 are AatoninasYepratas © [MAct) a. Bef ical, Oxerd (OC! eid Reeslartis Epersmnaticn [arcArg) A. y Anthologia Gras. Margites Ea TW. Allen, Homert Opera v, Oxford (OCT), ps 15% ‘Maria ‘Alcliemisia’ (Maria Alch.) a ‘Apad Olympiodorum et Zosimum, Marianas Epigrammaticus [Ms v. Anthologia Graeca, Mazious Blogeaphus (Mario.) visi an. Pinte pita Pros, od. J, F. Bolssonade (post Coberi Diogenes Lacrtium), Paris (D.) 1863. Marl Vicborinus Grammaticus Latins (MarViet) iv a>. ELH, Kei, Gramon, Lat. vi p. t. Wastialis Epigeammaticus Latinas [Mart] BO yi ae. fan Bd, W.M. Lindsay, Oxford (OCT). ‘Martians Capella "Grammaticus Latinus (Mart.Cap.] A.D, Ea F, Eyssenhardt, Leipzig (T) 1866. Matro Parodius. iv ‘Core.- Conoroium, ed, P. Brandt, Corpuseulum poesis eprcae ‘ibunddae, Leipzig (T.) 2888, p: 65. Parod. Fr Parodiarams Fragment, oP cit. P- 9+ AND WORKS ‘Maximus Astrologus(Max.] Ea A, Ludwich, Leipzig (11) 1877. “Epil, ~ Epitome, ed. A. Ludwich, fa, H Hobein, acts pace po Tecra FB) 8 jegasthienes’ Historias” (Stegasl See lier, IGP S97 Meges Mesicus ‘Su Oribsiom Malsunpus Serptor de disinatione (Melamp.] er Racy sot sdnaror nerve) npr Tiredcuatn, o@. J. C.F. ants Senior Pigsagnomiae Pte, Aten € 780. xxix inci) ity Be of by the numeration Fn i eet ok Pi ie Bet i oni ret, ae Mee ee Manat) wnee) mes ES Batt rag) mk eee” aay ne ee aseen’ beet) che we lula Pyths Pythag Epistulac ln a Dytagore Thar Eile, meee is ems Cae chee rope, (ue a rela ban Se ican Menaechmus Historicus [Menaechm.) iliac. Eu C. Miller, SRAM p, | Menander Comicus (Men. iv/ili ne. ‘Fact. Kock, CAF tip. 33 suppl. J, Demiascruk, Supp. Com.p- 54 ‘Menandrea, ed. A. Korte’, Leipaig (T.) 19124 Epiton Enirpénores Georg. = Teupyis How ipee Ine, ty 3 = Fabula incerta, 2 Kith a teeaporis Kol Kina Kono Rareadheevas Mis. =Meoiuerae Hon Morieriyen, e2. A. Melneke, Fragmmta Cemicorm ‘Graecorumm W (1841) P- 342, Peratiepotla Phasm= dopa, Seon = Sauda Menander Rieior (Men Rhy fia. Ea. L, Spencel, Rhet, ik p. 339. ‘Menander Ej fstorieus (Men.Eph.} ‘Ea. C, Miller, FHG iv p. 445- Menander Protector Historicus (Men.Prot] vA Fe Diggort, HOM hp. Monccios Bareneus Hisorcas (BlenecL] Gace Meiey FHC pa Menccrates Comicus (ener) GAT, Demianersiy Supp. Com: p. 63. Mecadrarcab phcaiis foctabbiosophos (Menecr:Eph.] fv mc. fri bie DEP po Meccctates Ranthivs Histories (Menecr-Xanth] vf me, Sars Maller, FG pe 248 Manemactius Hedicus "[iitnemach] ‘Apud Oribaiu. Modesthenes Hinoricas (Meneath) EG. Waler, FHC p43 Menotor Hutreve Gare, Mallen, EHC Ww p. 452, Monippus Episoloeraphos {eninp.) Spe, eb Be Hercher, Easolagr Meno. itedieus fen. = latte I Reon Londincosis Minodotas Samius,Historicos (Menodot} BC, Maller, FG it p. 103 Mesomedes Lyricus _(Mesom EC Se, aga sop Con ip ae ae pis Maa Nem. m flores Nemarin Ser Flymo in Solem tagenes Comess (Meg. EAST, Kock, CAP p. fou Meifodarue Tpigrammatees [Metrod] Mime ip. 400. [EP] wae Binet) Leipzig (E) 18995 Pe 454 v. Authologia Greece, Metrodorus Philosophus (Metrod.) BAA. Korte, Jahrbicher fir hlasssche Phiofogt, Ps gigs Leipzig 1890. fit me Suppl x0 RE I. AUTHORS Bletrodorus (continued ‘Her. 831 ~ Papyrus Hereulanensts 83; ed, A. Kirte, op. cit, sift Metfodoras Chius Philosophus (Metrod.Chius] vane, EA, H. Diels, Vorsobr. i p14, Metrodorus Scopsins ‘Historica [Metrod.Sceps] i ac. BC Halec FHC aes es Michael Epnesius Prlosoohes [Mich sift no Dn BW 0878 ; cited by page. Parmeuides. Poste Philosophus | [Peru] Pee PE en} ‘maenio Epigeamonatices [Parmen pelosi "Grane rarmeno. Epgrammaticus Wr Aithologta Grace Parmeno”lsmborraphus Far]. U. Powell, Cale Alex, p. 237. Parrhiasiua Elegiscus [Parrhas.) Ea, Ts Berek. PLG tip. 320. Parthenlue Mytbograpts Pach) Ea. E Martini Afhognaphi Grucci (+) Suppl, Leipzig ( Patrocies Tharius Tragicus [Pawoc Ba A. Nauck. TGF p. 43> Paulas Aegineta Melicus {anlAcg.] via. TAS, eater, CME ty Leps patgags Blew eh 2 Bian, Pars 1855 Paulus Alexandrinas Astsologus {Paull ao BALA, Seto, Wittenberg 1:80 (eed by sigoatre and pe quatgrnion, 28: 6.) Han, <) Diyas Paulus Slicntiarios Eplgrammaticos (PaulSil] vi an. Wr stntholgin Grace. Pausaninn Periegeta”[Paus.] finn. FH, Helge H. Bluenner, Leptig 1896-1910, Pausaniag Damascenus Historias (PauDatm] iv A.0.(1) Ed, L, Diodort, 7GM ip. 164 Pausariag Grammaticus [Paus.Gr.) hd. E, Schwabe ; v. Aelios Dionysios Pediasimus "[Pediesio.| Ed. R, Wagner (post Apolladorum), Mythographi Grace i, Leipzig (1) 1894, Petagius Alchemists (Pelag. Akh) ida a. ‘Hae fy Berthelot, Collation es anciens alchimistes gras, Wat's 1885, p.283. Pempelae’ Piniosophus [Pempel.] “Apud Stobacum. Perictione Philotophus [Perict] “Apud Stobaeum, Periplus Maris Rubs (PerpldfRubr] fa. Ed C Miller, GGA ip, 237) eB. Fabricius, 2 Aufl, Leipzig 138 Persacus Citieus Swicus. (Pers.Sio) ue Td H. von Arsien, SP i p. 96. Pragmenta Historica, ed, C. Miller, FAG ip. 633. (Fr.Hist.) Perses Evigrammaticus Pers.) dnthologia Grae Persiug Pavia Latinas (Pers Fd. 5, G. Owen!, Oxford (OCT), Petosiris “Astrologus [Petos.] ‘Ea. E. Riess, v, Nechepso; eliam apud Vettium Valenter, Petronius [Petron.| Ed. F. Buccheler, Berlin 1862 5 ed, sextam curavit W. Heraeus, 192, Petras Datricius Historieus (Petr.Patr.] EA. L, Dandort, HGM i p. 425; Phaedimus Epigrammacicus [Phaedim } Ne dntholosia Graeea Phaénnus Epigremeaticus (Phaénn.] v. Authologa Grae Phagstus Epicus |Phaest.] MEd J. U. Powell, Col. Alex. p. 28, Phalaecus Epigrammaticus (Pha) Wy Anthologin Grace. Poaiain Fpitologapioy (Phalerl , Ep = Epishaing, #0, R. Hercher, Epitolographi, p. 439 Phaniae’Epigestomaticus [Phan | Ws cinthologta Gravee PhaniasHistoricus (Phan. Hist.) Ed. C. Miller, FAG ii p 203. Phanocles Etegiaeus | Phanocl.) Ed. J. U, Powell, Coll. Alex, p. 1:6. Phanodemus Historicus (Phanod.] Ed, C. Miller, FAG i p. 366. Pherecrates Conicas{Phereer} vee, HOLE Kock, CAFip, C43; suppl. }.Demiancauk, Supp. Com p 66. Pherecydes Lerius Historicus "(Pheree)¢.) vse Eds Fr Jacoby, FGrH 1p. 3b inca) Gime) wilt se ii) > axxil I. AUTHORS Pherecydes Syxiua Philosophus [Phereeydyr] vince EAH Dic Poneadrsit prays, eereera Sond) Poilagrien Nedicas iPifags} i/iv ao. ‘Apud Aétiam et Orinas Philemo ‘Comicus Ea. T. Kock Philenio Junior Comicus [Philemon] TPhilem:] fit ».<, CAP itp. 478; suppl. J. Demiasczul, Supp. Cov. Et. T. Rock. CAP Ii p. a4. “© Philetaerom Conieus "[Pilietee-) vive: Es, 1 Kook, CAP p30; sapph. J. Dematczuk, Sfp Cos, Philetds vel Paititas) Elegies [Phil] Ed J. U. Powell, Coll. dev. p. 90. Fragmenia gossatil, cited from sources, Philippides Comicus \(Philippid) Wwfit nc, picts eal ip ELE. Rocky CAFE. nee Philipps ‘Epleramnatious (Pil vy, Anthologia Graeca. can Pritts Comicee | Philse.Com] EAT Kock CaF ip aga Phils Trogicns [PhilseTag-) Ed A. Navel TOF, bra fos Hie Ph Ed, C. Miller, FG ip. 85, W pp. 625 63 Phillis Historieus % Ed. G, Millon, AG tv p. «76 Philo ‘Eowus. [Phckpt ‘Apua Evsebium ELA iLubeih, De Philos ermine Gree ludaes come nents niger Iguce Philo’ Mechanicus” IIe) i Ba (Biopoct.a) Evers aus Philons Hachanit,e&.' Diss ‘© E, Schrarom dik Bek ind. rgtoy Now ced by pose anc line of Welcher, given inmatgin Philo Bybiias Histories [Ph bya Ea Ctl, PAG tp. dear Philo Byzantias Paradoccpraphos [Ph By2] Mir ade Septem Miracutsy oR. Wescher post Aetianum), Patis (Dy heh Phifo jadaeus (Pi) Ed. LColm& P. Wendland (S. Reiter), Bern 1896-1015, ed. J. Rondel Hasris, Canbriige 105 ‘Com] ivme, ine, vive, Vita. Fr = Fingmente Philo Tarsensis' Medicus "[Ph.Tars.) “Apud Galenum. Philochorus: Historicus [Philoch.} wae. Ed. Miler, FHG ip. 38s, Wp. 646, Philocles Tragices [Philo] EA, A. Nauck, TGF p. 759, Philodames Scarpheus’ Lyricus_[Philod.Searph] iv nc Ei. J. U, Powell, Cal. Alex. p. 165. Philodemaa Phicsiu Pri) ine ‘Aeediate- Aeaentzru Inde, ©, S. Mekle, Bern got Reni Din tio eH, Diel, ABhandngn de Baty iat sore role, [eat ot “Hereenensit Venton, Clo alters, Naples 1863-6, ‘thes parti ines) (ex apbemnpie W. Coonclon thea papyrus Cor Fh . Hom ~repl 708 xa®" “Ounpor dyatod BasiAtws, ed. A, Olivieri, ‘ips aso Ind 35" Stokateon Indee Heeslanensis, 08, D. Compare, cat nig) eat fl elrasod. Wie Lele (2) 1914 Fo cco ott h Ole, FOIREE CE) 014 ro Erolours i png (Col) sto} Komke! Leip se" Ore. = rep oleovau'e, of C. Jensen, Leiprig T) 1906. Pid de Patate, 0A, T. Gompers, H.rhulanische Studios ti, Leipaig 1856 F wsrath Jahyicher fir Blassishe a1 Gompere, Pont Scion cor Fshlmnenstcen Bbbateh Siewnesbrtit ter Wionar cthedmier case Tsao a "Jensen, Paodemrs ter dic Cadche fanes Died hes Iyfs (Mtoe known, thera Na. ppy fe ah Wing itn od Sata» vl, Leg 1) 18)ay 1896, Suppl fgg, (Cite! by ol and) Sige ene vdared tundbceed T Conpee Heidaisce Station i Leprigt86e. Tel oe Fo) si eh esti W Lier Klan and Ment sloalg 190 pp. $4 yt (Col. or Be. Vit = ep rain fs oc, C Jensen, Leiprig (T) sort. Poilodetmus Eplgraminaties® (PHle] "Vet idem fase ac philoosphus v toioga Grace oi (880) pe ine, AND WORKS Philolaus Philosophes [Philo] viva, Ed. H. Diels, Vorsobr ip. aole Philomnestus) Nistorcus’”(Philomnest] Ed. C. Muller, FHG Wp. 477. Philoniges Comicns [Phionrd.} yae Ed, 1. Kock, CAF p. 254; suppl. J. Demiaieauk, Supp. Com Both Philoponus, Joannes Philosophus (Phip}] dem qui Joannes Alexandrinus, q- im APL. Win Avistotlis Analytica’ Posteriora commentaria, ed. M. Wallies iComom. tx dist, Graven wl pars ii) Belin igo, ix APr. min Anstocis Analytica Priona tommuntari, eo. Wallies (Comm in arist. Gracea sik pars i, Berlin (ges 4 Cat.= Philopont ‘aloe Ammon) i -drstotelis Caurgortes come ‘swentarinan, ed. A. Busse (Comm, 01 rit, Grasca sii pars), Berlin 1898. finde An sin Aristotelis de Anima libros commentariay ede M. Hayduck (Comme. on aviatGroeca x0). Best pre i GA = Philoponi (Michael's Eplest in bres de Gorcvatione Ea} be Hetberg, Lelpaig (T.) 188-1907 ; works included in this calvon ave niariet with wt ener tin Almagest “Gl tap Seaxinaeron Calend,~ Calendars, 8. C. Wachsmuth, v, Lyd. Ost sn Ringmenta Hirns~Harmaoica, ©}. Wallis, Oxtord 1699, * seripio Canobi i CeRee Seog? Wastah poy eed 0) pe ese Se Bist Pacipteriom Resin Pte Tepe et oa, J, camerrin, Nibere 1946 eted Pas nent ° 7 a Pol Cl Coin (upd) post Tabitn eit Beri CRlanseticta tat Ban ety Peps Poste Auton Pel Ree) oar ee Piolemseus Chenoa "| Ftal Chen. | © 10.0, (Cited from sources cf. A. Chatzin, Der Philosoph und Grain. ‘matter Plolemaios Chennos, Paderborn 191 Ptolemaccis Eucrgetes If Hitoricur (Ptolfuerg) tine. a, C Miler, FTG ip. 186. Plolemacus Megalopolitanus Historicus (Pio Megalop.] Ba C. Millers FFZC Hi p. 00. Pyzglo. Hisurices ELC. Maller, FHTG iv p. 486, Pythacaetus Historicur (P: aC. Mallee, FAG Wp. 489. Pythagoras Piilosophus {Pythag} Ed Diels; Former t poafect pe a4e Pythagorae ct Pythagoreorum Epistulae (Pythag. Ep) aR Herchery Epitolagraphy, pr Oo1e Cl. Meliss, Niyia, “Theano Pythiocles”Historicos (Pythoc!} EC, Maller, FG i p. 488. Python Trayicis i. A. Nauck, TGF p. 810. men] viva. Wane 1, AUTHORS ete Rae SSH, a mate rei That Brg ‘os: cg Sapa it Sarai, Bs BN, vaso. Rhetores Graeci (Rh) Ei. Ch, Walz, 9 wos, Stuttgart 1832-6, Rhetorius Antcloges’ [Rhetor] tn Cat Cad dr Roanas Epicur (Rian) BA) U. Powell, Cale vilee. pe Rhinthon, Comets (Rant) Ed. G. Kabel COF p. thy Rufious Epigrammacicas [Rufin] * atolagta Greece Ristow Medicus (Rat EAC, Daremborg & 2. &, Rune, Pais 875. “ SviGom. mde Setyriasma ef gonorrhoea Sofas spnopue de pulsous Rafe hetor [Hal Rh Ed. C, Harmer, in Le Spengel, Rit # Ratliloe Lupus Rhetor [Rut Or Po Ed, Cy Halt, Mhefores Latint Mivzores, Leipzig 1863, p. 3 Sabinus, Tullius Epigrammaticus (Tull Sab.] v. dnthologia Gragzn. Sacérdos, Marius Piotius Grammaticus Latins iav.(?) Ed, H, Kell. Gramm, Lat vi po 436. Sallastive.Philesophus Salles. vas. Ed FW. A. Malach, FPG i p28. ‘Samus Epigrammaticus fine. We dntilogi Graece Sanayrio Comicus [Sronyr.] vee. TE Rose CAE jon pp I.Demiascrs, Supp. Com p83. Sappho Lyrica [Sapphed vine. Th BPE Be a ‘Supp Paps agents tn Ex Diehl, Supp, Lor p29 ape rayyiu ttngtents in POxy, ccd by No, ot Pa Epigesmmations (Satyr Tee) sete Grae Beye . Z We suse Bec apap Vitkinn = Vite Buripidisy POs. 2195, SSPE wile F170 i p48 “EtG. Miller, FHG iy p. 489. Scholia Seo under several authors | Seiaa Comics iiime Ed, G. Kabel, CGF p. 190. Scola” |S) EAT, Borg, PLG ip. 643 lax Geographas. [Sey weed) eG. Hiller, GEN tp sep Geneaniyn Tym] me ier, G0 tp. 198 Scythian Eplgrammatcus (Seytha.} od oe sayin FelugPoctaPhilosophus (Seythin} WH Diels PPP. 160, Section Gromloges [Secund.) i “Stn Senter, ol E. We Ac Hlth, FPGA ps $12. deta Gramnciics ct Misrieus |Seleus) ‘Cunt rom sourseos eC. Mulley FAVE Mp. om sseasut Uyreus flcne Lye) EEUU. Powell Col ee Semotides. famuggraphos [Simon] wii need) REL Bec AL pg! ah perpeam ‘Simone’ ELC. Millen FHG ie p49 Senecs, L. Arinacus tap, Bre Oucshones rurale, eA. Gercke, Leipsig (1) 190) soapio Anclogue En in Cr Cot Sotasis Epigramatices deta rs ie BDA, Neath TGP p, Ss serene Coe ere) pase ch) L. Meiberg)Lelpalg (Zi Bete Sais Con TNE) I SUG fo Sto Giintt Serenus Ganssloges [Seren] oud bitacom, 6. AND WORKS Servius Grammaticus Latinus (Serv) aw “in Vergili carmina commentan, ed, G, Thilo & H Hagen, xxv i pe Sapte hn ws Riwoneesns Severus. Philesopnus” [Sever] finn, "Apud Eusebium. Sextus Pythagoreus [Sext.) “Sent = Seintentiae, ed. A, Biter. Bonn 1891-2. Sextus Empirlcus Philesoplins _|S.E.) ». “Eas H, Matschmann, Leiprig (F)) 1912-5 ed. I. Bekker, Berl 843, Mu eiversus Mathomnatices P.ateppdnei ixerurdouss Silenus Historieas "[ilen.) Ed. C. Maller, FHG ii p 100. Simmlas (vel Simias) legiacus [Simm.] Ed. J. U, Powell, Coll. Ales. p. 109. Simon Atheniensis Ey nde forma et delete equorum. ed. F. Ruehl, Xenophontis ‘Senpta Minora, p. 193, Leipzig (T.) 19h. Simonides Lyricus. (Simon. vives. Ba. T. Beegh, PLG ll p. 302, Simplicius Philosophus (Simp. vin. in add nin Aivtolelie de. Caclo commentaria, ed. J. L. Helberg (Commi dst. Graeca vi), Berlin 1894. sn Gat bs Aristtelis Categorias eommentarivon,ed. C. Kalbfeisch (Conon i dst, Gracia vty, Betlin 1907. sde cinss-in libros Arete de Anima commentaria, ed. 3. Hay ‘duck (Cam ie Arist. Grveca i), Berlin 18%. iu Epic. in Epictetune comientaria, ed, F. Dabner (post Theo- ‘phrasti Charasteras), Paris (D-1 3840. in Phin stvistoteie Physica eommentaria, ed. H. Diely (Comm, jn Arist, Graeca 18 and X)y Berlin 1893-95- ‘Simylas Comicus. [Simjh] T. Kock; CAF ip. 444 Socrates Argivus Historicus [Socr.Arg] Tas C. Mallen, FG wp. 496. Socrates Cous’ Hstoricus "| Soer.Cous) "Ea. C. Muller, FHG We p. 459° Socrates Rhodiiis Histericus’ (Socr.Rhod.] ime. Ed. C. Miller, FH sh. 226 Serratia Souratcoroh Bplstulae oc.Ep} lv.) Ed. R. Hevcher, Epotlagrapla, p- 6p salsa igrces {see vine ar Bergh, PLGlip. 342 new fragments ctedapad Arist, Aik. Sopater’ Cumices, [Sopa] ime. Ta.6. Kaibel, COFp. 193. Sopater Guomologus” (Sopa ‘pid Phot. Bibl cod. 161 Sopater Rhetor (Sopat kh.) ‘Ch. Wats, RhioresGraec (Stottgart 1832-6) 10, vp. Sophilus Comices [Soph fT. Kook. CAF lip. 444 hocies ‘Trasicus [| rizoedise, ed. A. C. Pearson, Oxford (OCT). apn Ave nt “Artigone Enea Bing. n Bren, od, T. Berge, PLG itp. 343, FE Fragmmnte, ed. AC. Bearson, Cambridge 1907. 06 Oat Conan OF = Oedipus Tyrannus Ph.= Phdocer Tra Trachinae Sophonias Phitosphas. {Sophon ava, (decd in lives slides de Anima paraphrasis,ed. By Hay ke (Connon sn Art, Grace xh pare, Beri 1883. ron ‘Comeus” {Sophie} vec TEESE! wate) “CORT aga supp Je Demin Sip ‘om 1 Soranus Sfedicus [Sor] Ea. V. Rose, Leiprig(T-) 1883. Foac deci lB. Chatteran Oper Mipacynas ef Galen ‘ol sh p 50m Paris 1679 (eed by’ vol and pe rect ade signs focarerin ed J= La dele, Physi of Mat “Gras Manores 1p. a48, Bein 154%. Sosibias: Historievs." Son] Es. Miller, FHG ip 835. Soslerates Comers \Sosict | Ea. T. Kock, CAPill p 391 Sosierates Historicus {Sosier Hist] Ed. C. Mille: FAG twp. 00 Sosicrates Rhodius Historicus (Sosier.Rhod.] Ed. €, Miler, FHG iv p. sot Sonipater Comicus_ (Sorin) "Ed. T, Kock, CAF p. 34 Bi a.c.(%) Sosiphanea tropes {Su EAT Sel, OF pig ine xxxvi I. AUTHORS Sositheus Tragisus [Sesh] Ed. A. Naucly TGF. S31. Sosttatue Hisioricus” [Sostrat.] Ed C. Maller, FG iy p. 6043 €8, F. Jacoby, FOrAY i p. 186. Sosylus Historicus [Sosyi Thieme. "Ed. F. Bilabel, Diz Ameren Hislonterfragmente anf Papyrus, Bonn 92482, stades Comics -[Sotad Com] ELT Kock, CAFU p. 447 7 spp Ps Sotddes Lyricus (Sotad.) |. Demiaiczuk, Supp. Com, Ed. J. U. 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Not, 1497-2570 (2 pts) ed. P. Roussel & M. Lanne; Unsergt ei tats de lt Syren Inscriptions grecgues EPIGRAPHICAL PUBLICATIONS Syrics l, Commagtne et Cyerhestque, ed. Ly Ja Moutede, Pars 1920. Inter Magn’ Dit Inadiriften ton Magnesia am Mocander, ed. Ker, Belin 1900. nse nals se Becca, Torsion! grche 4 latine (Cala ge t Lo Sit OG, due sods A Aland, 51 ye 1 re ser Osmipe Olympian die Egciiaae et, usgrabung: Tes ‘dn Ichi ee Die Se Piao, Tec 85 Inuer Purge Die Iuchrifen von Pergarnon (ia Alerbiner tom ‘Brgeion vi soc. Fracae, Bean igor sys" son rn «Di coon Pree let on Gastrin- ery Bern KEiBremerstelg Erste (iter, drier) Bere = J. Keil & A, von Premeratcin, Beitr ther rine (oe ce, cing dnt Rese Lion (Devksnien dor Waner Akaderie, pil bst, Klose, Ta aie Li 3, bh, LVL, 408), Vienna 1908, 19117 LE) ig =Poitippe Le Bas, W. H. Wadding_n & P. Foucart, ryan sehigiq en Gre eh ses Minn Pas qr 1g Bi iia Sorenson {OBL ghee) Ef Ser

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