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The README file contains information about the following files:


Digital Bird
This file contains an application that allows you to control the bird in the
Digital Bird application.
You may find the the application, some documentation and its source code on GitHub:

The Digital Bird has been created for the BCC MicroBit program. The application
requires the Soft Device 8.0.0 flashed on the nRF51.
It may be uploaded Over-the-Air using the DFU Bootloader. This version of the
application has been designed and tested on nRF51 DK:

Steps to follow:
1. Flash the Soft Device 8.0.0 using nRFgo Studio or nrfjprog
2. Compile and flash the DFU Bootloader
3. Open nRF Master Control Panel application, connect with the device and click the
DFU button
4. Select Distribution packet (ZIP) and the
file. You may need to show the Internal storage in the Documents application on
Android 4.4 or newer.
5. Wait until the upload is done
6. Install the Digital Bird application on your Android 4.3+ device
7. Follow the steps on the screen. Use the Button 1 on the DK to fly
8. Have fun!

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