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Hi girls, I wanted to do a little interview, it is something related to the terror,

about legends that maybe you know, I do not know, could you tell me something?
Amanda y Cony.- Yes of course
Cony - if you want to talk
Tere- Ah I want to speak for example of those stories that count as the one of the
weeping or caitas for example. they would like to?

Amanda- Ohh that sounds a little scary but interesting

Cony- But it sounds good, see tell us what you want to know

Tere- Okay, let's see, first with the famous Mexican legend about la llorona. What
do you think about that legend

Cony- Because for all Mexico if it is a legend very famous from the years in which
the Spaniards came to conquer new Mexico, with the arrival of hernan cortes, they
say that from that time the woman was already heard.

Amanda- If it is a woman who is said to be dressed in white and who is scouring

the streets throughout Mexico with a lament

Tere- A lament like which

Amanda y Cony- something like Oh my children

Tere- Really?

Amanda y Cony- Really, Regularly say it is heard around three in the morning

Tere- Do not you think you're crazy, and you've never heard it?

Amanda- I will never sleep and I would not like it if I did not sleep that day.
Tere- and you cony

Cony- I heard it once, in Queretaro, and it was the worst, that day (haha) that night
I was going with my cousins and my uncles to have some rich tacos. It was like
eleven o'clock at night, we went back to the house to have dinner. We were talking
until two-thirty in the morning, and it was a time when we all went to bed, as it was
an extended place, a field and outdoors, suddenly I heard a lament something like
ahhhhhhh and we all Amazed , we found ourselves under the sheets and super
scared all

Tere- Really? And then what happened

Cony- The next morning my whole family wondered, they heard that and all if, not
because it was the crying woman who was heard by
Tere- Do not invent

Cony- And hears if it is true that when you listen close it is that it is far and vice

Tere- What do you think amanda

Amanda- Because really who knows, many say that if that is true but not really
Tere- Haha sure cony and I do not even enjoy the tacos I ate

Cony- Hahaha not longer

Todas- Hahaha
Tere- Not because the truth is that it is a super legend, right?

Amanda- In fact, even for celebration of the day of the dead, they make an altar
where they honor the deceased and in fact that personage is very recognized to all
that, occupy it to present / display theater and all

Tere- Really?
Cony Really, In fact that day, they make a very big and super famous event in
xochimilco, they make a play of the weeping and everything from its history and it
is so incredible uqe seems to be real.

Tere- Wow that great, it would be exciting to go

Cony- If I recommend it a lot, in fact I have already gone as 3 times in a row

Tere- Super, girls gave me great pleasure talking to you, it's shocking all that I
really feel that all this is something that represents Mexico and I am glad because it
is the soul of a Mexican culture

Cony- If in fact is something that would never change and that's why I love being
Mexican is something father and those days I'm excited to talk about it, it's
something exciting as interesting
Amanda- True is something incredible that is becoming legends from our
generations ancestors
Tere- If, as I leave girls, I was happy to talk to you for a while and to see when we
do it again and in passing cony invites us some tacos

Todas Jjajajajaja
Cony- Of course, hahaha
Tere- Okay, take care see you
Amanda y cony- Bye
Tere- bye bye

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