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Marina Ebigasako

As a whole, the class is doing below average. There are more students failing than there
are with an above average grade. Subtraction needs a little more focus than addition, but I
feel as if all the material needs to be retaught.
Juan (100%) and Cody (90%) did the best, but Hugh, Jack, and Jamal are close behind
with all 80%. Juan has a great understanding of all areas. Cody answered all of his
subtraction questions and only missed a few of addition; while Hugh was the opposite.
Hughs addition is great, and he only missed a few of subtraction.
Nathan (57%), Molly (53%), and Luke (40%) had the most trouble with the test/material.
Nathan needs help with both addition (60%) and subtraction (20%), but he needs more
help with subtraction. Molly has a good understanding of addition (80%) but needs help
with subtraction (20%). Luke needs an equal amount of help with both addition and
subtraction (40%).

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