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A2 Coursework Overall Marks Sheet

Name: COLLIER Solomon

Planning comments and mark out of 15/20

For full comments please see the pre-production marks sheet

Construction Main Task comments and mark out of 34/40

For full comments please see the production marks sheet

Construction Ancillary Task 1 (Digipak) comments and mark out of 6/10

Basic ability in the creative use of some of the technical skills.
Good design fitting genre and band for front and back but inside images lack
creativity. Clear understanding of conventions. Clear technical skill.

Construction Ancillary Task 1 (Poster) comments and mark out of 9/10

Excellence in the creative use of most of the technical skills.
Great design fitting genre and band. Clear understanding of conventions. Clear
technical skill. Good link to Digipak.

Evaluation Comments and mark out of 14/20

Question 1:
(Scribd) A good breakdown of shots and how meaning was created (technical
elements/mise-en-scene) and influenced by the genre. Good detail on how the video
conforms/challenges to genre conventions. Good use of images as evidence.
Question 2:
(Prezi) Some good analysis linking all 3 products together showing good
understanding of task, genre and conventions. Could have used more examples of
real products.
Question 3:
(Video/Word) Good interviews with target audience though would have been good to
have more interviews and more direct answers. Basic reflective analysis of feedback
needed to show better reflective feedback.
Question 4:
(Emaze) Good info on technologies used with some good detail on how they were
used. Would have been good to see screen grabs of Premiere and Photoshop.

A proficient piece of work showing some good understanding of tasks. Good use of
technology and presentation.

Total 78/100 Grade: B

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