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Tightrope Walker

Tightrope walking, also called funambulism, is the art of walking along a thin
wire or rope. It has a long tradition in various countries and is commonly
associated with the circus.
Acrobats maintain their balance by positioning
their centre of mass directly over their base of
support, i.e. shifting most of their weight over
their legs, arms or whatever part of their body
they are using to hold them up.

What I think?
This a job most dangerous beacause you are at high altitude andsometimes
becomes unprotected. This job is a can very funny because you scary and

Why I chose?
Beacause ir realy interesting, you can have fun up there ande you can have a
scary ande two sitations at both,
Imagine, you walk in between two builds at
twenty-seven floors, all those emotions
inside you, is a really really cool!!

I work in this job?

Obvious!!, but i like more that this a hobby
This job is realy awesome, you think you are a work in this job teachers
because money? No oh yeah? Becasuse this most diferent at the rest of Jobs
most most diferent!!

Take this job to the extrems, no nay make histpry

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