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Presentation Rubric

Grader:_______________________ Presenter:_____________________

Presentation: Students are expected to use their portfolio as a guide. Moving through the website page by page, students should Total:
maintain a confident demeanor, maintain eye contact, and leave the viewer with no doubt as to their preparedness to graduate
from TechBoston Academy and to enter college or a professional workplace.

Presenter was prepared to present his/her portfolio on the scheduled date of May 18th. (3 pts)
Presenter appeared prepared for and familiar with the material; did not read directly from their website (3 pts)
Presenters demeanor and conduct met a high professional standard (3 pts)
Presenter spoke clearly and at an a
ppropriate volume (4 pts)
Presenter was effective in pacing the material and was able to talk about all 5 pages of their site (3 pts)
Presenter was prepared to answer panel questions, and did so clearly and to the satisfaction of the panel (4 pts) ____ / 20

Comments (Students will be given panel feedback):

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