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1. Identify social issue / problem

Exceeding emission of toxic substances, overusing energy and resources, unrecycle
materials can cause a pollution and waste to the resources. For instead, the exceeding
emissions of carbon dioxide can cause a global warming to the earth. Carbon dioxide
trapped in the earths atmospher which cause the global to hot and dry condition. Not
only that, global warming also can cause a diseases that can harmful to the humankind in
the entire planet

2. How to overcome this issue?

Construct or applying a green building principles to reduce the impact of the built
environment on its surroundings. Green building are designed to save energy and
resources, recycle materials and minimise the emission of toxic substances throughout its
life cycle

3. Planning & Budget

- Use a solar panel technology to generates electricity instead of using an electricity that
produced by the biogas power plant. This may cut down the emissions of the carbon
dioxide a little bit, thus can overcome the global warming issues. Although the initial
or set-up cost for this planning is quite expensive, the outcome of this planning will
help the earth from having a serious global warming
- Suggest the company to built a small park in the rooftoop of the building. There are
some research has been made that state a tree in the building can reducing the carbon
emission or any potential harmful gasses that can cause global warming from the
building. Not only that, by creating a small park in the building, it also can be a place
where workers can hang out a little bit while having a stressful daily job
- Recycle awareness in the company should be a biggest task for this CSR program.
This is because there are so many differences people working in the same company.
Some people already have an awareness on the recycling culture. But some of them
are not familiar at all with this culture. There are several ways to overcome this
problems. One of the solution is by launching the campaign throughout the company
about the awareness on recycling. By doing this, all the workers will take part for a
much more greener environment in the company
- Encourages all workers who live in the same district to carpooling when coming to the
office in the morning or went home in the evening from the office. Carpooling is the
sharing of car journeys so that more than one person travels in a car. Carpooling is a
environmentally friendly and sustainable way to travels as sharing journeys may
reduces carbon emissions from the car, traffic congestion on the roads and the need for
parking spaces. Not only that, by having more people to using one vehicle, it can
reduces each persons travel costs such as fuel costs, tolls, and the stress of driving on
the road. In Malaysia, the carpooling culture is still not widely practiced yet. In order
to give a awareness towards this issue, a campaign is need to introduced the workers
on the benefits that can be gained by doing carpooling. For this activities, it does not
required a high cost to execute it. But, the time required and over lasting campaign for
a workers to make it as a culture or practice in the workplace will be very hard

4. Communicate and Inspire

- This CSR program can be inspired to the workers or any peoples through companys
official websites. The information regarding the program can be shared to the others
worldwide and can be an examples to the others organisations
- Nowadays, social media is a popular medium to spreading a news or any ideas to the
world. Popular social media sites such as twitter, instagram, facebook or any others
social media platform can be used to spread this environmentally awareness to the
peoples in entire world. Media team from company can creates an official social media
medium in order to shares this ideas for a greener environment
- Companys buletin board should be full with a poster or any others notes either in
graphical or writen, regarding on this program


1. Identify social issue / problem

Vandalism is an action that involving destruction or damaging to the public or private
property. Vandalism can be categorized as a criminal damage. Examples of the vandalism
activities are graffiti and vandalized property at schools in which degrades the campus
environment or any others property without permission of the owner. The presence of
vandalism at the public property may costs a lot of money and its make the facilities or
property become less attractive and even unusable. The research stated that the vandalism
impact of graffiti alone costs San Diego County almosts U.S.D 2 million a year. With that
much of money, a lot thing could be buy such as computers, new classrooms, educational
trip and many more.

2. How to overcome this issue / problem?

Organize Anti-vandalism campaign to the community to spread the awareness on this
issues. A few activities can be organizes during the campaing such as mural competition,
sport tournamet, drawing event and others. Not only giving the awareness on this matters
to the community, this CSR program also can make company close to the social

3. Planning and Budget

- The planning for this CSR program required a lot time and a lot of human energy. The
planning needs to be done by CSR team specially appointed by the company
- For the mural competition, the themes of anti-vandalism needs to be first priority. The
messages send through the mural drawn must in related to the anti-vandalism. Then the
organizer must find the sponsorship for the competition prizes and materials needed for
this competition such as paint, colour spray, brush and any another related items. The
table below the assumption costs needed for this mural competition event needed for this
CSR program.

*Based on the assumptions and item prices on the market only

Materials Cost / Unit (RM) Unit needed (RM) Total Cost (RM)
Oil based paint 100 50 5000
Water based paint 80 50 4000
Colour spray 10 500 500
Brush tools 15 100 1500
Competition Prizes - - 1000
Miscellaneous - - 2500
- Company also can organizing a small carnival to the community on awareness to the
harm of doing vandalism. This carnival can be as a platform to sendirng a messages on
this issues. Company can collaborates with either governments or any non-government
agencies to cut the cost for organizing of this events. Examples of governments agencies
than can be collaborates with is Jabatan Alam Sekitar, Kementerian Alam Sekitar,
Majlis Bandaraya Petaling Jaya (MBPJ), Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL)
and many more. For the non-governments agencies, company can collaborates with any
environment lovers group or club for helps in promoting and publicity this awareness
campaign to the other people.

4. Communicate and Inspire

- All the events planned for this CSR programmed need to be updated from time to time
at any social media platform so that people can reach the news on the events.
-Provide help line for any peoples to call and asking about the events agendas or events
- Companys websites also can be used as a platform to sending the messages and the
programs organized by the company.
- Advertisments through a television or radio can help the news on the events or
campaigns organized by the company spreeading much faster
- Newspapers also can be used as a medium for company to spreading the messages on
the anti-vandalism campaigns


1. Identify issue / problem

Klang river is a river which flows all the way from Kuala Lumpur and Selangor and
eventually flows into the Straits of Malacca. Since, its flowing through the Klang Valley
area, the most populated area in Malaysia, which is more than 4 million people, it is
cinsiderably a polluted rivers. Heavy development throughout the Klang Valley area has
contributes to this problems. Its also causing a flash floods in the certains heavily area
especially after having a heavy rain.

2. How to overcome this issue / problem

Design a effective and efficient rubbish trap to be installed in the river along the Klang
River. Then come up with a planning and phases need to be done on this CSR programs.
This CSR programs needs to establish partnership with Jabatan Alam Sekitar, Dewan
Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur and Jabatan Perairan Selangor in order to achieved the main
goals of this CSR programs which is to clean up polluted Klang River.

3. Planning and Budget

- This program should be a long-term CSR program and must be planned properly by all
the related parties involved.
-Should be done by stage. For phase 1 is to collect all the rubbish through Klang River.
The big rubbish is collected by the any sub-contractor appointed by the DBKL, JAS, and
- After done on the phase 1, proceed with the phase 2 which is to install rubbish trap in
the any drains or small rivers that connected to the Klang River. For this stage, company
can design an effective and efficienct way to trapping and collecting the rubbish trapped
in it.
- Then at the phase 3, which is the last phase is to maintain and monitor the cleaniness of
the rivers. But, to maintain and monitor the level of cleaniness of this rivers, the
cooperation from all parties especially factory management and community itself. A
campaign needs to be launched when starting phases 1 up to phases 3. In order to
educated all parties on this matters, this campaign needs to be done widely especially in
Klang Valley area where the rivers is originated.

4. Communication and Inspire


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