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Daily Writing 1/18/17

Who Has Helped Me in My Literacy Narrative

One person that comes to mind when thinking who has taught me to read, write and
compose is my first-grade teacher, Ms. Wong. When I was little I had a lot of reading and
writing problems. I was always a super slow reader and was never reading at my grade level and
my writing was no better. After being tutored by Ms. Wong well beyond my elementary years,
my reading and writing had really improved. I would go to her classroom every day until my
brother got out of school, which was about forty-five minute later than me. She would make me
read books, practice my spelling, and she even gave me a journal to write in. She taught me to be
confident in what I was writing about and to always make sure that I was interested in what I was
writing about. She also made sure that I kept up on my reading, she wanted to make sure that I
did not fall below my reading level. My first-grade teacher, Ms. Wong, has had an enormous
impact on my school. Without her help, I would have never gotten into my private high school or
even UNC Charlotte.

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