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Challenge and Feedback Challenge and Feedback are as important as the learning itself. You should constantly expose the students to new This helps them forge new brain connections. You should encourage students to use one piece of information in different ways. Forexample, you can ask them the consequences of their learning about pollution, or you can ask them to list their observations about the water cycle,or even give practical examples of where Geometry may be used. As for your curriculum and assessments, the demand placed on students should be based on your understanding of their abilities and capacities. That will come from observation and other assessment data. At the same time, itis important to understand that some stress is a good thing. It sometimes makes for more focused and efficient learning, as they take on more responsibility for their own learning. Providing marks or grading tests is one form of feedback. Yet, it is incomplete if there is no information about how students can improve their performance. Some of the best feedback is provided in real time. {As you speak with students about what they know, or follow up with their answers in groupand class discussions. One of the most important roles of a teacheris to provide both formal and informal feedback to students, to identity their strengths and areas of improvement. Peer and self-assessement can also be an important part ofa teacher's assessment regime. If provided with appropriate suppor, invaluable feedback can also come from peers. This hasto be managed carefully and structured with clear processes and protocols. On many occasions, the students themselves are the most honest about their own performance. GEMS Education |THE ART OF TEACHING There should be some opportunities for them to assess themselves, and identify their own strengths and weaknesses. In conclusion, challenge and feedback are critical ingredients to enrich the learner's brain. Make sure your activities and interactions promote both a realistically challenging environment, and also multiple opportunities for feedback on performance. GEMS Education |THE ART OF TEACHING

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