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Daily Writing 1/25/17

My Special Place
One special place that goes along with my literacy narrative is the room where my
first-grade teacher taught in. It was room number there and was located at the end of the hall on
the right, kitty-corner to the bathrooms. This one little room has a lot of meaning to me and since
I was the last class she taught in that classroom, it makes it even more special to me. This is the
classroom I grew up in. My brother was taught in that classroom also, so I knew where
everything was. I spent the majority of the school day in there. It was a big open classroom with
a reading carpet on the floor right as you walked in and it had a rainbow of colors and the
alphabet on it. The desks were placed in groups of fours behind the reading carpet, and there was
a big round table in the back that we called the test table. Those three spaces, the reading carpet,
the desks and the test table, had a lot of meaning to me. The reading carpet would always
encourage me to read. The tiny desks, where I did all my class work, shaped my writing and
back at the test table is where my teacher would tutor me every day after school when I would
wait for my brother. Room three has made a big impact on me and is the one place I feel that has
shaped my literacy narrative.

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