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In most developing countries, youth are so engaged in politics and future

decisions due to the awareness they have when it comes to the importance of
politics. In morocco however, only 1/5 people vote while only 1% of youth vote.
This statistics shows that the youth in Morocco do not know the importance of
their voice. Or they just lost hope. This speech will persuade you, youth of
today, and leaders of tomorrow why you should always vote when it comes to the
future of this nation. First of all, the Moroccan political parties arent similar as
the ones in the western world. In Morocco, we find an islamist right conservative
party like PJD colluding with the communist lefts. Hence, this means that
Moroccan parties arent trying to attract people with knowledge but are just
trying to attract illiterate people using unethical methods. Thats why, in case
educated youth start to get involved in politics, political parties will be obliged to
follow ideologies, programs and implementations. The second reason why youth
should vote is that Look, lets take Ifrane city as an example. For instance, ifwe
have 80% of ifrane residents vote. Then, if a political candidat is trying to bribe
citizens he wil need to bribe at least 30% of the 80% so he can win. However, if
only 20% of citizens vote, then it will become easier for him to bribe the 5% of
the 20%. Hence, when youth start to vote, politiciens will find difficulties by
collecting majorities using bribes. The third factor why youth should vote is
because of the future. Youth are the future of this nation and they need to pick
their leaders carefully. Youth of today understand the importance of investment,
globalization, human rights, and the economy more than any other generation
and it would be very stupid for eldey of today to define the future f the youth.
Youth need to choose their own leaders, own socio-economic structure and their
own vision. Hopefully, I hope, deeply, that this speech makes you have an idea
that your vote is really powerful and has an impact on the future of Morocco. I
hope that in the next elections that at least 40% of youth vote. Because after
all, I want my future to be in the hands of people who care about the future and
not those who just want to take advantage of the system.

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