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Dominican Republic and Haiti

The island of Santo Domingo is shared by two countries. On the Est Part of the
Island is located the Dominican Republic of Haiti.

The Dominican Republic is bigger than Haiti, it has approximately 47,794 km


Haiti is smaller than the Dominican Republic, it has 27, 750 km square Haiti,
has am estimated population lives in the Dominican Republic.

In contrask of DR, Haiti because an independent country 40 jeans before DR. in

1804 while the Dominican Republic got its independence From Haiti in 1844.
Haiti its the poorest country in the region.

The borden that separates DR from Haiti and overs with trees, while Haiti,
border is more desolate than a dessert.

The DR`S Economy is higher and stronger than Haiti.

Life expectancy in DR is higher than in Haiti in has public institutions in Haiti are
weaker than DRS public institutions.

DRS education System is stronger than Haitis, the Dominican universities

leconve all year nets or students that come from Haiti to do a carrer.

The tracle between those natons is very informal, Haiti imports more products
from D

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