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43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor Darul Ehsan

Tel: (603)-89486358 Faks: (603)-89482117

Name: Form:
(1 JAM 30 MINIT)
Instruction: Answer ALL the questions

1 (a) Complete the table below

Sensory organ Sense Stimulus

Touch Pressure
Eyes Light
Taste Chemicals in food
[7 marks]
(b) The information below shows the pathway of nervous impulse when a child accidently
touches a hot object.

Hot object S T Nerve U

Match the structure to the correct label.

Stucture Label
Brain S
Receptor T
Effector U
[3 marks]

2 (a) The diagram below shows the structure of the human skin.

(i) Name the receptors labelled A and B.

A: ______________________________________________________________
B: ______________________________________________________________
[4 marks]
(ii) State the functions of receptor A and receptor B.
A: ______________________________________________________________
B: ______________________________________________________________
[4 marks]
(iii) State two parts of the human body which are sensitive to touch.
1. _____________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________
[2 marks]

3 (a) The diagram below shows the structure of the human ear.

(i) Complete the following flow chart to show the transmission of sound vibration through
the ear to the brain for interpretation.

Pinna (1) Eardrum

Oval window (2)

(3) Brain

[6 marks]
(ii) Named the parts of the ear which are filled with air.
[2 marks]
(iii) What will happen if the part labelled X of the ear does not function well?
[2 marks]

4 The diagram below shows the section of through the human eye.
(a) What are the parts labelled P and Q?
[2 marks]
(b) What happens to the parts labelled P and Q of the eye of an individual when he or she is
trying to focus on a distant object?
[2 marks]
(c) The following sequence shows the path taken by a light ray from the cornea to the brain.
(i) Pupil (ii)

(iii) brain
[6 marks]

5 The diagram below shows a human sensory organ.

(a) Identify the following based on the above diagram

(i) The sensory organ:

(ii) The type of sense involve:

(iii) The type of stimuli which can be detected:
[6 marks]
(b) How does a common cold reduce the sense of smell?
[2 marks]
(c) Kelvin smelled cooking from his mothers kitchen. Arrange the statements to show the
pathway of nerve impulses for detecting the smell.

Pathway Letters
Chemicals dissolve in the mucus P
Chemicals stimulate the sensory cells Q
Nerve impulses are sent along the nerves to the brain R
The sensory cell produce nerve impulses S
Chemicals enter the nose T
The brain interprets the impulses as a certain smell U
Arrange the letters in the correct order to show the pathway of the nerve impulses for detecting


[2 marks]

6 (a) The diagram below shows the apparatus set up for an experiment.

(i) Based on the above diagram, state the medium through which light travels.
A : _____________________________________________________________________
B : _____________________________________________________________________
[4 marks]
(ii) Explain your answer based on question (a)(i).
[4 marks]

(b) State two phenomena caused by the refraction of light in our daily lives.

[2 marks]
7 (a) Mirza visits a craft stall that operated Blind People Association. He finds out that blind
people used their sense of touch to produce handicraft.

Diagram 7 shows the cross section of skin.

Diagram 7

In Diagram 7, labelled P and Q using the word given in the box below.

Heat receptor Pressure receptor Touch receptor

[2 marks]

(b) During the visits, Mirza see the blind people use fingertip to read Braille text.
Explain why they use fingertip instead of tiptoe to read the Braille text.
[4 marks]
(c) Mirza buy a basket. While making payment for the basket, the seller who is blind can return
the balance money accurately.

Explain how the blind seller may return the balance money accurately.
[4 marks]

8 Diagram 8.1 shows how eye can see.

Diagram 8.1

(a) Based on diagram 8.1,

(i) State two differences between object P and image Q.
[2 marks]
(ii) How the size of image Q changes when the distance of eye to object P is 10cm?
[1 mark]
(iii) Give inference for your answer in (a)(ii).
[1 mark]

(b) (i) Complete the sketches on Diagram 8.2 to show the formation of distant object on retina
for short-sightedness people. [2 marks]

Diagram 8.2

ii) State two factors that cause the situation in Diagram 8.2 to occur.
1. ____________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________
[2 marks]
iii) How the situation of defect in the Diagram 8.2 can be corrected
[1 mark]
iv) Name other type of vision defect that has been learned.
[1 mark]

9. Study the picture of animals in Diagram 9.1 below and answer questions related to stereoscopic
and monocular vision.
Animal X Animal Y

Diagram 9.1

(a) What is the type of vision for animal X and animal Y?

Animal X:__________________________________________________________________
Animal Y:__________________________________________________________________
[2 marks]
(b) Which animals have wider field of vision?
[1 mark]
(c) State two advantages for animal with wider field of vision that stated in question (b).
1. _______________________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________________
[2 marks]
(d) What is advantages of sight of the animal Y
[1 mark]
(e) Draw field of vision for monocular and stereoscopic animals in Diagram 9.2 below.

Diagram 9.2

[2 marks]

(f) Give examples of each, for the animals that have the same vision as
(i) Animal X:______________________________________________________________
(ii) Animal Y:______________________________________________________________
[2 marks]
10 Our eyes allow us to see, interpret the shapes, colours and dimensions of objects in the world.
The eyes are able to detect bright light or dim light but cannot sense object when light are

Light is important for sense of sight. The diagram below shows the changes of the eyes when an
individual moves from (a) a dark area to a bright area and (b) a bright area to a dark area

(a) Why does the eye change under different conditions?

[2 marks]
(b) Based on statement in bold, explain why our eyes cannot see temporarily when we move
from a bright area to a darker room.
[2 marks]
(c) The diagram below shows the process of vision.

The reflected light ray of the object enters the eye.

The lens plays an important role of converging and focusing light rays onto the
To see a near object, the ciliary muscle will contract and make the lens thicker.
To see a distant object. The ciliary muscle will relax and make the lens thinner.
A real and inverted image is formed on the retina.
The impulse produced by the retina is sent to the brain via the optic nerve.
The brain interprets the image as an upright tree.

The failure of the eyes to focus sharp image of near object on the retina can cause an eye defect.
This problem is common among elders because of aging process. Based on the information
given, explain an eye defect and suggest a way to overcome the problem.


[6 marks]


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