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MSCS“ BULLETIN’ ‘ACOMMUNICATION FROM THE MONAOE INSTITUTE OF APPLIED SCIENC #7313801 Ferhaps the moat aignificant mind-beain research in recent yaece has been in the hemiaphereic specialization, “The conasant oy asec hundred pages and studion generally aupporta the pestatates of Awe" Eni fnctlone (nash verkdae eeeis echt Earns, the rig 1 spacial, eynthasie). ‘all concate the teat crate gyi te; Sp and the “fundanental values of cur culteretne o£ Sly auch Tetebrain dominance, Patterns in both hemispis and then eae PPRTaMELY cours infrequently th typleal ruse cee see ts fOr A few seconds at the most. Usually, activite efter ee, Ace SOQEAgRE herephere as the dominant area ainore tee flickering went according to the mental task at the momene- pheric aynchronization or coherence a a ata! in both henfapheres which are equency. Due to the rare occ: anese, there has baen Litti: recently. The bust early si the Menninger Clinic, where ive training was teated extonc 2d establish at will a heai-3} ently and over fifteen minutes tn length Through the use of audio stimilae to evoke an sha SUERY Faeponse in the brain (Pen), as developed ana with the application of auch signals in's heres erential signals in each ear), re electrical frequenc by the Institute, frequency mode (aif ‘arch by the Institute haa determine Dregple methods and techniques that indice hemlosterece aynchronizat! Sonsicceneay suette human brain. ‘This has been veriticn 22a replicate. consistently both at the Institute and other facilites 2 Ue eyene ize time, conaciousnosu as represented and/or creat by the HEMI-SYNC state can bo instigated, idantifved. een menor ae THtefetd scope of MENI-S¥NC consciousness 18 yet to be determined The’ prattetadt, Row of ite characteristics, value or utiiite srnee ee rReePERAEMAEATY WOEK performed by the Institute, ‘hore ise’ geening te 2eE, that meditation, nonents of crisis, certain mental distigeine’ oe sense Soncentration, peak oxperiences, all represent, variecion of ance dethee he eae yConversely, hypnoaie, ‘drug-induced statess Liners r= seatheaia, and like conditions do nots subsequent research nay saboone (over) [Week ‘Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001200060018-5 ‘oved For Release, 2003(09/09 : CIA-RDP9E-00788R001200060018-5 GPRIEHSS TROT E AMP Mong expen tener thee: thekin Sy pentoetcey, a ang eee Bf consctournesy ate aot. epentene upon pista’ aentany teary thee LE a most prea rebtnang precede to vost par lainattene hays Tie In a social structuro bound heavily to causal relationships through matterctine-space, the acceptance of sich a3 valid through’ peesornt experience was indeed profound, disturuing, and extrenely atianiering to both staff and participants, It was trily a suspected Pantoreie o that offered unexpected potentials in an aspect that had precoceupled man since his early beginnings. ULLD the savant of a wide intavest in beaincheataphesie theory and ody, ‘the Institnte undertook to explore. the hicbaceeea eeveee ce Fe The natural cutcone of thie was to\ seek patterns whet dot Halo or adjust the relationships between the heft and Flak’ breree ae Produce desired changes in behavior. teilisiny: the mmetinte Fok ee cose in the binatical sode, a biciatsral EtG ona wslmntsee eebpe tee fet up vhoxeby thy dominant wave form of cach brain neeteghee nee Ca Played on e dial trace oscilioseorey Binaural beat-(nequency stimute Spucinenaus a psby et emule {on cavates a sustaining FFR that is Rie gueney BE tween The DAAC Rents hie ‘The total meaning of such coherency is not understood as no extended studies have baen made except those begin by the thatitutes Prior to the development of the FFR method, no efficient technique was avai lab! to generate an heni-sync state, It may he true that those in a focuse relaxed state in prayer, meditation, or similar physically-quiet stece may Produce periods of such synchronization. Certainly, Le must oceue feturally if only mouentarily under certain specific conditions in fue life. Exactly what these aze is not yet knowns There ig a partial entrainment effect, and thero are indications that | SBE LeBtBed much aw in the vio-feaiback model. Whether the aysthoa! fignal crosses the Corpus Callosum (the nerve noiwark between the bogs hemtsphores), travels through the brain ston, limbic system. this nes wot to be determined, It appears that now neural pathways are estahitc asa result. ‘the efforts of the Institute have not been designed or performed with the intent of offering documentation to the scientific comunity of the world at large, although much of orthodox scientifie method has beer plitized. | Instead, yuch can well be tho goal of other organizations anc individuals who may take the basic findings of the Institace to prove 3nd present them in other forms, in othor areas of- specializations The Institute welcomes this participation. For further information, write or phones P. 0, Box 94C, Paber, VA 22938, (804) 361-1252, ‘Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001200060018-5 MCAS BULLETIN A COMMUNICATION FAOM THE MONROE INSTITUTE OF APPLIED SCIENC! e2a480e ORIGINS: The Institute had its beginning in the Research and Developas DivEsion of Monroe Industries, 1nc., which at the tine (1998) was inves tigating methods and techniques of accelerated learning through practic environmental changes. As a result of certain findings, the decision was made to broaden the base of such investigations and to alter tle ps pose of any such research effort. in 1971, the Institute was created t Conform with and expand this different approach. Stated simply, the Institute holds to the concept that (1); cc and the focusing thereof contain any and all solutions to th. lige processes that man desires or encounters. (2): Greater underatanc ing and appreciation of such consciousness can be achieved only tneough inter-dieciplinary approaches and co-ordination; (3)4, The reaults of related research effort are moaningful only if reduced to practical ap- Elication, to "Something of Value" within the context of the contemgoraz culeure oF era, SUWHARY: Early stufics of consciousness aud the decay thereof into alec Brought a major tool into use by the Institute, Ttiwas discovered that phased sine waves at discernable sound tre wien blended to_creata *beat"Froqueierer vi (un the Tanjee St eieeth Grain waves Tound at the vacTous slagey of Winan Boars SET crests ‘Frequency Following Response (FFR)-within tlt Tre pattere aI Ty Gul Tistehing touch audio waveToims MWe TT ie tire ereKee ioaeal end mental states in direct VATaE oaalidye to the orig SEAL With the availability of this new tool, for the first time Le becas possible to develop and hold the subject intn any of the various stayes of sleep, from light alpha relaxation throws theta into delta and ia BEN. (dreaning) « A gencric patent on the method and technique was ge to the originator, Robert Montoe, for whom the Institute is naned. Tue Honroe method and techniques were found to be able to “progran* sleep cycles throughout the night of sleop, if so desired. Variations could Lring adjustment of the duration of each stage of siesp during the cycle, according to the needs and desires of tho individual, ‘The wakinj-fros~ Sleep moment was enhanced greatly over the traditionat alarm clock which bad no cognizance of the stage of aleep it vas invading. By progearming the FER up into REM sleep for the few minutes before wake-up time, than inserting a bata signal, the «leepor was roused gently you firmly, with= out startling shock or dull sleep "hangover". Another important milestone of Institute research into consciousness come with the development of a “wind awake ~ body asleep" stat pene Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : ClA-RDP96-00788R001200060018-5 such DAPREEERT alee 21080009. ROR BORA ROISANE ‘The Institute has reached the following conclusions in relatic to the propagation and delineation of IIR!I-SYNC consciousnese, based upon both anecdotal and bio-monitoring consenaus from 4,823 experin anong 1,280 volunteer participants over a five year period. (2) the characteriatica of such consclousness may be varied @irectly in accordance with the signal or signals introduced. (2) The re-introduction of such signal patterns evoke a rep) cation of the original characteristics, 3) Specific states of ArMr~sytic consciousness can be learne and re-established without the original stimulus mich as the blo~ feedback process. (4) wewt-sync audio stimulus {5 not all-pervasive. Te can be rejected easily either subjectively or objectively. (5) No significant or lasting contraindicative effects have been reported anong the participants in the experimental series. (6) Baned upon the application of specific single and sultip! audio patterns, the following characteristics of HEMI-SYNC consciousn have been noted (A) Deep mental and physical relaxation. {B) Sense of euphoria, extending beyonl stimulus. {C) Single-pointed focus of attention. {0) Increased utilization of menory patterns, at all levels (£) Higher suggoutibility, but with greater acceptance oF rejection. {f) Holistic problem solving and decision-making. (6) Chansos in overview, lens restrictive, significantly Ero n scope. (0h) Hajor increase in creativity, ideas, with attendant appl cation. (2) Measurable changes in muscular co-ordination. (@) Permanent menory addition, by rote and self-synthestzad experience. ‘The Institute is continuing to operate experimental programs in the evaluation of effects produced by other audio patterns yet to be investigated. Formal papers of such effort will be presented to appro- priate groups at a future date. Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : C1A-RDP96-00788R001200060018-5

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