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1. According to the author, what do a lot of students learning English probably think about
the language?
2. Explain why the author thinks its strange that cow doesnt rhyme with low.
3. Why does the author suggest that through, too, blue and shoe shouldnt rhyme with each
4. According to the author, why are some English words pronounced strangely?
5. How did the inventors of English words hope to cause chaos in restaurants?
6. According to the author, what fact can a foreigner struggling with English take comfort
7. According to the author, how many people in the world speak English as a foreign
8. According to the author, why do some people say that its not surprising that such a large
number of people are learning English?
9. What does the author think about the fact that so many people have managed to learn
English although they grew up speaking a different language?
10.According to the author, why do many native speakers of English never try to learn a
foreign language?
11.According to the author, why arent native speakers grateful to the millions of foreigners
who speak English well?
12.In what way does the author think the spread of English could be a very good thing?
13.Why does the author think that foreigners learning English should be thanked?
14.Can you think of any more English words like cow and low which are spelled similarly, but
which do not rhyme?
15.Can you think of any more English words like through, too, and blue, which are spelled very
differently, but still rhyme?
16.The author suggests that the pronunciation of some English words is strange. What else do
you think is strange or difficult about the English language?
17.The author mentions a couple of ways in which foreigners mistakes in English could cause
chaos. Have you ever been in a funny situation because of a mistake you made in English?
Tell us what happened.
18.What do you think are the funnies mistakes that foreigners sometimes make when they
speak Portuguese?
19.How many native speakers of Portuguese are there in the world?
20.Imagine someone who does not speak either English or Portuguese. Which of the two
languages do you think would be easier for him or her to learn? Why?
21.Why do you think we all find a foreign language much more difficult to learn than our first
22.Would you say that people from Brazil are good at foreign languages? Explain.
23.The author says that native speakers of English are terrible at foreign languages. Do you
agree? Explain.
24.Do you think that the spread of English is a good thing? Explain.
25.Why do you think the article is called 100 million heroes?
26.Who is your hero or heroine, and why?
27.Have you ever tried to fool anyone? Tell us what happened.
28.What popular inventions can you think of?
29.Do you ever use the internet? What for? In what language are most of the things you read
on the internet?
30.Can you think of a time when you felt grateful to someone? Tell us what happened.
31.What do you think has been your greatest achievement?

1.According to the author, what do a lot of students learning English probably think about
the language?
2. Explain why the author thinks its strange that cow doesnt rhyme with low.
3. Why does the author suggest that through, too, blue and shoe shouldnt rhyme with each
4. According to the author, why are some English words pronounced strangely?
5. How did the inventors of English words hope to cause chaos in restaurants?
6. According to the author, what fact can a foreigner struggling with English take comfort
7. According to the author, how many people in the world speak English as a foreign
8. According to the author, why do some people say that its not surprising that such a large
number of people are learning English?
9. What does the author think about the fact that so many people have managed to learn
English although they grew up speaking a different language?
10.According to the author, why do many native speakers of English never try to learn a
foreign language?


11.According to the author, why arent native speakers grateful to the millions of foreigners
who speak English well?
12.In what way does the author think the spread of English could be a very good thing?
13.Why does the author think that foreigners learning English should be thanked?
14.Can you think of any more English words like cow and low which are spelled similarly, but
which do not rhyme?
15.Can you think of any more English words like through, too, and blue, which are spelled very
differently but still rhyme?
16.The author suggests that the pronunciation of some English words is strange. What else do
you think is strange or difficult about the English language?
17.The author mentions a couple of ways in which foreigners mistakes in English could cause
chaos. Have you ever been in a funny situation because of a mistake you made in English?
Tell us what happened.
18.What do you think are the funnies mistakes that foreigners sometimes make when they
speak Portuguese?
19.How many native speakers of Portuguese are there in the world?
20.Imagine someone who does not speak either English or Portuguese. Which of the two
languages do you think would be easier for him or her to learn? Why?


21.Why do you think we all find a foreign language much more difficult to learn than our first
22.Would you say that people from Brazil are good at foreign languages? Explain.
23.The author says that native speakers of English are terrible at foreign languages. Do you
agree? Explain.
24.Do you think that the spread of English is a good thing? Explain.
25.Why do you think the article is called 100 million heroes?
26.Who is your hero or heroine, and why?
27.Have you ever tried to fool anyone? Tell us what happened.
28.What popular inventions can you think of?
29.Do you ever use the internet? What for? In what language are most of the things you read
on the internet?
30.Can you think of a time when you felt grateful to someone? Tell us what happened.
31.What do you think has been your greatest achievement?

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