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Bethel Etta, Marti Green, Connor Maples, Phil Reiter

ENGL 297
Team Charter
Broad Team Goals:
Develop a greater understanding of technical communication, specifically in the area of
environmental science and climate change and ways to combat climate change denial.
Gain skills in technical communication and the understanding of public policy and
climate change, both separately and how they are related, relevant to our future
Measurable/Specific Team Goals:
Successfully complete all criteria for this project
Complete each section of the project with peer revisions at least 12 hours before it is
due/before class
Individual Team Members Goals:
Bethel: Bethel would like to explore different areas in which legal writing may be
employed and further develop her understanding of different aspects of technical writing.
Marti: Marti would like to explore public policy writing to better understand the
differences between it and academic writing.
Connor: Connor would like to explore further explore his field of environmental science.
In particular, gain knowledge of the intricacies of policy and climate change.
Phil: Phil would like to understand how technical communication is involved in a
real-world workplace setting and how it can improve the fight against climate change,
specifically in regards to public policy.

Level of Commitment to the Project:

All students in this group are ready to commit to the project and abide by this charter. Every
student not only wants a good grade, but to learn and grow from observing our subject: for that
to occur, a high level of dedication is necessary.

Conflict Resolution:
Our first attempt to resolve conflicts will be within the group through direct
communication. If the conflict cannot be solved this way, then we will present the issue
to Professor Szczepaniec-Bialas to help with mediation.

Missed Deadlines:
Team members who miss deadlines will have 24-48 hours to complete the work. If after
48 hours the work is still not completed, that member must explain why they were unable
to complete their work or the group will bring the conflict to the professor.
Unacceptable Work:
If any member turns it work that is deemed unacceptable (incomplete, missing
information, incorrectly structured), other members of the team can make the necessary
edits if the deadline is approaching soon or suggest edits if there is time.

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