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Transcript Reflection

In a broad spectrum, high school was definitely a rough patch in a personal sense. I started

out freshman year in another high school with a my mind focused on sports and less oriented

around my grades. My grades stood at a steady 2.6 for both semesters, which I find I could have

done better.

I soon then transferred to merced high school for sophomore year, which had pushed me

off track socially and academically.I was still participating in sports and even took up the

opportunity to take an AP class. My GPA for sophomore year had approximately accumulated

another 2.6.

Junior year I started a new job and was dealing with a lot of pre existing issues that are

difficult to express. I slowly began to mend myself and better my health which was difficult

working from 3 to closing on school nights, often having those shifts back to back, accompanied

by lack of sleep and effecting my attendance. Although I had a choice to not work those hours, I

needed money to support myself since my parents could barely support themselves.I would find

time during classes to finish homework and often start homework after work and hopefully get a

good 6 hours of sleep. I pulled through junior year with a 3.1 which I was motivating to me.

I Slowly drawn back on work running into september of my senior year. I took a break

off work and decided to focus on my schooling. I managed to accomplish a steady 4.0 the first

semester. I later returned back to work in January and still maintain a 4.0 for this current semester.

The point of telling you broadly what happened outside of school can give you insight that despite

my social life I still kept my grades high and ironically the harder life had gotten the more I pushed
my efforts at school. Going from a 2.7 average and suddenly accomplishing to get a 4.0 my senior

year took a lot of strength and effort and I take pride in that.

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