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Amy-Nicole Del Sol


Activity: Therapeutic Jenga

Source: Pinterest
Equipment Needed: Jenga game set

Activity Description:
1. Have different groups of participants set up for the activity (about 5-6 people per group.)
2. Have groups members sit around a table where the Jenga game will be set up.
3. Before beginning the activity, have all group members participating introduce themselves
so group is aware of all the people participating in the game.
4. Set up game of Jenga and explain the basic rules of the game carefully.
5. Each Jenga piece will have a question or a statement on it, when the game piece is pulled
out, the player must answer the statement or question before he/she places game piece
back on the top.
6. Game continues until all the Jenga pieces fall apart.

Leadership Considerations:
1. This game can be used to build trust within the therapist-client relationship as well as
relationships amongst the other clients participating in this activity. This game can be
used not only as a social activity, but as one to get the clients to open up a bit or
something as simple as learning new stuff about them. A very important part of
recreation therapy is to get the client to want to reintegrate into the community or
integrate if they never have before. This activity can be used with people of all ages and
disabilities, it is not geared towards a specific disability or age group. If assistance is
needed, then the RT there will be there to provide you with any assistance needed.
2. There are also other alternatives to the game, for example every time someone picks ut a
block, the therapist can have everyone answer the question or statement rather than just
the one person. Suggestions are also always encouraged from the participants to be able
to spice things up in the game.

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