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Activity: A bit dicey
Source: Grosvenor, Carrie. "How to Play A Bit Dicey Popsicle Game (from Minute to Win
It)." ThoughtCo. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2017.
Equipment Needed: 14 dice (2players) and Popsicle sticks

Activity Description: Begin the game by placing the popsicle stick in your mouth.
Then start the clock. Using your hands, begin building a tower of dice, one by one,
on the end of the stick. To win this game, you must have a vertical stack of 7 dice
on the end of the stick, and it must be freestanding. You must balance all 7 dice on
the end of the popsicle stick in just one minute.

Leadership Considerations:
1) When working with participants with muscular dystrophy and or cerebral
palsy multiple adaptations must be made. First off changing the rules would
be to limit the amount of dice needed to stack to 3 and have another
participant place them on that person while they just have to balance the
stack on the popsicle stick surface. Also depending on the severity of the
condition maybe holding the Popsicle stick in your mouth on top of a still
surface such as a table. The purpose of this game for a participant with
cerebral palsy is to help increase posture and movement by increasing
their focus and contracting their muscles by keeping still. Participants with
muscular dystrophy suffer from a loss of muscular tissue and usually try to
to combat the degenerative disease by slowing it down with therapy. In this
activity they would increase coordination of core muscles which help just
like the physical therapy and coordination of their eyes he keeping them
center on the dice because they do suffer from droopy eyes.

2) By changing the game around instead of using a time limit I would place 2
participants against each other and to see who is able to stack the 3 dice
first depending on the severity we can use more dice up to 7 first. This
would create a little competition between and some laughs between the
individuals. For some minor safety considerations depending on the age
group smaller age group would have to be monitor intensively because of
the possibility of swallowing the equipment.

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