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LEI: 4724

Activity: Creative Writing Activities

Source: Janaka Bamunukula. D.T., of Mountientviewe Nursing home Australia on Sunday, June
17, 2001
1. Pen
2. Papers
3. Quiet room with tables and chairs
1. Provide a paper and a pen to members in group
2. Tell them to:
* write their favorite name of a person
* Write their favorite color of the car
* Write favorite place
* Write favorite name of the flower
* Write favorite animal
3. Now advise them to write a story with the information in paper with time limit.
4. Read or explain their stories to others

Adaptation for intellectual Disability and Autism Spectrum Disorder:

People with any type Intellectual Disability and Autism Spectrum Disorder. May need
help with their communication problem cognitive, and social skills. This activity it one of
a million-way Intellectual Disability and Autism Disorder with their communication,
cognitive, and social skills.
The first accommodation people with intellectual Disability and Autism Spectrum
Disability may need is extra time process their idea because while they are working with
one activity they are working with their Communication; cognitive and social skills goes
hand in hand.
The second accommodation will be having them in a quiet room to quiet down all the
sensory input they might be experiences.
These two accommodation will allow them to stay focus on their activities.
At the end of their activities they can feel accomplish and show their activities to their
care giver or parents.

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