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India Lamboy

Lei 4724
Activity: Drop it Catch it
Source: C. Webb (Ultimate Camp Resource)
Equipment Needed: Ball

Activity Description:
1. Have all participants stand in a circle facing each other, arms-length apart
2. Choose one person to be in the middle with a ball
3. The person in the middle with pass the ball back and forth to the other player surrounding
4. The person with the ball must say either drop it or catch it before tossing the ball to
one of the players standing in the circle
5. The player in the circle must do the opposite of what is being told to them. Ex if the
player in the middle says drop it then tosses the ball, the player in the circle must actually
catch it and vice versa.
6. If the player in the circle does the wrong motion they must switch spots with the player in
the middle

Leadership Considerations:
1. When working with a participant with fragile x syndrome, who may be intellectually
delayed, the leader can switch the rules so that instead of the opposite, they do what they
are told. It may be hard for someone with this syndrome who is developmentally delayed
to grasp the concept of doing the opposite of what they are told, so adapting it so they
either drop or catch the ball as stated will make it easier for them to participate.
2. For participants with dyspraxia, they may have a hard time catching the ball that is being
thrown at them as well as a hard time with the hand-eye coordination necessary for
catching a ball. One way that the leader can adapt this activity would be to roll it or kick
it to the participants instead of tossing it. Catching it would be tapping it with their hand
or foot, and dropping it would be letting it be rolled or kicked to them and making sure
they do not come in contact with the ball.

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