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EDUC 350 Field Notes- Chapter 12 Building Character and Trust

In the chart below give one concrete example of when you saw each technique in action. If you did not see it then
describe a situation where you believe it may have been helpful.
Positive Framing In welding, Mr. Klein always gives us feedback in a positive
way. He finds something on our piece to compliment us on
and then gives us constructive criticism on other parts. With
some students, he gives feedback in a joking manner.
Precise Praise Mr. Bono praises students for their hard work and correct
answers while acknowledging any answer and effort.
Students who raise their hand are acknowledged and those
who answer correctly are praised.
Warm/Strict Mr. Schroeder has mastered this technique. He is caring and
warm with students but is also very strict. Sometimes it
comes across as harsh, but students know their expectations.
When they do something wrong he helps them improve, but
doesnt overlook stupid mistakes.
Emotional Constancy Mr. Viney is always consistent with his emotions. A girl came
into class super excited and happy, but within minutes she
was extremely upset and rude towards Mr. Viney. He kept the
same positive manner the whole time and the student calmed
Joy Factor Mrs. Enns is always super excited about learning. She
celebrates the process of learning as we work. Each activity
she responds to with excitement and praise.
Below, please explain your example(s) of 1-2 techniques and how the student(s) reacted to the teacher when
they utilized it. (ie. reply to them, walk away, smile, frown, etc.)

Mr. Klein uses positive framing in different ways. He is never judgmental about our welding, but he provides
constructive criticism. He knows which students he can joke with and which students he needs to be
extremely positive with. When he jokes with some students they respond by smiling and improving. This
helps keep those students less tense. Other students need complete honest and positive feedback. He tried
joking with them at first and they responded by getting more upset. He changed his approach and they
respond by working harder. Mr. Schroeder comes off as a harsh educator to some observers, but students
love him. This is because he is warm and caring while being strict and honest. He tells the kids what is on
his mind and the respond by respecting him. They have an honest and trusting relationship with him. When
he is brutally honest, students dont usually get upset. They take the honesty and use it as constructive
criticism because they know he still cares.

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