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Kevin Tejeda

Facilitation Techniques

Name Aerobics


Equipment Needed: None

Activity Description:

1) Have participants stand in a circle, once a circle is formed have one person start by introducing
them self. As the person introduces themselves they must do one dance move for every syllable
in their respective name.
2) You can either ask someone to volunteer to go first or you can go ahead and start it yourself.
3) As participants go along in the game they can either stay where they are in the circle or go to
the middle depending on how comfortable they feel.
4) As you go along everybody should mimic the person who is introducing themselves
5) To make a competition out of it you can try to get everyone to remember each others name
and dance moves by calling out random people and seeing how many they can remember

Leadership Considerations

1) When working with people with social anxiety disorder it is important to recognize that people
may feel embarrassed or feel they are being judged so as a leader you should try to encourage a
judgement free environment as well as set a fun tone.
2) Another important consideration is to not force people to go to the middle if they dont feel
comfortable but encourage it.

1) When working with individuals with paraplegia we should be aware that sufficient space is very
2) Secondly due to limited mobility if a move requires a certain movement they cannot perform you
can mimic it with a different limb or body part.

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