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Tyler Martin

Ms. Caruso

UWRT 1103

27, March 2017

United Nations

I started the project by questioning theIn my earlier research concerning the relevance of

the United Nations in our society, and I soon realizedfound that a definitive answer could never

be reached, simply because of the many different opinions out there. Many of my sources

contained similar information, often relating to each other or continuing an idea mentioned in

another source. Several sources pointed out the faults of the UN by highlighting many of the

shortcomings since its creation, while others focused on the positive impacts the organization has

contributed to been a part of. I found that many of my sources related back to each other, and

contained a lot of the same information. The part of my research that resonated with me the most,

as well as the inspiration to use my product to get people involved in the UN, was the positive

impact it has on the world, as well as the opportunities they have available.

To effectively display the knowledge gained about the UN, I decided to create a brochure.

I chose this genre because of its versatility and effectiveness. A brochure can convey various

types of information, such as written texts and visuals. A brochure is primarily designed to

inform audiences about specific organizations or opportunities and mine will do both. I can use

my product to My brochure will relay the most pertinent information contained in my research

on the accomplishments of the UN. I also included, as well as research concerning opportunities
afforded by the UN that the audience can participate in, and get involved in with. Considering

the information I seek to convey isWith the information I seek to convey being moslty text

based, I believe that a brochure is the most effective tool to accomplish the task of getting that

information to the audience. genre to display it.

The intended audience I intend to focus my brochure on is students. for my brochure is

students, Sspecifically high school and college age kids looking to get involved in something

bigger, either for volunteer work, or a possible career. I chose this audience because this age and

education range window is the most effective window time to educate young adults about

organizations such as the UN because they will have had some exposure to it in classes like

civics, and they will also be near at or above the age of 18, allowing for greater opportunity for

volunteer work. I want my brochure to be a tool that can both spark an initial interest in the UN,

and give that interest a path to involvement. What sparked this interest for me, which I hope it

will do for the audience as well, was the relief missions for areas hit by disaster or poverty

stricken. To make sure that my product will be viewed by the target audience, high schools and

colleges, and if applicable their UN clubs or programs, will be provided with brochures for

distribution to the students. I think tThis is the quickest and most efficient way to inform the

audience about the importance of the UN, and if possible get them involved in its future.

I started off the brochure with a picture of children receiving aid with a title underneath.

[4] It is very common for brochures to have this format. A picture grabs the attention of the

audience and a short title gives some initial context for the reader. I chose a picture of a child

who had received medical help sitting next to a doctor working with the UN. I chose this picture

because of the effect it had on me. Seeing children in need inspires, in me, a deep feeling of

compassion and a desire to help them. I hope this picture inspires that same feeling in my
audience. The title underneath this picture, How to get involved in the UN, will take that initial

feeling and give it context, making the reader interested in viewing the rest of the brochure.

The next section, the panel you see when you open the first fold, contains a brief

overview of what the brochure contains; hence the title You and the UN. This panel serves to

provide some key points that this brochure will focus on. This introduction helps prepare the

audience for what information will be contained within. At the bottom of this panel I placed the

logo for the UN. [7] Not only does this take up blank space to boost aesthetics, it gives the

product an official feel.

The first panel on the inside of my brochure contains a lot of information about the UN

that a lot of people, especially students, probably do not know. Most people, including myself

before this project, only think about the political side of the UN. Things like peace treaties and

sanctions, all fairly boring topics for the ordinary person. As I was working on my inquiry path

for the relevance of the UN I initially researched into some of these political topics, but along the

way found some information about the social accomplishments the UN has been involved in. I

found, and included information about the World Food Program, the UN High Commission for

Refugees, and the United Childrens Fund. These are some of the most active social programs of

the UN. [1] For me, this opened up exposed an entirely new side of the UN, and I felt as if this

was the direction the conversation around my topic should be headed.

In the next section of the brochure, there is a picture of UN volunteer workers posing

with a banner of the UNV. [5] I chose this picture because it showcased the UN volunteers logo,

and all of the people look very excited. Underneath the photo, I included the main findings of the
first section of my new research. After including information about the many social projects the

UN has, I decided to consider some of the opportunities to work with the UN on these projects. I

found the information I was looking for on the UN Volunteers website. This organization allows

people to send in an application for various positions. The applicant can choose to volunteer

internationally, or in their own country. The applicant can not apply for a position inchose a

specific country to volunteer in, but they may include a specific place they are passionate about

working and why, and it may be taken into consideration. The UN Volunteers organization also

sends teams of volunteers to countries around the world in need of emergency relief after large

scale disasters. Some of the most notable disaster relief efforts that the UNV helped with include

the Ebola outbreak of 2014 and the 2016 Ecuador earthquakes. [2] Opportunities like this help

back up the initial research I conducted into what the UN is doing to help make the world a

better place. By providing young people with this information, they not only will see what an

impact the UN has This information will inform young people about the impact of the UN, but

will be and inspired them to become a part of that change.

The last panel on the inside of the brochure again starts off with a picture. Visuals help

hold the attention of the reader, and gives another avenue of connection to the content. The

picture on this panel is of a college level model UN council. [6] This gives the reader an idea of

what an actual conference looks like, and provides a preview of the topic to be discussed. The

most accessible means for a student to get involved in the UN is to join their schools model UN

club program. Joining Model UN can be very beneficial for students, even those who dont want

a career related to politics. Participating in conferences provides students with experience in

public speaking, an important skill to have in any field. There are also positions within the

organization, such as moderator, that help to develop leadership skills. Competitions between
schools also offer the opportunity to meet students from all around the world. [3] Meeting and

developing connections with students around the world is especially beneficial for students. High

school students are likely going to go to college with students from around the world, and

college students may end up with careers that involve working with other cultures and countries.

On the back of the brochure I decided to stick with the traditional conventions of a

brochure and provide contact information for the UN. After reading the brochure, students may

want to visit the website to learn more information, or look into the application process for

volunteers mentioned in one of the previous sections. The email address is also provided for any

questions that arent answered by the brochure or website. This email address is specifically

designated for inquiry, so any questions about the UN can be asked here.

Choosing a brochure for this topic was definitely the right genre choice. It allowed for

effective display and transfer of the pertinent knowledge gained from the research. The decision

to branch off of the original inquiry path into the discussion about the social impact of the UN

was also a good choice, as it displays just what the main goals of the UN are, peace and equality

for all. I chose to show and develop this conversation through an effort to get students, getting

ready to take their place in society, involved in the effort to improve our world.

[1] Nguyen, Nam. "Top 9 Greatest Achievements of the United Nations." The Flame. October
30, 2013. Accessed February 13, 2017.

[2]"Become a UN Volunteer." Become a UN Volunteer | UNV. Accessed April 05, 2017.

[3]"5 Reasons to Join the Model United Nations." Top Universities. February 02, 2015. Accessed
April 05, 2017.
[4]"2.4 million in Libya need aid, UN says on World Humanitarian Day." Rappler. Accessed
April 07, 2017.

[5]"United Nations Volunteers." UNDP in Thailand. Accessed April 07, 2017.
[6]"All the Cool Kids do Model UN..." Citizens for Global Solutions. August 01, 2014. Accessed
April 07, 2017.
[7] Niland, Kurt. "Former UN Workers Speak Out Against Organization's Anti-Whistleblower
Culture." Righting Injustice. September 15, 2015. Accessed April 07, 2017.

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