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Immune System & Disease

Name: _______________________________________ Date: _____________

You can choose any one of the four pathogen categories. You will choose a specific
disease that is associated with your pathogen category. Find three sources to
research your disease and write a summary about the symptoms, invasion method,
infection/spread, outcome, and possible cure/prevention methods.

What is the pathogen category and associated disease you have chosen to
research and why? __I chose virus and HIV because Im really curious about

Cited Sources, Data & Findings:

(Author, Title of Article, Website for each)


Rapid weight loss


Extreme and unexplained tiredness



Spread through bodily fluids

In US mainly spread by having sex

Can also be spread through used needles

Antiretroviral therapy (ART)= combination of antiretroviral medicines

3. _
Nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs)= faulty building blocks
_____________ so infected cells cant make more HIV

Non-nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NNRTIs)= bind to a specific

protein so the HIV virus can't make copies of itself

Protease inhibitors (PIs)= block a protein that infected cells need to put
together new copies of the HIV virus
Answer to Original Question:

- Include data/findings from all sources

- Complete sentences, paragraph format

_HIV is a virus that affects the immune system and makes the immune system
unable to fight off infection. Early onset symptoms include flu-like symptoms such
as fever, chills, and vomiting. People with a more developed case of HIV can have
symptoms that include rapid weight loss, extreme and unexplained tiredness, and
pneumonia. People with HIV overall are very sick and cant do much to stop it. Most
people already know but HIV is spread through bodily fluids. These fluids include
semen, blood, vaginal fluid, breast milk, etc. There is no cure for HIV yet but
scientists are still researching for one. For now scientists make medicines that will
either distract the HIV virus in the body or just suppress the symptoms for the
patient. One of the types used is called antiretroviral medicine which patients are
usually prescribed multiple and is called antiretroviral therapy. Another is nucleotide
reverse transcriptase inhibitors which make faulty building blocks so infected cells
cant make any more HIV. Non-nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors bind to a
specific protein so the HIV virus cant make copies of itself. Protease inhibitors block
a protein that infected cells need to put together new copies of the HIV virus.

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