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Hope Roweth
Mrs. Litle
ENG 121.001
16 April 2017
Animal Testing: An Annotated Bibliography
A lot of people in the world have used products that have been tested on animals. These

products are tested on them against their will because most of the humans that are testing on

them dont see them to have equal rights as us. I believe that it is important to stand up for the

animals because they cant vocalize their opinions like we can. Animal testing is cruel and we

need to be aware of what is going on in these labs. The work cited below all contains evidence

that relates to one another and shows evidence of how the animals are treated and what we can

do to help them. Also, the evidence below shows why some of the animals are used and their day

to day to life. Even though they both have different details they still relate to one another and

provide details to support why animal testing is wrong.

My two sources cover a wide variety of things about animal testing. My first site will go

into depth about a specific animal and testing. It will show everyday life in a lab other than its

natural habitat will affect their state of mind. My other source talks about a wide variety of

animals and how they suffer. It talks about how doctors are not cut out for the job and cause a lot

a pain and suffering to the animals without even knowing it. Both of these cites, will allow my

reader to see what it takes to make products that we use in everyday life.
"Rabbits: Blinded for Beauty." Humane Society International. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Apr. 2017.
In this article, the Humane Society International talks about how what life is really like for the

rabbits and how their life in the lab is. This site talks about all the side-affects that take place due to the

lack of them not being in their natural habitats. The side-affects can be a number of different things.

Rabbits in the wild are free to roam everywhere and be with other rabbits. They like to sleep during the

day and at night they go out. However, they are kept alone in in small wire cages with bright lights

shining on them. In these cages, there is nowhere for them to escape so they become very stressed.

Rabbits also become lonely and bored and this causes them to harm themselves. They also describe what

tests happen and what they do to the animals. For example, this site caught my eye because it talked about

the Draize test and what it actually was. This test allows for scientists to see how long a test to hurt the

corruption of the cornea. Throughout the article, it expresses why some of the things take place in the

Draize test. The Humane Society of International also thought it was important to include details about

the procedures that happened to the animals. They mention how the animals are treated. They talk about

how the rabbits are restrained and held down against their will. They also mention why the rabbit is used

for this procedure. This site gives a lot of images I can picture in my head about the procedures that are

going on.
I agree with this site because it talks about the pain and sufferings the animals and the why they

use the rabbits. I can see why they use them because they are cheap and repopulate fast. The thing that

agree most with in this article is how it talks about alternatives for this specific procedure. Instead of

using rabbits for the tests they can use EpiDerm and Episkin for the procedures. I believe that we should

use these more often instead of rabbits and I agree that it is a great way to stay cruelty-free.
Society, New England Anti-Vivisection. "Animals in Science / Research." Harm and Suffering. N.p., n.d.
Web. 17 Apr. 2017.
On this website, they have four different topics they discuss. These are harm and suffering,

painful protocol, daily existence, and legal protection. On the harm and suffering it goes into detail about

what kind of animals are used like dogs, cats, ferrets, rabbits, pigs, sheep, and a whole lot more. It also

talks about how 25 million are used in biomedical experimentation. The second one is painful protocols

and talks about some of the things that go on in labs. They are restrained and prevented from moving

during the procedures do they have no chance of fighting back.

In the painful protocol portion, it talks about how some of the professors use anesthetization but

sometimes it just paralyzes the animals but they can still feel the pain. Most of the people that preform

this are not experienced so they give them the wrong amount. The animals also suffer extreme stress in

the day-to-day laboratory lives. This website article also shows us some of the acts that show that there is

some things that are trying to prevent this abuse.

This site was very good at explaining things and showing just how bad things were. I agree with

this article and I liked how it showed how some things are taking place to help prevent abuse like this

happening. It also says research shows that people accept animal research only if there is no pain

happening to the animal. I agree with that statement.

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