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Paranormal 101

Types of Sensitives
Different Types of Clairs

Clair-Voyance = Clear See: clairvoyance (klr-voi ns) n.

1. The power to see objects or events that cannot be perceived by the five senses
2. Acute intuitive insight or perceptiveness
3. The ability to receive impressions in a visual manner

Clairvoyance is the ability to perceive a thought and see it inside the minds eye.
Clairvoyance is the ability to receive an impression or thought in visual manner or symbolic
meaning. Some clairvoyant images materialize in the form of a still-frame picture or in the form
of a movie being played in the minds eye (aka the Third Eye). When a clairvoyant views these
images they are able to describe information about a person, a place, spirits, an event, etc.

Clair-Sentience = Clear Sense: clairsentience (klr-s n sh ns, -sh - ns) n.

1. The quality or state of being sentient; consciousness
2. Feeling as distinguished from perception or thought
3. The ability to perceive and experience emotions, empathetic and sympathetic emotional
awareness, intuition (gut feeling)

Clairsentience is the ability to perceive and experience emotions of another person, spirit or
ghost. Clairsentience is the ability to actually feel emotional sensations or sometimes even
physical discomfort, pain, anguish, etc. Clairsentience is also known as Empathic.

Clairsentience Precognitive
Precognitive Clairsentience is the ability to perceive a definite thought as certainty or reality.
Precognitive Clairsentience is the ability to foresee events and the outcome.

Clairsentience Empathic & Psychometric

Empathic Clairsentience is the ability to perceive a thought and change it directly into a feeling
or emotion.

Empathic: empathic ( m-p th k) adj.

1. Of, relating to, or characterized by empathy
2. Identification with and understanding of another's situation, feelings, and motives
3. The attribution of one's own feelings to an object

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Psychometric Clairsentience is the ability to touch an object and feel the energy of the object
which can be projected as emotions of the person who owns the object or to know information
(past, present, future) about the person who owned the object.

Psychometry: psychometry (s -k m -tr ) n.

1. The ability or art of divining information about people or events associated with an object
solely by touching or being near to it.

Clair-Audience = Clear Hear: clairaudience (klr- d - ns) n.

1. The power to hear things outside the range of normal perception
2. The power or faculty of hearing something not present to the ear but regarded as having
objective reality

Clairaudience is the ability to perceive or audibly hear sounds or words that are not heard by
everyone elses ears. Clairaudience is the ability to receive an audible impression via the
auditory channel or a voice that can be heard only with the minds inner-ear. Frequencies travel
between the physical world and the spiritual world planes/dimensions. Sounds and words
become altered or distorted making them inaudible and hard to understand.

Clairaudients may perceive or audibly hear voices like; a shrill voice (high-pitch), a screeching
voice (squeaky sound) or a fractured voice (broken-up, distorted, or deformed).

Clairaudients may also hear sounds like; a report (an explosive noise like the report of a rifle),
melodies or songs, humming, whistling, distinct sounds or words.

Clair-Alience = Clear Smell a.k.a. Clair-Aroma = Clear Smell: clairaroma (klr- -r

m ) n.
1. A quality perceived by the olfactory sense; the aroma of garlic and onions
2. A pleasant characteristic odor, as of a plant, spice or food; the aroma of roses

Clairalience is the ability to perceive mentally, or sense and smell odors or aromas that are not
smelled by everyone elses nose.

Clairalients may perceive or smell aromas that are projected by spirits such as; perfumes, lilacs,
roses, cookies, colognes, pipe smoke, cigar or cigarette smoke, feces, rotting tissue.

Clair-Gustance a.k.a. Clair-Ambience = Clear Taste: clairambience (klr- m b -ns, -by s ) n.

Clairgustance is the ability to perceive taste without putting anything into the mouth.
Clairgustance is the ability to perceive the essence of a substance through taste from the spiritual
or ethereal realms.

Clair-Cognizance = Clear Know: claircognizance (klr-k g n -z ns) n.

Claircogniszance is the ability to perceive knowledge and understanding of a concept beyond
faith or belief an inner knowing.

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