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Critical incident reflection Critical incident date: Wednesday 16" November 2016 Description A student was showing an apathy for engaging in their leaming task (writing activity). The student continually ignored teaching direction and attempts to get the student engaged. The student was seen moving around the classroom with little purpose and distracting other students learning. This became problematic for the noise level of the classroom as it increased enabling the distraction of other students. This limited the leaming during writing time. I sought out advice from the ST which was to isolate the student and sit with them discussing the task for clarification. This strategy worked as the student then demonstrated their understanding and completed the writing portion of the task to show a good understanding of the learning material. Interpretation This is a critical moment for me as it presented a problem I was unsure how to solve. The student continually ignored my attempts to get them engaged with their learning. I wanted the student to engage with their learning and demonstrate their understanding of the teaching in order to gage where the student was at and how I could advance their learning. This particular student seems to show defiance and disengagement behaviours on various occasions. I have observed this may be due to instability in the student’s education as the student has attended three different schools this past year only. The notion that the student may not understand the content has become apparent leading the student to disengage. The child may be susceptible to too much stimulation and may require a quiet space to lear effectively. Outcome Thave understood from this experience the importance of addressing disruptive students promptly in order to avoid the disruption of other students. It is important to ensure students understand the task at hand as this is a major cause of disruption. Catering to each students Jeaming needs is key to ensuring each student is able to gain new or reinforced knowledge from a leaning activity. I should place a focus on checking in with students known to have disengagement issues each session ensuring they understand the task at hand. Furthermore discussing the importance of respecting their own and other students learning with the disengaged students wil! encourage them to seek out assistance rather than causing disruptions.

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