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BASIL GI discomfort, mild sedative, morning sickness, Caution with Iron overload. Pregnancy due to emmenagogue & abortifacient
aromatic properties. Caution with infants, toddlers, and nursing mothers.

CALENDULA Skin irritations, wound healing, burns, insect stings, anti- Allergic sensitivity similar to Yarrow
bacterial & viral

HORSETAIL Anti-inflammatory, urinary tract discomfort, bone injury, Heart/Kidney disorders. Causes breakdown of thiamine.

JUNIPER Anti-inflammatory, arthritis, sprains, circulatory stimulant, Kidney inflammation/infection. Urinary tract infection. May cause renal damage.
pain reliever, antiseptic

KOREAN LICORICE GI discomforts, headaches, anti-bacterial/fungal, Skin reactions due to allergy or sensitivity
MINT aromatic emotional well-being

SAGE BRUSH Anti-bacterial, sore throats, hot flashes, night sweats, Pregnancy due to emmenagogue & abortifacient properties. Caution with seizure
aromatic emotional well-being disorders.

YARROW Anti-inflammatory, cold & flu, GI discomfort, minor cuts, Pregnancy due to emmenagogue & abortifacient properties of the essential oil.
decongestant Allergic hypersensitivity.

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