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Agenda is:

Technology/Spring Pilot - Karen Weets and Melissa Luhmann to

present to the board in May. Will show examples of student work and how they
are using technology to redefine their lessons.
What do we want for next year for technology? 1-to-1? 1-to-2? What devices?
Approximately $78,000 toward technology left in our budge. About of the necessary
technology needs (chromebooks for MS/HS and iPads for Elementary) will be
purchased next year and the final will be purchased the following. Also some will
need to be recycled
What is our budget from the referendum?
Student Feedback (Fastpass/focus groups/blended learning)
FASTPass - Similar to Fairmont, students can earn the right to have a 2 hour
late start if all is caught up and no behaviors. Students in the HS focus group
really like the idea and would like it. Alex will talk to Dustin Bosshart from St.
Clair about possible benefits of blended learning days. Kristi will find out more
information on the logistics of FASTPass schedule/management
Staffing for next year 3 Retirements: Dana Nawrocki, Rick Uttech,
and Margaret Krieger; Ryan Brudelie will remain in Truman full time, Krisit
Rolling will move into more Dean Position so a 1.0 SpEd; K-12 Music as
MaryKatherine is leaving. Title funds will be used for 2 full time paras for
classroom support.
Community Service Projects update (for last day of school) 6-11 on
Thursday, June 1st (tentative time) 11-3pm
Who will find projects? Kristi did talk to community members for ideas and will talk to
Brent Moeller for direction for county services. Brenda will speak with Darren Maday
and put up flier in locations around community.
Time? (all morning?)
Standards Based Grading - Erin and Bethany want to attend June
workshop. $444/pp + lodging and meals, end of June. They want to do this in
MS next year, both are studying and doing research projects on this topic in
grad school. Leadership team is on board with the attendance of this
workshop. Erin and Bethany will do a share-back on their findings next fall.
Leaving early - 3:00 Please remind students to remain in the
classroom until the bell rings at 3:04.

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