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Last year to this year: particular class where there was a lot of referrals, seems to be the trend
again this year
Referrals by time: spike during lunchtime 11, 12:30, & 2. Some referrals seem to happen
moving from an unstructured time to a structured time. Transitions.
When making referrals, are we accurate with times?
Day of the week does not seem to matter this year. Last year there were some noticeable days
that had spikes, this year not so much.
Four students had 47% of total referrals; 7 students had 60% of total referrals
One of the high flyers have moved on
Most of the referrals are in the classroom; we are not sure if this is due to transition at the
beginning or close to dismissal time
Last years data we were thinking we might have seen a spike in months (March maybe?). We
have not seen this spike this year, is that due to more subs who may not write up referrals?
Days off for basketball? More lenient?
Observation was made that there are many other factors happening with the high flyers coming
out of the middle school, which is our highest number of referrals (i.e. hormones, adolescence,
Defiance is the top behavior this year as last year, but we can only record one behavior in
SWIS, so is this accurate?
Middle school philosophy is new, so this may take some time to get used to - expectations,
transitioning, etc.

Ideas and improving for next year:

Work with Tier 2 and 3 kiddos
7 referrals, take you to Tier 3
Like the red comments and re-sharing of the Google Doc referrals
Share the Google Doc with classroom teacher as well if they were not the original referrals
Enough buy in and commitment for continuing for a 3rd year with some improvements

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