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The Ethnological Analysis of Culture

Author(s): W. H. R. Rivers
Source: Science, New Series, Vol. 34, No. 874 (Sep. 29, 1911), pp. 385-397
Published by: American Association for the Advancement of Science
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The British Association for the Advancement
of Science:- DuRING the last few years great addi-
The Ethnological Analysis of Ct!lture: DR. tions have been made to our store of the
W .. H. R. RIVERS . .. .. . . . . .. 385 facts of anthropology-we have learned
The N ew Chestnut Bark Disease: I. C.
much about different peoples scattered over
WrLLIAMS .. . . . . . . . . . . 397 the earth and we understand better how
they act and think. At the same time we
The School of American Archeology . . . . . . . 401 have, I hope, made a very decided advance
in our knowledge of the methods by means
Appropriations made for Scientific Purposes
at the Portsmouth Meeting of the British of which these facts are to be collected, so
Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401 that they may rank in clearness and trust-
worthiness with the facts of other sciences.
Scientific Notes and N ews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402 When, however, we turn to the theoretical
side of our subject, it is difficult to see any
University and Educational N ews 405
corresponding advance. The main prob-
Discnssion and Correspondence :- lems of the history of human society are
''Washington Science'': WASHINGTONIAN. little, if at all, nearer their solution, and
'' Biology'': DR. C. STUART GAGER. H ouse there are even matters which a few years
A ir: J. Y. Bl!)RGEN. Elementary Text- ago were regarded as settled which are to-
books in Chemistry: DR. E. A. STRONG 405 day as uncertain as ever. The reason for
this is not far to seek; it is that we have no
Scientific Bpoks :-
general agreement about the fundamental
Wood's Physical Optics: PROFESSOR HENRY
CREW. The Atlas of Zoogeography: WrL-
principies upon which the theoretical work
FRED H. SGOOD. Von Eggeling's Der Auf- of our science is to be conducted.
bau der Slceletteile: PROFESSOR C. R. BAR- In surveying the di:fferent schools of
DEEN ................ 409 thought which guide theoretical work on
human culture, a very striking fact at once
Scientific Journals and Articles 413
presents itself. In other and more ad-
Bpecial Articles :- vanced sciences the guiding principies of
On some Conditions of Tissue Growth, espe- the workers of di:fferent nations are the
cially in Culture Media: DR. LEO LOEB. same. The zoologists or botanists of
An Interpolation Formula used in Calcnla- France, Germany, America, our own and
ting Temperature Coefficients for Velocity
of Vital Activities: DR. CHARLES D. SNYDER 414
other countries, are on common ground.
They have in general the same principies
and the same methods, and the work of all
MSS. lntended fot publication and books, etc., lntended tor
review should be sent to the Editor of ScrENcE, Garrlson-on- 1 Address of the president to the Anthropolog-

Hudson, 1<. Y. ical Section. Portsmouth, 1911.

386 BOIENOE [N. S. VoL. XXXIV. No. 874

falls into a common scheme. Unfortu- social ideas have been molded by the long
nately this is not so in anthropology. At ages of evolution which have made our own
the present time there is so great a degree society what it is. It is urged that the
of divergence between the methods of work study of sociology requires the application
of the leading schools of different countries of principies and methods of investigation
that any common scheme is impossible, and peculiar to itself. 2
the members of one school wholly distrust About America it is less easy to speak,
the work of others whose conclusions they because it is unusual in that country to
believe to be founded on a radically un- deal to any great extent with general the-
sound basis. oretical problems. The anthropologists of
I propose to consider in this address one America are so fully engaged in the at-
of the most striking of these divergences, tempt to record what is left of the ancient
but, before doing so, I will put as briefly cultures of their own country that they
as possible what seem to me to be the chief devote little attention to those general
characters of the leading schools of differ- questions to which we, more unfortunately
ent countries. To begin with that domi- situated with no ancient culture at our
nant among ourselves. The theoretical doors, devote so much attention. There
anthropology of this country is inspired seems, however, to be a distinct movement
primarily by the idea of evolution founded in progress in America which puts the
on a psychology common to mankind as a evolutionary point of view on one side and
whole, and further, a psychology differing is inclined to stuqy social problems from
in no way from that of civilized man. The the purely psychological point of view, the
efforts of British anthropologists are de- psychological standpoint, however, ap-
voted to tracing out the evolution of custom proaching that of the British school more
and institution. Where similarities are nearly than that of the French. 3
found in different parts of the world it is It is when we come to Germany that we
assumed, almost as an axiom, that they are find the most fundamental difference in
due to independent origin and develop- standpoint and method. It is true that in
ment, and this in its turn is ascribed to the Adolf Bastian Germany produced one who
fundamental similarity of the workings of was thoroughly imbued with the evolution-
the human mind all over the world, so that, ary standpoint, and the Elementargedanke
given similar conditions, similar customs of that worker forros a most convenient
and institutions will come into existence expression for the psychological means
and develop on the same lines. whereby evolution is supposed to have
In France we find that, as among our- 2 I refer here especially to the work of the
selves, the chief interest is-in evolution, and '' sociological'' school of Durkheim and his fol-
the difference is in the principies upon lowers. .. For an account of their principies and
which this evolution is to be studied. It is methods see L'Anne sociologique, which began to
appear in 1898; Durkheim, '' Les Regles de la
to the psychological basi~ of the work of Mthode Sociologique," Paris; and Lvy-Bruhl,.
British anthropologists that objection is "Les fonctions mentales dans les socits infri-
chiefly made. It is held that the psychol- eures,'' Paris, 1910.
ogy of the individual can not be used as a See especially A. L. Kroeber, '' Classificatory
Systems of Relationship," Journ. Roy.. Anthr.
guide to the collective actions of men in Inst., 1909, XXXIX., 77; and Goldenweiser,
early stages of social evolution, still less "Totemism: An Analytical Study," Journ. Amer.
the psychology of the individual whose Folk-Lore, 1910, XXIII.

proceeded. In recent years, however, there It has resulted in an important series of

has been a very decided movement opposed works in which the whole field of anthro-
to Bastian and the whole evolutionary pological research is approached in a man-
school. In some cases this has formed ner wholly different from that customary
part of that general revolt not merely in this country. 8 I must content myself
against Darwinism which is so prominent with one example to illustrate the differ-
in Germany, but it seems even against the ence of standpoint which separates the two
whole idea of evolution. In other cases the schools. Few subjects have attracted more
objection is less fundamental, and has been interest in this and other countries than
not so much to the idea of evolution itself the study of primitive decoration. In the
as to the lines upon which it has been cus- decorative art of all lands there are found
tomary to endeavor to study this evolution. transitions from designs representing the
This movement, which by those who fol- human form or those of animais and plants
low it is called the geographical movement, to patterns of a purely geometrical nature.
but which, I think, may be more fitly styled In this country it has been held, I think I
'' ethnological,'' was originated by Ratzel, may say universally, that in these transi~
who was first led definitely in this direction tions we have evidence for an evolutionary
by a study of the armor made of rods or process which in all parts of the world haS;
plates or laths which is found in North led mankind to what may be called the
America, northern Asia, including Japan, degradation and conventionalization of
and in a less developed form in some of the human, animal or plant designs so that in
islands of the Pacific Ocean. 4 Ratzel be- course of .time they become .mere geomet-
lieved that the resemblances he found could rical forms.
only be explained by direct transmission To the modern German school, on the
from one people to another and was led by other hand, these transitions are examples
further study to become an untiring op- of the blending of two cultures, one pos-
ponent of the Elementargedanke of Bas- ~ogenkultur und ihre Verwandten,'' .A.nthropos,
tian and of the idea of independent evolu- 1909, IV., 726. The annual Ethnologioa, edited
tion based on a community of thought. 5 by W. Foy, is devoted to the illustration of this
He has even suggested that the idea of school of thought.
7 See especially "L 'origine de l 'Ide de Dieu,"
independent origin is the anthropological
.A.nthropos, UI.-V., 1908-10, and "Grundlinien
equivalent of the spontaneous generation einer Vergleichung der Religion u. Mythologie der
of the biologist and that anthropology is austronesischen Volker,'' Denksch. . .A.ka. .
now going through a phase of development Wiss. Wien, Phil.-hist. Kl., 1910, LIII. Schmidt
from which biology has long emerged. differs from Graebner in limiting the application
The movement initiated by Ratzel has of the ethnological method to regions with general
affinities of culture. Otherwise he remains an
made great progress, especially through the
adherent of the doctrine of independent origin,
work of Graebner6 and of P. W. Schmidt. 7 (See '' Panbabylonismus und ethnologischer Ele
Sitzber. . .A.ka. . Wiss. Mnohen, Hist. Cl., mentargedanke,'' Mitt. . anthrop. Gesellsoh. in
1886, p. 181. Wien, 1908, XXXVIII., 73.)
See especially .A.nthropogeographie, 1891, Th. ' It must not be understood from this account
II., 705, and "Die geographische Methode in der that ali German anthropologists are adherents of
Ethnographie," Geograph. Zeitsch., 1897, III., the ethnological school. Thre are still those who
268. follow the doctrines of Bastian, which have under
See especially Graebner, "Methode der Eth gone an interesting modification through the adop
nologie,'' Heidelberg, 1911, and '' Die melanesische tion of the biological principie of convergence.
388 SOIENOE [N. S. VoL. XXXIV. No. 874

sessing the practise of decorating their school I was led by my facts to see how
objects with human, aniinal or plant de- much, in the past, I had myself ignored
signs, while the art of the other is based considerations arising from racial mixture
on the use of geometrical forms. The and the blending of cultures, and it will
transitions which have been taken to be perhaps interest you if I sketch briefl.y the
evidence of independent processes of evolu- history of my own conversion.
tion based on psychological tendencies com- Much of my time in Oceania was devoted
mon to mankind are by the modern Ger- to survey work, in which I collected espe-
man school ascribed to the mixture of cially the systems of relationship of every
cultures and of peoples. Further, similar place I visited, together with such other
patterns, even one so simple as the spiral, facts concerning social organization as I
when found in widely separated regions of was able to gather. I began my theoretical
the earth, are held to have been due to the study by a comparison of the various forms
influence of one and the same culture. of these systems of relationship, disregard-
I have chosen this example because it ing at first the linguistic nature of the
illustrates the immense divergence in terms. From the study of these systems I
thought and method between the two was able to demonstrate the existence, either
schools, but the difference runs through in the present or the past, of a number of
the whole range of the subject. In every extraordinary and anomalous forms of
case where British anthropologists see evo- marriage, such as marriage with the
lution, either in the forms of material ob- daughter's daughter and with the wife of
jects or in social and religious institutions, the father's father,D all of which become
the modern German school sees only the explicable if there once existed widely
evidence of mixture of cultures, either with throughout Melanesia a state which is
or without an accompanying mixture of known as the dual organization of society
the races to which these cultures belonged. with matrilineal descent accompanied by a
It will, I think, be evident that this dif- condition of dominance of the old men
ference of attitude of British and Germim which enabled them to monopolize all the
workers is one of fundamental and vital yung women of the community. Taking
importance. When we find the chief work- this as my starting-point, I was then able
ers of two nations thus approaching their to trace out a consistent and definite
subject from two radically different, and it scheme of the history of marriage in Mela-
would seem incompatible, standpoints, it is nesia from a condition in which persons
evident that there must be something very normally and naturally married certain
wrong, and it has seemed to me that I can relatives to one in which wives are pur-
not better use the opportunity given to me chased with whom no relationship whatever
by the present occasion than in devoting can be traced, and I was able to fit many
my address to this subject. other features of the social structure of
The situation is one which has an espe- Melanesia into this scheme. So far my
cial interest for me in that I have been led work was of a purely evolutionary char-
quite independently to much the same gen- acter, and only served to strengthen me in
eral position as that of the German school my previous standpoint.
by the results of my own work in Oceania I then turned my attention to the lin-
with the Percy Sladen Trust Expedition. guistic side of the systems of relationship,
With no knowledge of the work of this These terms are used in the classi:ficatory sense.

and a study of the terms themselves showed these secret societies had had their source
that these fell in to two main classes: one in the need felt by the immigrants for the
class generally diffused throughout Oce- secret practise of the rites they had brought
ania, while the terms of the other class with them from their former home. A
differed very considerably in different cul- comparison of the ritual of the secret socie-
tural regions. Further, it became clear ties with the institutions of other parts of
that the terms of the first class denoted Oceania then made it appear that the main
relationships which my comparative study features of the culture of these immigrants
of the forms of the systems had shown to had been patrilineal descent, or at any rate
have suffered change, while the terms which definite recognition of the relation between
varied greatly in different parts of Oceania father and child, a cult of the dead, the
denoted relationships, such as those of the institution of taboo, and, lastly, certain re-
mother and mother's brother, which there lations with animais and plants which were
was no reason to believe had suffered any probably allied to totemism, if they were
great change in status. From these facts not totemism itself in a fully developed
I inferred that at the time of the most form.
primitive stage of Melanesian society of Further study made it clear that those
which I had evidence, there had been great I have called the immigrant people, though
linguistic diversity which had been trans- possessing these features in common, had
formed into the relative uniformity now reached Melanesia at different times and
found in Melanesia by the incoming of a with several decided differences of culture,
people from without, through whose influ- but that probably there had been two main
ence the change I had traced had taken streams: one which peopled Polynesia and
place, and from whose language the gen- became widely diffused throughut Mel-
erally diffused terms of relationship had anesia, which was characterized by the
been borrowed. It was through the com- use of kava; another which carne later
bined study of social forms and of lan-
and penetrated much less widely, which
guage that I was led to see that the change
prought with it the practise of chewing
I ~ad traced was not a spontaneous evolu-
betel-mixture. Traces of a third stream,
tion, but one which had taken place under
the influence of the blending of peoples. the earliest of all, are probably to be found
The combined morphological and linguistic here and there throughout Melanesia, while
study of systems of relationship had led me still another element is provided by recent
to recognize that a definite course of social Polynesian influence. It became evident
development had taken place in an aborig- that .the present condition of Melanesian
inal society under the influence of an immi- society has come into being through the
grant people. blending of an aboriginal population with
I turned next to a Melanesian institu- various peoples from without, and it there-
tion, that of secret societies, concerning fore became necessary to ascertain to which
which I had been able to gather much new of the cultures possessed by these peoples
material, and it soon became probable that the present-day customs and institutions of
these societies belonged properly neither to Melanesia belong, always keeping in mind
the aboriginal culture nor to that of the the possibility that some of these institu-
immigrants, but had arisen as the result of tions may not have belonged to any one of
the interaction of the two; that, in fact, the cultures, but may have arisen as the
390 SOIENOE [N. S. VoL. XXXIV. No. 874

result of the interaction of two or more of that primitive element of human culture
the blending peoples. which can hardly be called either religion
I must be content with this brief sketch of or magic, but is the common source from
my scheme of the history of Melanesian so- which both have been derived. If I am
ciety, for my object to-day is to point out right in my analysis of Oceanic culture, the
that if Melanesian society possesses the com- Melanesian concept of mana is not a suit-
plexity and the heterogeneous character I able basis for these speculations. It is cer-
have indicated and is the resultant of the tain that the word mana belongs to the cul-
mixture of three or four main cultures, it ture of the immigrants into Melanesia and
can not be right to take out of the complex not to that of the aborgines. It is, of
any institution or belief and regard i,t as course, possible that though the word be-
primitive merely beca use Melanesian culture longs to the immigrant culture, the ideas
on the whole possesses a more or less primi- which it connotes may belong to a more
tive character. It is probable that some of primitive stratum, but this is a pure as-
the immigrants into Melanesia had a rela- sumption and one which I believe to be
tively advanced culture, possibly even that contrary to all probability. At any rate,
the institutions and ideas they brought with we can be confident that even if the ideas
them had been taken from a culture higher connoted by the term mana belong to or
still, and, therefore, when we bring forward were shared by the primitive stratum of
any Melanesian institution or belief as an Melanesian society, they must have been
example of primitive thinking or acting, largely modified by the influence of the
our first duty should be to inquire to which alien, but superior culture from which the
stratum of Melanesian culture it belongs. word itself has been taken. I believe that
To illustrate my meaning I have time for the Melanesian evidence can legitimately
only one example. No concept of Melanes- be used in favor of the view that the power
ian culture has bulked more largely in re- or virtue denoted by mana is a fundamental
cent speculation than that of mana, the element of religion. The analysis of cul-
mysterious virtue to which the magico-re- ture, however, indicates that it is not le-
]igious rites of Melanesia are believed to gitimate to use the Melanesian evidence to
owe their efficacy. This word now seems on support the primitiveness of the concept of
its way to enter the English language as a mana. This evidence certainly does not
term for that power or virtue which in- support the view that the concept of mana
duces the emotions of awe and wonder, and is more primitive than animism, for the
thus provides a most important element immigrants were already in a very ad-
not only in the specific mental states which vanced stage of animistic religion, a cult
underlie religion, but also plays much the of the dead being certainly one of the most
same part in the early history of magic. definite of their religious institutions.
In recent speculation the idea of mana is Further, I believe that the use of the
coming to be regarded as having been the term mana in Melanesia in connection
basis of religious ideas and practises pre- with magic, as a term for that attribute of
ceding the animism which, following Pro- objects used in magic to which they owe
fessor Tylor, we have for long regarded as their efficacy, is due to an extension of the
the earliest form of religion, and mana is original meaning of the term, and that it
thus held to be not only the foundation of would only be misleading to use the Mela-
pre-animistic religion, but also the basis of nesian facts as evidence in favor of the
concept of mana as .underlying primitiva evolutionary point of view, the condition
magic. Here, again, I do not wish to deny has seemed an absolut mystery. 10 A com-
that a concept such as that denoted by parison, however, of AU.Stralia and Mela-
mana may be a primitiva element of magic; nesia has now led me to see tht probably
all that I wish to point out is that the we have in Australia, not merely another
Melanesian evidence can not properly be example of mixture f cultures, but even
used to support this view, for the use of another resultant of mixture of the same or
the term in connection with magic iri. closely similar components as those which
Melanesia is not primitiva, but secondary have peopled Melanesia, viz., a mixture of
and relatively late. a people possessing the dual organization
The point, then, on which I wish to insist and matrilinal descent with one organized
is that if culturas are complex, their analy- in totemic clans, possessing either patri-
sis is a preliminary step which is neces- lineal descerit, or at any rate clear rcog-
sary if speculations concerning the evolu- nition of the relation between father and
tion of human society, its beliefs and prac- child. This is no new view, having been
tises, are to rest on a :firm foUn.dation. already advanced, though in a differnt
I have so far dealt only with Melanesia. form, by Graebner11 and P. W. Schmidt.12
It is obvious tht the same principie that If further research should show Australian
analysis of culture must precede specula- society to possess such complexity, it will
tions concerning the evolution of institu- at once become obvious that here also eth-
tions is of wider application, but I have nological analysis must precede any theo-
time only to deal, and that very briefly, retical use of the facts of Australian so-
with one other region. ciety in support of evolutionary specula-
No part of the world has attracted more tions.
attention in recent anthropological specu- It may be objected that we all recognize
lation than Australia, and at the bottom the complexity of culture, and indeed in
of these speculations, t any rate in this the study of regions such as the Mediter-
country, there has usually been the idea, ranean, where we possess historical evi-
openly expressed or implicitly understood, dence, it is this complexity which forros the
that in the culture of this region we have chief subject of discussion. Further,
a homogeneous example of primitiva human where we possess historical evidence, as in
sciety. From the time that I :first became the cases of the Hindu and Mohammedan
acquainted with Australian sociology I invasions into the Malay Arehipelago, all
have wondered at the complacency with anthropologists are fully alive to the com-
which certain features of Australian social plexities and difficulties introduced thereby
organization have been regarded, and espe-
10 I may note here that Mr. Lang, after having
cially the combination of the dual organi-
considered this problem from the purely evol11
zation and matrim.onial classes with what tionary standpoint ('' Anthropological Essltys pre-
appear to be totemic clans like those of sented to E. B. Tylor," p. 203), concludes witl.
other parts of the world. This coexistence the words, "We seem lost in a wildemess of 'diffi
of two different forms of social organiza- culties."
n Zeitsch. f. EthnoZ., 1905, XXXVII., 28, and
tion side by side has seemed to me the
'' Zur australischen Religionsgeschichte,'' GZobus;
fundamental problem of Australian so- 1909, XCVI., 341.
ciety, and I confess that till lately, ob- 12 See especially Zeitsch. f. EthnoZ., 1909, XLI.,

sessed as I see now I have been by a crude 340.

392 SCIENCE [N. S. VoL. XXXIV. No. 874

in to the study of culture; but where we this psychological analysis, and I must
have no such historical evidence, the com- continue the subject from which I have for
plexity of culture is almost wholly ignored a moment turned aside.
by those who use these cultures in their at- Having shown the importance of ethno-
tempts to demonstra te the origin and course logical analysis, I now propose to consider
of development of human institutions. the process of analysis itself and the prin-
I have now fulfilled the first purpose of cipies on which it should and must be
this address. I have tried to indicate that based if it in its turn is to have any firm
evolutionary speculations can have no firm foundation. In the analysis of any culture
basis unless there has been a preceding a difficulty which soon meets the investi-
analysis of the cultures and civilizations gator is that he has to determine what is
now spread over the earth 's surface. due to mere contact anel what is due to
Without such analysis it is impossible to intimate intermixture, such intermixture,
say whether an institution or belief pos- for instance, as is produced by the perma-
sessed by a people who seem simple and nent blending of one people with another
primitive may not really be the product of either through warlike invasion or peaceful
a relatively advanced culture forming but settlement. The fundamental weakness of
one element of a complexity which at first most of the attempts hitherto made to
sight seems simple and homogeneous. analyze existing cultures is that they have
Before proceeding further I should like had their starting-point in the study of ma-
to guard against a possible misconception. terial objects, and the reason for this is
Some of those who are interested in the eth- obvious. Owing to the fact that material
nological analysis of culture regard it not objects ca'h be collected by any one and sub-
only as the first but as the only task of the jected at leisure to prolonged study by ex-
anthropology of to-day. I can not too perts, our knowledge of the distribution of
strongly express my disagreement with this material objects and of the technique of
view. Because I have insisted on the im- their manufacture has very far outrun that
portance of ethnological analysis, I hope of the less material elements. What I wish
you will not for a moment suppose that I now to point out is that in distinguishing
underrate the need for the psychological between the effects of mere contact anel the
study of customs and institutions. If the intermixture of peoples, material objects
necessity for the ethnological analysis of are the least trustworthy of all the constit-
culture be recognized, this psychological uents of culture. Thus, in Melanesia we
study becomes more complicated and diffi- have the clearest evidence that material
cult than it has seemed to be in the past, objects and processes can spread by mere
but that makes it none the less essential. contact without any true admixture of
Side by side with ethnological analysis peoples and without infiuence on other
there must go the attempt to fathom the features of the culture. While the distri-
modes of thought of different peoples, to bution of material objects is of the utmost
understand their ways of regarding and importance in suggesting at the outset com-
classifying the facts of the universe. It is munity of culture, anel while it is of equal
only by the combination of ethnological importance in the final process of deter-
and psychological analysis that we shall mining points of contact anel in filling in
make any real advance. To-day, however, the details of the mixture of cultures, it is
time will not allow me to say more about the least satisfactory guide to the actual

blending of peoples which must form the m>re deeply seated and fundamental proc-
solid foundation of the ethnological analy- ess of blending of peoples and cultures.
sis of culture. The case for the value of Few will perhaps hesitate to accept this
magico-religious institutions is not much position, but I expect my next proposition
stronger. Here, again, in Melanesia there to meet with more scepticism, and yet I be-
is little doubt that whole cults can pass lieve it to be widely, though not univer-
from one people to another without any sally, trueY This proposition is that the
real intermixture of peoples. I do not social structure, the framework of society,
wish to imply that such religious insti'tu- is still more fundamentally important and
tions can pass from people to people with still less easily changed except as .the re-
the ease of material objects, but to point sult of the intimate blending of peoples,
out that there is evidence that they can and and for that reason furnishes by far the
do so pass with very little, if any, admixture firmest foundation on which to base the
of peoples or of the deeper and more fun- process of analysis of culture. I can not
damental elements of the culture. Much hope to establish the truth of this proposi-
more important is language, and if you tion in the course of a brief address, and I
will think over the actual conditions when propose to draw your attention to one line
one people either visit or settle among of evidence only.
another, this. greater importance will be At the present moment we have before
obvious. Let us imagine a party of Mela- our eyes an object-lesson in the spread of
nesians visiting a Polynesian island, stay- our own people ver the earth 's surface,
ing there for a few weeks and then return- and we are thus able to study how externai
ing home ( and here I am not taking a fic- influence a:ffects different elements of cui-
titious occurrence but one which really ture. What we find is that mere contact is
happens). w can readily understand able to transmit much in the way of mate-
rial culture. A passing vessel which does
that the ;visitors may take with them their
not even anchor may be able to trans{uit
betel mixture and thereby introduce the
iron, while European weapons may be
custom of betel-chewing in to a new home;
used by people who have never even seen a
we can readily understand that they may
white man. Again, missionaries introduce
introduce an ornament to be worn in the
the Christian religion among people who
nos e and another to be worn on the chest; can not speak a word of English or any
that tales that they tell will be remembered, language but their own, or only use such
and dances they perform will be imitated. European words as have been found neces-
A few Melanesian words may pass into the sary to express ideas or objects connected
language of the Polynesian island, espe- with the new religion. There is evidence
cially as names for the objects or processes how readily language may be affected, and
which the strangers have introduced, but here again the present day suggests a
it is incredible that the strangers should mechanism by which such a change takes
thus in a short visit produce any extensive place. English is now becoming the lan-
change in the vocabulary and still more guage of the Pacific and other parts of the
that they sh~mld modify the structure of world, through its use as a lingua franca,
the language. Such changes can never be 13 There are definite exeeptions in Melanesia;
-the result of mere contact or transient plaees where the social strncture has been trans
settlement, but must always indicate a far formed, though the aneient language persista.
394 SCIENCE [N. S. VoL. XXXIV. No. 874

which enables natives who speak different European settlers on them for more than a
languages to converse not only with Euro- century, a most important position in the
peans, but with one another, and I believe community is occupied by the father's
that this has often been the mechanism in sister. 14 If any native of these islands were
the past; that, for instance, the introduc- asked who is the most important person
tion of what we now call the Melanesian in the determination of his life history, he
structure of language was due to the fact would answer, "My father's sister," and
that the language of the immigrant people yet the p1ace of this relative in the social
who settled in a region of great linguistic structure has remained absolutely unre-
diversity carne to be used as a lingua corded, and, I believe, absolutely unknown
franca, and thus gradually became the to the European settlers in these islands.
basis of the languages of the whole people. Again, Europeans have settled in Fiji for
But now let us turn to social structure. more than a century, and yet it is only
W e find in Oceania islands where Europeans during this summer that I have heard from
have been settled as missionaries or traders Mr. A. M. Hocart, who is working there at
perhaps for fifty or a hundred years; we present, that there is the clearest evidence
find the people wearing European clothes of what is known as the dual organization
and European ornaments, using European of society as a working social institution at
utensils, and even European weapons when the present time. How unobtrusive such a
they fight ; we find them holding the beliefs fundamental fact of social structure may
and practising the ritual of a European re- be comes home to me in this case very
ligion ; we find them speaking a European strongly, for it wholly eluded my own ob-
language often even among themselves, and servation during a visit three years ago.
yet investigation shows that much of their Lastly, the most striking example of the
social structure remains thoroughly native permanence of social structure which I
and uninfluenced not only in its general have met is in the Hawaiian Islands.
form, but often even in its minute details. There the original native culture is re-
The externai influence has swept away the duced to the merest wreckage. So far as
whole material culture, so that objects of material objects are concerned, the people
native origin are manufactured only to sell are like ourselves; the old religion has
to tourists; it has substituted a wholly new gone, though there probably still persists
religion and destroyed every material, if some of the ancient magic. The people
not every moral, vestige of the old; it has themselves have. so dwindled in number,
caused great modification and degenera- and the political conditions are so altered,
tion of the old language; and yet it may that the social structure has also neces-
have left the social structure in the main sarily been greatly modified, and yet I was
untouched. And the reasons for this are able to ascertain that one of its elements,
clear. Most of the essential social structure an element which I believe to form the
of a people lies so below the surface, it is deepest layer of the foundation, the very
so literally the foundation of the whole life bedrock of social structure, the system of
of the people that it is not seen; it is not relationship, is still in use unchanged. I
obvious, but can only be reached by patient was able to obtain a full account of the
and laborious exploration. I will give a system as actually used at the present time,
few specific instances. In several islands and found it to be exactly the same as that
of the Pacific, some of which have had 14 See Folk-Lore, 1910, XXI., 42.

recorded forty years ago by Morgan and must furnish a necessary preliminary to
Hyde, and I obtained evidence that the any general evolutionary speculations,
system is still deeply interwoven with the there is one element of culture which has
intimate mental life of the people. so relatively high a degree of permanence
If, then, social structure has this funda- that its course of development may furnish
mental and deeply seated character, if it is a guide to the order in time of the different
the least easily changed and only changed elements into which it is possible to analyze
as the result either of actual blending of a given complex.
peoples or of the most profound political If the development of social structure is
changes, the obvious inference is that it is thus to be taken as a guide to assist the
with social structure that we must begin process of analysis, it is evident that there
the attempt to analyze culture and to as- will be involved a logical process of consid-
certain how far community of culture is erable complexity in which there will be
due to the blending of peoples, how far the danger of arguing in a circle. If, how-
to transmission through mere contact or ever, the analysis of culture is to be the
transient settlement. primary task of the anthropologist, it is
The considerations I have brought for- evident that the logical methods of the sci-
ward have, however, in my opinion, an im- ence will attain a complexity far exceeding
portance still more fundamental. If social those hitherto in vogue. I believe that the
institutions have this relatively great de- only logical process which will in general
gree of permanence, if they are so deeply be found possible will be the formulation
seated and so closely interwoven with the of hypothetical working schemes into which
deepest instincts and sentiments of a people the facts can be fitted, and that the test of
that they can only gradually suffer change, such schemes will be their capacity to fit in
will not the study of this change give us with themselves, or, as we generally express
our surest criterion of what is early and it, "explain" new facts as they come to our
what is late in any given culture, and knowledge. This is the method of other
thereby furnish a guide for the analysis of sciences which deal with conditions as com-
culture? Such criteria of early and late plex as those of human society. In many
are necessary if we are to arrange the cul- other sciences these new facts are discov-
tural elements reached by our analysis in ered by experiment. In our science they
order of time, and it is very doubtful must be found by exploration, not only of
whether mere geographical distribution it- the cultures still existent in living form,
self will ever furnish a sufficient basis for but also of the buried cultures of past ages.
this purpose. I may remind you here that And here is the hopeful aspect of our
before the importance of the comple:xity of subject. I believe our present store of
Melanesian culture had forced itself ou my facts, at any rate on the less' material sides
mind, I had already succeeded in tracing of culture, to form but a very small part
out a course for the development of the of that which is yet to be obtained, and will
structure of Melanesian society, and after be obtained unless we very wilfully neglect
the complexity of the culture had been es- our opportunities. W aiting to be collected
tablished, I did not find it necessary to there is a vast body of knowledge by means
alter anything of essential importance in of which to test the truth of schemes of the
this scheme. I suggest, therefore, that history of mankind, not only of his migra-
while the ethnological analysis of cultures tions and settlements, but of the institu-
396 SCIENCE [N. S. VoL. XXXIV. No. 874

tions and objects which have arisen at dif- nesia, it is even now only from the old men
ferent stages of this history and developed that any trustworthy informatin can be
into various forms throughout the world. obtained, and it is no exaggeration to say
And this brings me to my concluding that with the death of every old man there
topic. I have tried to show that any and in many other places there goes, and
speculations concerning the history of hu- goes forever, knowledge the disappearance
man institutions can only have a sound of which the scholars of the future will re-
basis if cultures have first been analyzed gret as the scholars of the past regretted
:into their component elements, but I do not such an event as the disappearance of the
wish for one moment to depreciate the im- library of Alexandria. There is no other
portance of attempts to seek for the origin science which is in quite the same position.
and early history of human institutions. The nervous system of an animal, the
'ro me the analysis of culture is merely the metabolism of a plant, the condition of the
means to an end which would have little South Pole, for instance, wili a hundred,
interest if it did not show us the way to or even a thousand, years hence be essen-
the proper understanding of the history of tialiy what they are to-day, but long before
human institutions. The importance of the the shorter of those times has passed, most,
facts of ethnology in the study of civilized if not ali, of the lower cultures now found
culture is now generaliy recognized. Y ou on different parts of the earth will have
can hardly take up a modern work dealing wholiy disappeared or have suffered such
with any aspect of human thought and change that little will be learned from
activity without finding reference to the them. Fortunately the need for ethno-
customs and institutions of savage or bar- graphical research is now forcing itself on
barous peoples. It is becoming recognized the attention of those who have to deal with
that a study of these hel ps us to understand savage or bar,barous peoples. Statesmen
much that is obscure in our own institu- have begun to recognize the practical im-
tions or in those of other great civilizations portance of knowledge of the institutions
of the present or the past. Further, there of those they have to govern, and mission-
can be no doubt that we are only at the ary societies are beginning to see, what
threshold of a new movement in learning every wise missionary has long known, that
which is being opened by this comparative it is necessary to understand the ideas and
study. customs of those whose lives they are try-
It is a cruel irony that just as the impor- ing to reform. Still, we must not be con-
tance of the facts and conclusions of eth- tent with these more or less official move-
nological research is thus becoming recog- ments. There is ample scope, indeed urgent
nized, and just as we are beginning to need, for individual effort and for non-
learn sound principies and methods for use official enterprise. It is not all who can
both in the field and in the study, the go into the field and do the needed work
material of our science is vanishing. Not themselves, but there are none who can not
only is the march of our own civilization in some way help to promote ethnograph-
into the hitherto undisturbed places of the ical research. W e have before us one of
earth more rapid than it has ever been be- those criticai occasions which must be
fore, but this advance has made more easy seized at once if they are to be seized at ali:
the spread of other destroying agencies. the occasion of a need which to future gen-
In many parts of such a region as Mela- erations will seem to have been so obvious
8EPTEliWER 29, 1911] SCIENOE 397

that its neglect will be held an enduring oldest bark it takes the forro of yellow or
reproach to the science of our time. orange lines. Later the color turns to a much
W. H. R. RIVERS deeper yellow and finally brown of deepening
shades. Within the pustules, the perithecia
are found closely clustered, sometimes ap-
THE NEW CHEBTNUT BARK DISEASE pressed. In outline thay are not unlike the
IN the latter part of the year 1904 Mr. H. long-necked gourd, or a glass water-bottle.
W. Merkel discovered in the Bronx: Botanical The walls of the neck of a perithecium are
Garden a new and peculiar forro of attack on black, glistening, and, when cut across, have
the American wild chestnut tree, Oastanea the sheen of anthracite coai. Within the
dentata. Prior to the finding of the cause of perithecia are the elongated sacs or asci con-
the infection, it had been noticed that this taining the spores, always eight in number,
tree seemed to be in an abnorroal condition. usually arranged in two rows, glassy and some-
A study of the infection was then under- what constricted across the short diameter.
taken and culturas were successfully made. The largest of the asci will measure about
It was determined, after its life history was 10 X50 microns; the contained winter spores
better understood, that the attack was caused sometimes as much as 5 X 10 microns. Two
by a fungus, or a plant of fungoid natura, one forros of spores are found, as in many other
of the Pyrenomycetes, a largar order of low- fungi. The summer spores are produced in
type plants, containing some of our most in- golden yellow threads protruded from the
jurious fungi. The fungi in this order are dome of the pustule, usually much twisted
known to attack not only other plants, but and rarely found over a half inch in length: .
insects. Other well-known examples of this These summer spores, with dimensions not
order of fungi are black knot of the plum more than a fifth of those of the winter forro,
and ergot of rye. are exceedingly minute. By abrasion, action
The chestnut blight has been identified by of rainfall, or other causes, they are scattered
Professor Murrill as one of the genus Dia- about continuously during the growing season.
porthe named by him parasitica, and botanic- It has been shown that the summer spores
ally described in Torreya, Vol. 6, No. 9, for are of a sticky, gelatinous character. They are
September, 1906. Some doubt has recently therefore peculiarly adapted to be carried
been thrown about the genus to which it be- about on the feet of insects, squirrels, or birds.
longs. Because of its forroation of ascospores Much of the heretofore inexplainable isolated
within well-defined perithecia it is agreed that spot infection must be attributed to such
it rightfully belongs among the Pyrenomy- means of distribution, and less to wind action.
cetes. Its peculiar parasitic habit, however, But a spore covered with minuta dust particles
is suflicient to cast some doubt upon the desig- could just as easily be wind sown, as if it
nation of the genus. No other well-known were originally of a scarious natura.
Diaporthe is parasitic. They are saprophytes. Entrance into a new host may be effected
Because of its economic importance, almost through slight wounds in the bark, broken
vicious persistency and deadly habits with re- twig ends. or through insect tunnels, carried
spect to its host, the wild chestnut, it might there by the insect itself. It was formerly
well be assigned to a new genus erected within believed that it entered only by these means.
the order. For a new generic name, the idea During the survey made along the main line
contained in the Greek Nucpwut (nikrosis), a of the Pennsylvania Railroad in the fali of
slaughtering unto extinction, would not be 1910, by the Pennsylvania Department of For-.
beside the fact. estry, numerous instances were found where
The exterior appearance of this fungus first it seemed to have enacted through the lenticels
is numerous yellow pustules on the smooth of the bark, without insect aid or previous
bark of the tree. In the deep cracks of the traumatism. It was also believed that the

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