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Does Time Spent on Activities Affect Sleep and/or GPA?

Group D1 - Ryne Miller, Matt Alexander, Rylie Fields

EDT 180D

Dr. Gary Lewallen

19 April, 2017

The topic that was researched was the connection between the amount of time an

individual spends on activities and amount of sleep as well as grade point average. 128 people
Group D1; Does Time Spent on Activities Affect Sleep and/or GPA?

were asked their gender, current year of schooling, GPA, how many hours of sleep they get, how

many hours they spend at activities weekly, whether or not they have a job, and if so how many

hours they spend at their job weekly. The survey was given using a Google Docs form.

In this graph we gathered gave ranges to our respondents for what GPA they have right now from

zero to 4.0 and above. We had 128 total respondents who answered and we found a majority of

them were in the 3.0 to 3.99 GPA range. We had about 75 people in that range while the rest were

scattered around the board. We only had about three people in the 0 to 1.99 range and only about

14 in the 4.0 and above range. So most people were in between that around the average we found

which was a 3.20 GPA.

Group D1; Does Time Spent on Activities Affect Sleep and/or GPA?

In this graph we recorded the hours our respondents spent on activities during the week. We gave

them ranges starting from 0 to 8. The bulk of our respondents did 0-3.99 hours of activity per

week. About 87 students were in this category while 24 students were in the 4-7.99 hours of

activity and only 17 people had above 8 hours of activity to do. From this data we found the

average amount of hours spent on activities which was 3.86.

Group D1; Does Time Spent on Activities Affect Sleep and/or GPA?

This graph we recorded the amount of sleep each student gets per night. We gave ranges starting

from zero amounts of sleep to 10 hours of sleep. Most people were in the 7-10 range of hours of

sleep per night. About 71 students got 7-10 basically the rest of the students got 4-6 hours of

sleep with only one student reporting having gotten 0-3 hours of sleep. We found the average

amount of sleep these students get per night is around 6.8.

In this chart we took the data we had gathered from the other charts and put them together to see

some comparisons. We took the Average amount of hours spent on activities and compared it to

Group D1; Does Time Spent on Activities Affect Sleep and/or GPA?

the average amount of hours students get to sleep. What we found is that when students have a

below average amount of activities to do more students get an above average amount of sleep.

When we look at an above average amount of activities given the amount of sleep is about the

same with just slightly more students getting above average sleep. But that number is almost

insignificantly small so we found the below average activities gave better results for our data.

In this chart much like the last one we took the data we gathered from the first three charts and

applied them to this one. We wanted to see what the affect of numbers spent at activities was on

your GPA. When having a below average amount of activities most students had a below average

GPA which was 3.20. When students had an above average amount of time spent on activities

most students showed an above average GPA.

Group D1; Does Time Spent on Activities Affect Sleep and/or GPA?

In this chart we found the amount of people who do activities outside of school that or non job

related. Out of the 128 respondents 67 people responded they do non job activities. 61 people

responded that they did not engage in non job activities. So most people outside of school did not

work on something job related.

In this graph we marked down how many hours a week on average do people spend at their jobs

if they have jobs. 61 people didnt respond yet about if they had jobs and the rest were scattered

numbers. We concluded that the numbers of hours worked has no effect on the GPA.

Group D1; Does Time Spent on Activities Affect Sleep and/or GPA?

This graph is simply a questionnaire asking what sex you were and the options were male,

female, prefer not to say, or other and everyone answered either male or female.

This Graph was asking whether or not people had jobs and 61 said no while 67 said they did.

Group D1; Does Time Spent on Activities Affect Sleep and/or GPA?

This final graph here was just asking what class everyone was in. There were 8 seniors, 25

juniors, 28 sophomores, and 67 freshman.

We first got some basic information from students about what class they were in and what

their GPAs were. There was a much larger amount of Freshmen that took the survey than any

other class and we gave them ranges of GPAs starting from 0 to 4.0 or above. Most people got in

the range of 3.0 to 3.99 which means most students we found held a B average. We took the

information we found from the GPAs and found the average, mode, median, maximum, and

minimum for all the results. We found that the average GPA was a 3.20 with the highest being a

4.25 and the lowest being a 1.0. We also found the amount of hours spent doing activities outside

of school. With ranges from zero to above eight and we compared that data to your GPA and the

amount of sleep you get. We found the average amount of time spent at activities was about 3.86

hours weekly and saw how it affected GPA and sleep. We also gave ranges for hours of sleep per

night starting from zero to ten. We then compared those numbers that we got to number of hours

Group D1; Does Time Spent on Activities Affect Sleep and/or GPA?

spent on activities to see how they would affect each other. We found that 46 people had a below

average GPA when doing more than the average amount of activities and only 14 had an above

average GPA. We did find however that more people had above average hours of sleep compared

to less hours of sleep when doing an above average amount of activities. So we found that when

comparing amount of activities and how that affects sleep you get more sleep and it might not

directly correlate. But when we compared the amount of time spent on activities to GPA it

greatly affected it because more time spent on outside activities means less time spent on

academics which in turn lowers your GPA. Basically the more activities you do the better your

GPA will be but the less amount of activities you have the more sleep you will get. If we were to

do this differently next time we would not mess up our own data. We manually tried to enter our

data we found on how many credit hours people were taking and we were going to use that to

compare and see how it affected GPA and sleep. But we lost all the data because it was entered in

wrong and we couldn't use any of the data. So if we were going to do something differently it

would be to be more careful and not mess up some valuable data that we could have used to

enhance the project and charts and everything.

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