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Hue Xiong

I take great pride in the volunteer work that I do for the Merced Police Department Explorers.

In this program, I am taught different leadership qualities and I am also exposed to different scenarios

that a police officer may go through. By being in these types of scenarios, it really shows me what an

officer goes through everyday that they are working. Through this program, we also help serve the

community during public events such as school graduations, parades, or school activities.

I have participated in this program for four years now and will be resigning in June because I will

be moving to Fresno to attend Fresno State. The four years that I have been in this program have really

help shape who I am today and it continues to do so. I am held to a high standard and I am expected to

uphold and respect any tasks give to me. In this program, competitions are held every year that includes

other programs in Merced County. At these competitions, we are tested as small teams or individually.

We are tested upon our abilities in certain scenarios such as a felony vehicle stop, an obstacle course, or

an active shooter. Over the four years I have been in this program, Ive attended 2 competitions and

brought back three medals altogether. My first year that I competed, my team and I brought home a 1st

place trophy for shoot house. My second year, I brought home a third place trophy for obstacle course

and second place for shoot house. In each different scenarios, you are competing against six to 12

groups or individuals, for example, for the obstacle course, I competed against 12 people.

The things that I have accomplished in this have brought me a great sense of pride. I take pride

in not only the things that I have achieved physically, but intellectually.

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