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Abnormal Study Guide Exam 1

What follows are some general areas to review for the exam. Note, however, that anything that we have
discussed in lecture or that is covered in the text for Chapters 1 & 3 is fair game.

Abnormal Behavior
Know the approaches to defining abnormality
Know the harmful dysfunction approach
Medical model (including criticisms)
Be able to contrast the medical model with psychological models
Know a general timeline of the history of the conception/treatment of mental illness
Advent of psychogenic theories

Diagnosis and Assessment

what is the process of assessment and diagnosis
criticisms of DSM diagnosis
model underlying the DSM as a diagnostic tool
Know how to apply DSM multiaxial assessment
Reliability and validity of diagnosis
Know the strengths, weakness, and theory behind the major types of assessment
Projective hypothesis
Psychometric approach

Basic assumptions of the behavioral approach
Mechanisms of learning: thorndike, skinner, Pavlov, & Watson
Know the basic components of pavlovian/respondent and operant conditioning
Criticisms of behavioral approach

how is abnormal behavior viewed from the cognitive perspective
Know the basics of Ellis and Becks models
How does cognitive therapy work?

three principles of the psychodynamic perspective
know the functions and provinces of the topographical and structural models of mind
function of anxiety and defense mechanisms
know generally what the selected defense mechanisms do
know generally freuds psychosexual stage theory
know the psychodynamic perspective on abnormality and treatment
know generally the contributions of the revisionists

Be able to explain person-centered therapy
Know basic components of self-actualization
Know generally the critical elements of this approach

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