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Lesly Soto

May 2, 2017

Professor Dinsmore


Impact of Social Media

Social media has made it okay for teens to expose their intimacy and personal lifestyles

online because of the fame brought by exposure. Celebrities are models for these actions and

these actions have pressured teens to grow a desire for social acceptance and fame. Teens begin

to create a false identity that is based on societys expectations. As a result, teens may begin to

sext. Sexting consists of sending revealing pictures, sexually intimate messages, or posting

exposing pictures online for attention and fame. Most of these lavish and famous lifestyles

portrayed online have influenced teens to do the same. Many celebrities expose their taste in

music, fashion trends, and lifestyles which then influence teens to live up to certain expectations.

The new generation of pop culture portrayed online consists of drugs, profanity, expensive

fashion trends, and expected roles. This is a conflict because not everyone can meet those

expectations. For example, this can be damaging in the way that teenage girls feel the need to

expose themselves for likes, fame, and attention. When a girls photo is forwarded to an

unintended audience she may feel intense betrayal and shame, and may experience severe social

consequences that lead to anxiety, depression, and emotional distress. These actions harm self-

acceptance, by wanting to create a socially constructed identity rather than their own identity.

These expectations also affect how teens compare themselves to others. Teens become unhappy

with themselves once they see others being prettier, having nicer things, expensive clothes, and

having more fun than them. Expectations are set higher and disappointment levels are increased
which may trigger depression and prejudice. Consequently, social media pressures teens to make

false socially constructed identities instead of allowing them to be comfortable with themselves

and not falling into its trends.

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