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There are four sections in the TOEFL IBT, they are reading, listening, speaking

and writing, each section have a determined number of tasks and time for
solving. For the test to be approved some tips have to be knew for a person
who is going to take the exam. Its important to have a solid English fondations,
consult the TOEFL web page for know all about the exam, have a schedule for
your study activities, sleep enough time especially the last few days before the
exam, make typing practices, be familiar with the test structure, relax the
night before the test; last minute study wont help you, use the time wisely
during the presentation, know that in the multiple choice question is possible
discard the distractors (usually they are two answers) and guess the answer
when the correct one is not knew and take a short break for breath when the
person Is becoming stressed.

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