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Book Study January 11, 2017

Present : Kim G., Kim S., The Best Amy, Deb Daig, Shelley, Jodi, Amy G.,
Sharon and Nicole P.

Not Present: ANNE PRINTUP, Kristie

Three Important Points -

You need more than a single source of evidence**
The evidence has to be based on goals**
It has to be timely, specific, understandable with adjustable
Dont score pre-assessments, dont count it towards a grade
Inauthentic vs Authentic Work
6 Facets of Understanding
Students with attention problems may struggle with vocabulary
The GRASPS Frame goal, role, audience, situation, products,
standards **
The Figures on 102-105 How to Build a Flexible and Differentiated
Classroom **

Agreed With Your Thinking -

Give students appropriate ways to demonstrate their skills,
knowledge and understanding (not all assessments work for all kids)
Problems with a single test is used to make high-stakes decisions***
The teacher is always aware of the melody (curriculum goals) but
finds many different ways to the melody. pg 89
More than a single source of evidence***
Assessment Photo Album
We should be using students strengths to determine the path we take
when teaching*
Share standards, goals and expectations, so kids know why they are
Circling -
How do you use assessment choice boards for young kids?**
How do we offer appropriate choices for kindergarten (ex. Letters
and sounds)?
Time as a district to develop these assessments. **
How do you make it all work?*
How do we connect this with EveryDay Math?***
How are you going to help us do this? The book study should not
just be done. What is the support structure?

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