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To know how antenna works, we should first review some

fundamentals. Start from electron flow and magnetic field. A radio wave is a
combination of magnetic and electrical fields and its referred as an
electromagnetic wave. James Maxwell say that if the electric field is varied
quite rapidly itll produce another magnetic field in all directions and the
whole process continues with these fields expanding and extending further
and further away from the source. It is how electromagnetic wave or radio
wave is produced.

To start the process, rapidly varying current is made to flow in a wire

and produces the first magnetic field so that wire is the transmitting
antenna. To receive a radio wave, either the electric field or the magnetic
field portion the radio wave can be used, and most commonly in mobile radio
work, the electrical field is used. If a wire is placed on the same direction and
there is an electrical field around, there will be difference in voltage from one
end of the wire and the other and the current will flow since there are
electrons free to move in the wire. If the receiver is connected somewhere in
the circuit, current will flow in the receiver circuit and the receiver will
respond to the radio. The magnetic field can also be used if there is a coil
placed in the direction of the magnetic field. The magnetic field of radio
wave will induce a voltage in this coil which can be used to operate a

Connections of the dipole are usually made in the center although its
possible to feed it from one end with some suitable impedance matching
device. Antennas are made to be attuned or resonant lengths for best
efficiency. In case of transmitting antenna, to get the strongest possible radio
wave, we wish to have the maximum possible current flowing in the antenna
but the natural inductance of the antenna may raise the impedance.

If the antenna is vertical, the minimum radiation is straight out

horizontally and so its not very useful for mobile communication. Antennas
longer than one wavelength have the radiation pattern separate and even
additional maximum and minimum. So, this is the reason why you normally
wont find individual antenna longer than one wavelength.

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