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Chandler Earl


Communication 1010


After taking this course I have learned so many new things that I know I will be able

to use to my advantage throughout my life. I noticed after taking this class that I

have a lot more confidence talking to people and furthering my education I know

there will be a lot of interaction with professors, students etc., and I now have that

confidence to communicate with them properly because of this class. I learned how

to effectively give reports and what to include in my speeches and visual aids and

that is a major advantage to have especially in the workforce with companies

always having meetings. Thus far this class has felt like it has given me more of an

edge in the workforce and has prepared me for the real world. I am so very grateful

for being able to take this class and having the professor I had for this class and I

will use all of my knowledge I gained from this class to my advantage moving on.

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