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1.How have your values changed over the semester, if at all?

I feel like when I came into this class, I wasnt 100% sure what my values
were. This class might not have changed them, but they did help shape them.

2. How have your morals evolved over the semester, if at all?

No, my morals have stayed the same throughout this semester.

3. Do you pay more attention to the news? Why or why not?

I dont really pay more attention to the news, but I do pay more attention to
my mom when she tells me something interesting that she saw on the news. I still
find it as pointless as I did before taking this class and my politics class.

4. Do you see any dangers in which way the news is presented to us

after taking this course?

I feel like news in todays world is so biased no matter what channel you
watch that you cant really get the full story.

5. Would you consider yourself a critical thinker? Do you assess

things differently now after taking this course?

I always thought of myself as a critical thinker. Before this class, I just didnt
know there was a name for it. I dont assess anything differently; my way of thinking
of things has stayed the same.

6. Are you more aware of our individual differences and challenges

after discussing identity and privilege?

Difference in privilege is something I saw everyday because of whom I am

and where I was born. I have always understood that some of us are more privileged
than others; this class didnt really change that.

7. How much do you now and/or still rely on the Internet for
information? Are you more cautious?

I rely on the internet for information just as much as before this semester
started, I am however, more cautious about what I read now. I just make sure that
the same information is found in multiple sources if I believe that that it is fake

8. Would you consider yourself a philosopher, a lover of wisdom and

No. I like to know different things that interest me that might be put under a
philosopher type category, but I do not consider myself a philosopher.

9. After taking this course, have you found new ideas, people,
topics, etc. that gives your life more meaning?

Not particularly. I have made new friends, but I really do not know if they will
last past this semester. I have found new interesting topics and people, but they
dont exactly give my life more meaning.

10. Are you still sleepwalking through life? Or are you awake a bit

As of right now, I do think that I am still sleepwalking through life, and until I
am stable financially, and emotionally, I will continue to do so. Not because I want
to, but because I dont have much of a choice at the moment.

11. In what ways can thinking about your own death this semester
impacted the way you live?

It makes it so I try to live more in the moment, and try to make more plans
with friends.

12. Do you have a better understanding of your purpose in life?

I think I have more of an understanding of purpose in life, but not the purpose
of MY life.

13. What are you most grateful for? Are you more grateful now in

I am most grateful for my family, friends and living situations. I am more

grateful now, but I dont know exactly how much this class as impacted that.

14. One of the best ways to make yourself happy is to make other
people happy. Have you done that over the semester to make
others happy, if anything?

Not really, no. I lived my life for a little while always trying to make others
happy, and then I realized I wasnt happy. I changed that this year, and I focused
more on myself than on others.

15. How much of your happiness depends on how good things are
going with Work/Career/School? Why? Has it stayed the same or
changed over the semester?
It has almost everything to do with my happiness, seeing as that is practically
my entire life at the moment. It has changed for the better, but not too much.

16. Overall, what have your learned from this course, if anything?

I didnt really learn anything, but this class did reinforce what I already knew
about myself, and what I believe in.

17. What was your favorite topic discussed this semester?

The privilege topic.

18. What was your least topic discussed this semester?

Happiness Chapter

19. What final insight or message did you take from this course?

To make sure you understand other people before you make any sort of
judgment or comment.

20. Any personal message to me as the instructor?

Sadly, it was very obvious who your favorites in the class were. I dont
think it is fair to let them talk over others while we are doing a class
discussion. Your attitude is also a bit overwhelming. You tend to be very rude
towards those who are late. I know from personal experiences that those who
are late are not always slackers. I for one have to take my little brother to
school on Fridays and that usually makes me about 10 min late for my first
class every single Friday. It really frustrated me when we all herd you audibly
sigh because a couple students walked in couple minutes late at the same

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