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Name: ___________________________________ Grade: _________

I.-Comple these sentences. ( Past Simple)

a.- He _______ ( watch ) Tv. yesterday

b.-They_______( swim) in the pool yesterday ( -)

c.- We ________( write) a letter yesterday

d.- Cristopher _________( marry) Felipa in 1479

e.-It _________( change) his name To San Salvador( -)

f.- He __________(try) to discover a Sea route to India

II.- tell me What are you going to do on vacation ( future)



III.- Complete the sentences using ( any, some, a ,an)

a.- I need ________ egg for the cake

b.- I need ________sugar for the cookies

c.-I do not need ________apples for the Pie

d.-I need __________milk for the juice

IV.- Match the container to the tems

1.- a jar of a.- flour

2.- a slice of b.- fruit

3.-a kilo of c.- juice

4.- a jug of d.-jam

5.- a basket of e.- ham

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