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Saudi Arabia has used up all its groundwater

after three decades of irrational farming
practices in desert and will soon need to import
all its food in the near future.
350 million years ago, there existed a 20-foot
tall mushroom in Saudi Arabia. It was likely the
largest living thing on dry land at that time.
A few hundred years back, women in Turkey
could legally divorce their husbands if he didnt
provide them with enough coffee.
The coffee term mocha derives its name from
the city of Mocha, Yemen.
Sheep commit mass suicide. The largest
recorded instance was in 2005, in Turkey where
1,500 sheep followed each other over the edge
of a cliff resulting in 450 deaths and
approximately $100,000 in losses to the families
who owned them.


295 million people, equivalent to 16.8% of the

total population, are undernourished.
Climate change and later weather events have
an impact on the population in Asia.
People are interested in reaching South Asia
because of the many exotic items available for
trade, such as, nutmeg, ginger, cloves and
Agriculture employs about 60 percent of the
labor force in south Asia
Agricultural growth in South Asia is less than 3
percent, which is far below the growth rates of
other economic sectors.

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