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Lay-up form (Right and Left hand lay-up)

- Step with ball side foot
- Step with non-ball side foot
- Hop off non-ball side foot
- Push ball of backboard
Practice 10 lay-ups (5 on each side)

Closing Activity:
Station 1: HORSE
- Students will practice shooting and lay-ups
- One student goes first taking a shot
- If shot is made, remaining students must make the same shot or
receive a letter of the word HORSE
- If shot is missed, the next student has an opportunity to make their
own shot of choice
- Once HORSE is spelt that student is out
Station 2: Lay-Up Lines
- Students will start at the top of the 3-point line and perform a lay-up
starting on the right side
- After lay-up is attempted they then go to the left side atop of the 3-
point line
- Students alternate taking lay-ups

Station3: Around the World

- Students start at the marker on the floor closest to the basket
- After each successful shot they move to the next marker
- If the shot is missed they must go back one space until the make it
- If student makes it all the way around to the other side, they must
then work their way back

Station 4: Downtown Shooting

- Students start close to basket taking shots starting on the line
- After each made basket they move back a line
- If the make it to last time they then go backwards and move up
after each shot

Split students up into groups of 4

P: Students will be able to perform form shooting and the lay-up using BEEF
and the step-step-hop pattern during the practice activities and stations
C: Students will be able to define what the acronym for BEEF is during the
shooting stations.

A: Students will be able to demonstrate good sportsmanship towards partner

and opponents during game play

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