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Imogen Howden

1.) Inquiry search details

Topic: Why kids dont go outside anymore
Lines of Inquiry: Is the rise of technology negatively impacting the youth of the world?
Problems to Explore: How has the rise of technology impacted children growing up in todays
society? What are the positive aspects of technology? Should parents limit access to technology
during certain ages of growth?
Exigency: The recent spike in technology may hinder certain aspects of childrens growth.
Keywords: growth, children, technology, positive, negative, hinder
Example Search Strings: Negative impact of technology on children, positive impact of
technology on children, why dont kids go outside anymore, parenting tips on technology access

2.) Article Knowledge 1

Publication Source: The U.S.D.A initiated the National Kids Survey to address this problem.
Publication Reputation: By Journal of Park and Recreation Administration
Writers: Lincoln r. Larson, Gary T. Green, H.K. Cordell
Synopsis Write-up: The articles main focus is to address the issue of why children dont go
outside anymore. The authors did many surveys trying to figure out the statistics of the amount
of time children spend outside depending on race, gender, and age. The research on Childrens
Time Outdoor is very extent and goes into detail of the decline in childrens time outside. The
data analysis shows many charts and graphs on why children do not spend time outdoors, most
common outdoor activities, time spent outdoors each day, and demographics of gender, age, and

Article Knowledge 2
Publication Source: US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health
Publication Reputation: Government website
Writers: Daphne Bavelier, C. Shawn Green, Matthew W. G. Dye
Synopsis Write-up: This article goes into detail on the encounters of children with technology
in their everyday lives. The effects are addressed depending on the content and type of

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