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Imogen Howden

Personally, I write to get a grade. I dont write in my free time so writing to me is just a

repetitive thing where I have to follow enough rules to get a good grade. Of course I dont only

think writings only purpose is to be graded. I believe it is a way for some people to express

themselves, even if its not the way I choose to. The reason I have these preconceived notions

about writing and its purpose, is because I was never allowed to write about what I like in high

school. We always had to follow a strict prompt and follow all the rules.

Like David Crystal, I do have some experience with feeling misunderstood in certain

kinds of writings. For example, I find it hard to show tone over text so people might think Im

mad when Im just joking. I really only feel misunderstood in these minor ways because I dont

usually express my thoughts with pen and paper. I can understand where David Crystal is

coming from though when he talks about feeling misunderstood, maligned, and undervalued

because there are so many ways you can perceive one set of text.

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