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Jett Joncich

Mrs. Cox

English 9 Honors

22 March 2017
How Ambition Can Be Dangerous

What is ambition? What is it! Ambition is that feeling inside you to do something to the

extremities above a normal person.

Did you know ambition can help you achieve a more prestigious education and corporate

success. Well thats true but ambition does not guarantee happiness.

Emotions have causes and so do feelings. One of the causes of not being happy leads to

the bad sides of ambition.

Time! Time is a moment we should not waste and ambitions eats time up. As someones

ambition progresses, their time doing other things, declines.

Ambition is great for driving on lifes road, but if you take the ambition raod too far, you

will leave everything behind you and lose parts of people and things you love to do in life, as you

move farther along the road. Eventually, that road will end before a cliff and you will be falling

down the cliff, thinking Shoot, I went past all the exits.

Start by imagining a hard working dad who works 12-14 hours a day and never sees his

children. He is a scientist that has the ambition to work. His children never get to bond with

their dad, making them feel bad when he eventually passes away. They have the pitiful feeling

that they didn't know him enough before he passed away.

Some of you know what that feeling is like but some of you dont. Imagine that feeling

you feel when you did something wrong and it was all your fault. It is that feeling with death

involved and you feel it was your fault for letting your dad have too much ambition and not

enough bonding time. You cant stop ambition but other people can. If you have someone in

your family that never gets to bond with you because they are busy; at the right time tells them
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how good their work is and say they need a break. Ambitious people seek confidence and a

feeling of success, and that will make them listen to you because you see how their ambition is

paying off.

The consequences don't stop there. The person who has ambition gets consequences 5x

more. People who drive for too much ambition can just lose their family and friends. In Why

Ambitious people are less likely to be successful than anyone else Ambition is considered a

poison. Alex (a journalist )said he has lost friends and playing time because of ambition.

Friends and family are more important than a single skill. Ambitious people may think their skill

is their life, but how about the people with actual lives and are living, dont they matter.

Ambition can be so strong you cant even realize the people and opportunities you are losing.

You are getting trapped, with the poison in your system.

Ambition cannot just be from academics. Shane Mcconkey was one who had the

ambition to ski off cliffs. He was one of the best skiers in the world who skied off cliffs and did

amazing stunts. He was once jumping off an over 1000ft cliff because his ambition got him in

that very place. When he launched off, he was going strong until he yanked the handles to

release his skis. The right one popped off but the left one didnt pop off. Instead of doing what

a normal non ambitious person would do, pull the parachute, he thought he had time to untangle

the ski.He rapidly entangled the skis quickly but it was too late. His ambition turned black and

non existent after he finally looked to where the ground was. He didnt have time to pull his

parachute so he hit the ground and was fatal.

Ambition is not a toy! People in the community called him an irresponsible husband and

father and said hed brought it on him himself.

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Little do they know how he actually was to his family or maybe their right. A man dicing

with death daily just failed to spit out the poison. You cant let a tolerance of that poison build

on you.

Ambition is a poison with a mind of its own. A mind that guides you to do the craziest

things and establish more self confidence than you need. All Shane was, was just a role model to

show that the ambition poison is real and to not drink too much of it.

Be cautious and dont drink too much of that poison. Dont let ambition choose

your fate; to be an example of a user with ambition or to have ambition but know that, that

poison cannot ever take over your body!

Works Cited
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Heyne, Alexander. "Why the Ambitious Are the Least Likely to Be Successful." Milk the Pigeon

RSS. Milk the Pigeon, 24 Sep. 2012. Web. 22 Mar. 2017.

Hume, Tim. "Why Can Ambition Make You Rich but Not Happy." CNN. Cable News Network, 9

Mar. 2012, Web. 22 Mar. 2017.

Sohn, Tim. "The Life and Death of Shane Mcconkey." Outside, 29 June 2009. Web. 22 Mar.


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