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Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),

I would like to introduce myself, my name is Matthew Yetsko and I

am currently a student teacher in physical education with Mr. Szep. Im
originally from New Jersey but now reside in Connecticut and New
Hampshire. All my life I have been a huge fan and lover of baseballand
the New York Mets. I have been playing since I was five years old and
have helped coach several teams including a 12 year regional All-Star
team. So as a part of my student teaching, I must create and design a
unit plan and teach it. The unit I choose happens to be

Mr. Szep and I will be working with your children on skills and
concepts in class and applying them in into game play. Some of the skills
include hitting (with and without a tee), fielding, throwing, basic rules and
principles of baseball and kickball and many others.

I am writing home to you to get your permission for your

child/children to participate in a one day after school baseball clinic put on
by me, with some assistance.

Date: March 7th, 2017

Time: 3:45 pm 4:30 pm.

Plan: We would be working on the same skills that we are in class, but
with more focus on the baseball/softball application. Practicing drills and
different game situations. Applying the practiced skills in a closing game
of whiffle ball.

Baseball/softball Glove (not required, will supply)
Comfortable clothes
Positive attitude

Permission slip is due by February 24th, 2017. Please return to Mr. Szep or
Mr. Yetsko.

I, ___________________________, give, _____________________________,
permission to participate in Mr. Yetskos after school baseball clinic on March
7th, 2017 at 3:45pm.
Signature: ______________________________________________

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