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Joseph Whitley

Professor Raymond
UWRT 1104
10 April 2017

WP #10: Overview of the Semester Long Project

Throughout the semester, we have worked on our multi modal project. This

project has challenged us to research and discover different viewpoints, topics, and questions on

our topics. Our ideas on the direction we wanted to take have also changed throughout our


One way my research has taken me on a detour from my initial ideas is through the

location of the origins of NACAR. Originally, our group was going to research bootlegging and

its connection to NASCAR across the U.S. However, after extensive research, we have come to

see that NASCAR is exclusively linked to the south east. This was not exactly what we expected

because bootlegging was a common occurrence throughout the entire United States since

prohibition was enforced.

Even though My group and I were taken in a few different directions, for the most part, I

believe we stayed focused on our primary topic. A couple directions we researched included

prohibition, bootlegging, and the connection those had to NASCAR. Another direction some

research went into was the safety development of NASCAR over time. This was probably the

most interesting and surprising section of research because it was unique to our topic.

I think the one Student Learning Outcome that was easiest to accomplish was the critical

reflection. This is because we worked on reflections for nearly every paper, writing prompt, and

project. Over time I feel like I have developed a better sense of how to understand the work and

its criteria, and then reflect on it. I can definitely see an improvement on my writing skills and I

find it much easier to utilize the right combination of phrases, sentences, and grammar.

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